The Handover


"What?" I was taken aback by his carefree attitude. I would call it bullshit, but there was no fear in his eyes. No hesitation.

Somi's eyes widened in horror at his words, a silent plea for mercy shining in their depths. My grip on her tightened, but my mind raced, realizing the depths of Cyrus's composure. He really didn't care about his wife

"I was never fond of this woman." Cyrus said

"Darling?" Somi looked at her husband in utter disbelief, "What are you saying?"

"Your son is dead because you raised him to be an idiot." Cyrus said, "So I don't really care about him, or you, I just want the deed."

"You can't act like that! He was our son!" She shouted back at him and tried to move but I kept her in her place, pressing the claws into her skin which made her stop.

He scoffed, "Our son?" He looked at his wife with a pitiful gaze, "You think I don't know?" I felt her body shake when he said those words, "Hell, I think even Murim knew he wasn't my son, that's why he was so attached to his uncle."

"..." Somi had no words to offer but her eyes were wide open in fear.

I watched both of them calmly. Then my eyes met Seraphina's. She was looking at me with a fearful look in her eyes. I shook my head at her, telling her not to move.

"You can't do this to me!" Somi tried to resist but I kept the claws on her neck. To stop her from acting out, I pierced the tips into her skin.

She froze, "Cyrus!!"

He ignored her, "So when is your brother coming?" He asked

"How do you know all this," I kept my eyes on him, "You seem to know about our kind too."

He smirked, "I do, and I have a very strong informant."

I kept my eyes on him. I know it can't be anyone from my pack. Does he know someone from the human world? There are humans in charge of dealing with werewolf cases.

"You've killed enough of our people." Cyrus pulled his gun down, "How about we stop this?" But he didn't let Seraphina go.

"I can't do that," I eyed him, "Your men are still attacking mine."

"We may have more troops but your men are skilled." He smirked, "You've killed too many of ours already."

"I can't let Somi live," I said, "And neither can I let you live."

"Kill her then," He sighed. What the hell is he onto? "But you'll have to let me go."

"You're not going to stop either." I said, "You'll just bring back more people."

"I will stop," He pointed at me with the gun, "If you give me the casino deed."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You... I didn't notice it before, but there was this veil around her that a person wouldn't normally notice, "You're using magic?"

He let out a snicker, "You noticed," He looked at himself for a second, "Well now you know how we were able to get into your pack."

It makes sense. It must have hid their scent and their presence. Maybe even their physical forms.

"What?" I looked down at Somi, "Magic?" But it seems this woman has no idea.

"Look," Cyrus said, "It's fine if you kill all the men we brought here."

I frowned at him.

"What?!?" Somi yelled, "Are you out of your mind!??"

I stared at him. He brought all these men here knowing we're werewolves. He knew they'd all die.

He brought them here to have them killed.

And even Somi doesn't seem to have any idea.

"Looks like you hold no affection for your wife." I said.

"Look, if Somi dies, I inherit all the Soma's fortune," He scratched his head with the gun, "I'm the only one left. You and your brother killed the other two."


"Shut up!" He glared at his wife, "Because of you and your family, I was forced to marry at such a young age."

I always thought about it. Cyrus looked way younger than Somi

"I'll finally be free from you." Makes sense. Silas Soma was just like his sister as well, wanting to covet another person's child. He looked at me, "You can kill all of them. Just give me the deed, and I'll let your mate live."

He's even aware of mates.

"I have a reason to trust you." I said

"Don't you wonder how we found your pack?" He asked, "Wolf packs are well-hidden from humans after all."


"Wolf what?" Somi was confused but Cyrus wasn't.

"How do you know about us?" I glared at him.

"Don't be so wary of me." He maintained his smile, "I know because of my mate."


"Wait," It made sense, "You're a mate to a wolf."

"Bingo!" He smiled, "I'm abroad most of the time," He looked at Somi, "I met my soulmate there."

"You didn't!" Somi's blood started to boil, "You married someone else!!"

"I married someone I was destined to fall for." He snickered, "And unlike with you, I have two wonderful kids with her, that are indeed mine."

"You!!" She yelled, "Since when!?!?"

"Right from the start," He replied, "No, I met her even before I met you,"

Somi's soul was probably crushed. But then again, she should have treated him nicely. Maybe she would have gotten some of his affection but then she went ahead and had someone else's kid. Cyrus must have known from the start.

But all this time he was waiting for an opportunity like this so he won't be blamed and he'll be able to take over without a hitch. No one would question him since Somi is the one incharge and gives orders.

If he's a wolf's mate, that changes things. I won't have to kill him then.

"What guarantee do I have that you won't come back to annoy us?" I asked

"I have no reason to do it." He smiled, "Because of you and your pack, I'll be able to take over the Soma fortune. And the casino. On the contrary, I'd be thankful." He brought the gun back to Seraphina's head, "Just give me the deed, and our work is settled. You'll never have any trouble from the Soma's ever again. I give you my word."

"I'm going to kill you myself!!" Somi yelled at him, her eyes throwing daggers at her husband which he ignored.

I stared at him, "I told you I don't have it." I looked at Seraphina. I can't reach her in time even if I give it my all. And I know he won't hesitate to put a bullet through her head.

My wolf howled in my head, but there was nothing I could do at this time. If I had the deed, I would hand it over.

"I have it," Another voice made its way towards us


We all looked at the side and saw Matthew emerge from the shadows of the woods. He paused at an equal distance from both of us.

'Matt,' I linked my mind with his.

'I heard the whole thing,' He said,

'And you're fine with giving the deed to him? That casino earns billions,'

'It's fine,' He looked at me, 'Apparently the deed isn't the only thing we need to actually own it. It's useless.'

We both looked at Cyrus, "I'll consider the deal you're proposing." Matthew said, "Considering you're a human mate, we don't have to kill you either."

"So you'll hand over the deed," He asked

"You can have it," Matthew said, "But everyone else dies here."

"No objections," He smirked, "As long as you let me go,"

"You'll be free to go," Matthew replied

"Well then, hand over the deed."

"Cyrus!!" Somi called out his name, "You can't do this to me!"

"You know what," I withdrew my claws, "Kill her yourself," I pushed Somi to the side, "We'll give you the deed if the matter gets buried right here."


The sound of bullet firing echoed in the forest. Seraphina closed her eyes in fear, the bullet was fired right next from her so it made her ears ring. But Cyrus let her go and began to walk towards Matthew.

Somi dropped to the ground. He had made a clean shot, right in the middle of the head.

"You made a mistake last time," Cyrus smiled as he made his way towards Matt, "You better not leave any trace of her behind this time."

I ran to my mate. She went on her knees, her hands covering her ears as the ringing made its way to her head

"Your men don't mean anything to you either?" Matt asked as Cyrus stood across from him but at enough distance that Matthew couldn't kill him.

He shrugged, "I don't want them. I would rather recruit new people who are loyal to me."

Matthew threw the file to him and he caught it.

"I'll take care of the extended family." He looked at the deed, "You won't be bothered anymore."

"You are one ambitious person, you may have hated your wife, but did you not feel anything while killing her?" Matthew stared at him

"She was a xionist freak. You have no idea how many innocent kids murder she's responsible for. The somas send funding over to them and I plan to change that. This woman is going to burn in the pit of hell."

"What?" I was shocked to hear that but then I understood why he hated her so much and honestly, if I was in his place, I would do the same.

He turned around to leave, "Hope we never meet again,"

He walked into the forest confidently.

Matthew watched him as far as he could. Then he turned towards us.

'We're really going to let him go?' I asked, 'We have no proof of his words, he might be lying.'

'It's fine,' He said, 'I can't kill him, he's got a magic barrier on. He must have met up with a witch before he came here. And if he knows about witches, he might actually be telling the truth.'

I nodded.

'We're taking a risk.' I said, 'But considering how much he knows, he might be telling the truth.'

'We'll look into it.' He said, 'I'll have someone follow him and see if he's lying or not.'


"Are you alright?" I helped Seraphina up

She nodded as she stood up, "My head," She seemed a little disoriented, "My ears, they're ringing."

I picked her up in my arms, "It'll be fine after some rest." I began to walk towards the house.
