Kindergarten problem


School is fun. I get to play with so many kids my age. My heart bubbled with excitement, eager to explore this new world of friendship. The air was alive with the sounds of other kids. There was a symphony of joy that filled me with a sense of belonging.

I had never been in a place like this, where there were so many kids and we got to play freely. No one was going to hit us for making noise. No one was going to stop me from playing on the swings.

I didn't have to keep my mouth shut just so daddy wouldn't wake up. There was so much peace here that I wished Sera could enjoy this too. She's always working because she has to take care of me...

I wish for her to be happy too.

I joined a group of giggling girls by the swings, their faces lit up with smiles as they welcomed me into their circle. It's been a few days since I joined this place and the girls are really nice.

They made me their friend fast.

Together, we spun around on the merry-go-round and climbed to the top of the jungle bar, our laughter echoing across the playground like music in the wind. We did some studying in the morning and it was our break time now.

And I really love break time.

"How did you get hurt?" A girl named Mandy asked me when we sat by the stairs after getting tired.

"The home I was living in was on fire." I showed Mandy and the other girls my bandages, "The doctor said I have to keep them on for a little while more because my arms need more healing."

"Oh~" The girls were interested in my talks and that made my heart warm.

There was never anyone who would listen to me before. I always had to stay quiet, especially if daddy was home.

That always made me sad and it was scary.

But as I was telling them about it, a shadow fell over me—a trio of boys, their faces twisted into cruel sneers as they approached.

Before I could react, they lunged forward, their hands gripping plastic cups filled with water. With a wicked grin, they hurled the water at me, the icy droplets splattering across my clothes and soaking me to the bone.

"Hey!!" The girls stood up, "What are you doing!!" Mandy was very angry.

My heart sank as I stood there, stunned and speechless, the laughter of my friends fading into the distance as the cruel words of the boys echoed in my ears.

"Your house caught on fire, so now you've got the water!" Desmond was the boy who stood in front of the others, trying to mock me.

Tears welled in my eyes as the realization sank in— I felt a lump form in my throat as shame and embarrassment washed over me.

"This is why everyone hates you desmond!!" Mandy yelled and Desmond stuck out his tongue for her which made her want to cry as well.

I glared at Desmond. Being small, I was never able to stand up to anyone and Sera always did it for me. A flicker of defiance ignited within me. But Desmond was the same size as me.

With a trembling hand, I wiped away the tears that stained my cheeks, determined not to let their cruel words break me.

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and turned to face him, ready to attack.


Desmond was crying in the office and the teacher was trying to console him while I sat on the chair with my lips tightly sealed. My hair was a mess after fighting with Desmond. I had jumped on him and started hitting him.

He tried to grab my hair and fight back but then I started to claw at his arms.

It didn't take him much time before he gave up fighting back and started to cry. The teacher saw that and came running over. She separated us and took us both to the office.

I was scolded but it wasn't my fault.

"Eris," The teacher looked at me, "Why did you do it?" Desmond was clinging onto her.

"He threw water on me," I showed her my dress and bandages.

"Still," She was mad, "You can't beat the other kid." She shook her head at me in disappointment and hugged Desmond back. I sat alone on the chair and looked down. The headmistress was there too but she didn't say anything.

She quietly observed everything.

"But, I didn't start it." I whispered to myself, "And he made Mandy cry too,"

"I called your family!" She said, "When they get here, I'll be sure to discipline you!"

I couldn't look up. They called Sera, she must be mad at me. I didn't want to cause trouble or anything. I just wanted to stand up to myself. Was that a bad decision?

Sera will have to come here and say sorry to others again.

She always did that whenever she took me with her and I broke something. Like that one time in the store when I broke the water bottle while trying to help Sera. I was only going to give it to her but on my way to the shelves, I tripped, the bottle fell out of my hands and it broke.

Sera had to bow down and ask to be forgiven. Her head would hang so low even I couldn't see it, even though I'm so much smaller than her.

I gripped my hands.

Now because of me she'll have to do it again.

It's always my fault.

Maybe I shouldn't have come here. Maybe I don't deserve to be like other kids.

I shouldn't be playing with them or I'll get Sera into more trouble.



The door opened and everyone turned to see who entered the office.

I thought they had called my sister, but instead brother Azef was the one who came to the office. I watched him in confusion.

"Mister Azef?" The teacher was confused but the headmistress stood up with a smile.

"Welcome Azef,"

Why is he here?

He saw me sitting on the chair, "Surprised?" He smirked at me and I frowned, "Wondering what I'm doing here instead of your sister?" He came over and crouched down in front of me.

I nodded my head.

I heard that they call family when things like this happen. My only family is Sera.

So why?

"I'm here because I gave my contact information in case of an emergency." He was proud of himself, "I wrote it down at the very end."

"Why?" I asked him innocently, "You're not family," My eyes were wide in confusion.

"I'm not family?" He thought about it, "I might have to do something about that."

"Hmmm?" I wasn't sure what he meant by that.

He grabbed me and picked me up, "But that comes later," He smirked, "First, we deal with the little brat who tried to bully you."


I hadn't told anything to him but he already trusts me that I didn't start it?

"Sir," The teacher stood up, "She was beating this kid up," She pointed at Desmond who stood beside the teacher, "You can see her nail marks on his arms."

Azef wasn't amused by her words, "All I see are her wet clothes," He pointed at me with his face, "Would you mind telling me why she's wet?"

I looked at Azef with a sense of trust building between us and to keep myself more stable in his arms, I grabbed his collar.

"The kids must be playing around with water." The teacher said, "It can happen."

"Hmm," Azef raised his brows at her, "Well then the kids must be playing around with nails," He looked at Desmond, "That can happen,"

The teacher was speechless

"Sir, you're being rude here."

"And you're being extremely dumb and annoying." Azef replied

The teacher was baffled, "How can you say something like that?!"

Azef looked annoyed. He let out a sigh, "Tell me," He looked at me, "Did you attack that boy?"

"That's right," The teacher said, "Ask her,"

He looked into my eyes and I looked back at him. I wasn't sure if I was going to get in trouble or what was going to happen.

"Come on," Azef spoke softly, "Tell me the truth, did you hit the boy?" I looked down in shame, and then nodded my head, "Why?" He asked.

"He threw water at me," I whispered, my grip increasing on his shirt, "And he made my friend cry too."

Is he going to get mad at me? Will he have to apologize in my stead now? Will he tell Sera as well? Will I get in trouble?

I felt his hand come and pat my head, "Good girl,"


I raised my head and looked at him in confusion.

"You did good," He smiled at me, and then looked at Desmond, "You should have beaten him up more,"

The teacher gasped, "Are you out of your mind? You can't teach kids violence!"

"Yea!" Desmond agreed, "She's nasty!"

Azef looked at Desmond, "Why did you throw water on her?"

Desmond backed away and hid behind the teacher.

"Don't pressure the kid," The teacher defended him, "The thing is, she used violence and has to be punished for it."

"She used violence because she was attacked first." Azef defended me, "And then she defended herself. There was no unruly violence."

"She clawed at him!"

"And he threw water on her." He pointed his index finger up, "And he did it first, that means he started it."

"Throwing water and a physical attack are two different things!"

"There's a thing called responsibility. If you start something, you can't cry about it when someone defends themself."

The teacher turned to look at the headmistress, "Are you hearing this?" She was furious, "You should expel that kid!"

Azef didn't say anything but I felt bad.

"Sorry," I whispered in his ear and he looked at me in surprise.

"Fine," The headmistress stood up, "Let's do it." She looked at us, "She should be expelled."
