Luca's POV

I could tell Maya felt uncomfortable around me tonight, and I don't blame her. She seemed to be impatient, and easily ticked off. Something was really bothering her.

I knew after that kiss, she felt the same thing I was feeling. She was only distant because she was worried about Riley.

After I got to the Italian restaurant, where Maya was suppose to meet her mom, she quickly walked in before I could say good bye.

"Don't deny your feelings, Maya. I know that could've been happened differently back there. But you can't just pretend it didn't feel right."

She didn't turn around. Didn't make a sound. With a sharp breathe, she shoved the door open and promptly staggered into the restaurant, not looking back.

She left me in the dust, as I let out an immense sigh. Watching my cold breath escape from my mouth. I scratch the side of my head in disapprovement, and decide to just go home. Its no use in running in after her.

I slowly began to turn away, double taking back to the door, hoping she would run back to me. Nothing.

I forget about it, and breathe it off as I start making my way home. The chilly air brushes past me as I walk along the sidewalks of the city, matter fact this part of the city is the most quiet. Says a lot for the city that never sleeps.

Distracted by my thoughts, I was taking out of my trance by a man hollering and yelling at anyone who walked by..

"Newspapers! Get your daily Newspapers ready and early!"

Raising my brow, I found it odd that he was selling the DAIly newspapers at nine o'clock at night. It seemed fishy, maybe it was a scam.

I stroll closer towards the guy, and notice that he had a small bucket full of a slight amount of change. The man was homeless.

He must've known these newspapers wouldn't do any good anymore, but was desperate for some change. I read the sign beside him.

Newspapers: 25¢ each

I pull out $3 from my coat pocket, and make my way up to the man. He spots me coming towards him, as his mouth cracks a smile. I out my hand towards him and drop the change into his palm.

"I'll have two newspapers please," I ask politely.

The man tilts his head. "But, you paid me $3. You get 12 papers," he questions in a raspy voice.

I nod my head. "I did, keep the change, please." I reassure. The mans slight smile turns into gigantic grin, he laughs immensely, and hands me two papers while patting my shoulder.

"Thank you, sir!" he exclaims, as he coughs into his shirt. "No problem, just wanted some news to catch up on."

We both cackle histerically, I wave goodbye to the man, and finish my way home. I push one of the papers in my back pocket, and open up the other one, even though today's news does nothing for me anymore.

The read through the headlines, scrolling up and down the columns. Nothing interesting, no wonder why nobody buys these anymore. This particular newspaper didn't seem to have any comics either. What kind of company does that.

Distraught from the reading, I look up and notice I'm only a block a way from home. That flew by fast.

As I skim through the last page of the paper, I read the headline at the top of the page.

Only Time Will Tell!

Only time will tell.

I sigh, and fold the paper back up, as I find myself right outside my apartments. Lying to Maya, telling her I lived in the direction of the restaurant. But I didn't want to just leave her alone.

Only time will tell.

I scramble to my apartment and unlock the door. I walk in to find my parents sitting on the couch. They both rise up, looking at me with concern in their eyes.

"Well its quite late, Lucas. Where have you been?" my mom asks.

I shut the door behind me, placing the other newspaper in my back pocket.

"At Zay's. Lost track of time," I lie, back facing the door.

They look at each other, then back to me. "Better not happen again, son," my dad says, arms folded. They both ambled away, up the stairs, and that was that.

I brush my jeans and set the papers on the floor by my shoes.

Only time will tell I read.

"Only time will tell."


Maya's POV

"I will have the spaghetti with the cheesy garlic bread, please."

The young man promptly writes down on his notepad. He looks back up with a polite smile. "And for you?" he asks, looking towards me.

I hadn't even thought about what to order yet. "Uhm, same as her, please. Extra meatballs," I stutter. He wrote down my order.

"Okay, well be back with your meals shortly," he replied, as he scurried off to his next task. I turn back around in the booth and look down at my fingers. My mom was on her phone, as she looked back to me.

"Everything okay?" she asks. I glance up, and shrug my shoulders. "I mean, I guess it could be better."

My mom frowns a bit, tilting her head. "What's the matter? Something must be really bothering you," she questions.

I exhale deeply, fiddling with my fingers. "What would you do if you had a sort of, 'liking' for your best friends boyfriend, and find out he likes you too. While he's still with your friend?" I ask, biting the inside of my cheek.

My mom looks my up and down, brushing her hands together. "Is this about Riley?"

I nod. She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "Darling, what happened? You weren't at Riley's when I called you, weren't you?"

I shake my head. As I proceed to explain everything. The dance, the almost kiss, the meeting, the kiss, how I felt, how he felt. Everything. Not leaving a detail out. It felt amazing to just let it all flow from me. Holding it in was obviously not healthy.

"I just don't know how Riley is going to react if she finds out. Mom, I need advice," I plead. She reaches over to me and rubs my shoulder.

"Your still young, sweetheart. Hate to break it to you, but all of this won't matter in the future. Its high school, you have plenty of time to find the right person," she tells me.

I scratch the side of my head. "So, what are you trying to tell me?" I ask, knowing what the answer will be.

She purses her lips, holding onto my shoulder. "Find somebody else."

Those words hit me in the chest, so hard I stopped breathing.

Find somebody else.

"Better yet, move on. Boys shouldn't be your top priority right now," she finishes.

Move on.

"Move on?" I whisper, mouth open.

She nods her head. I look over to the side, pulling back from her hand.
"The right person is out there. I promise. He could even be right in front of you, and you just don't know it yet," she smiles.

I pull my hair back, and rest against the booth. "How will I know I've found the right person?"

She giggles, placing her hands on the table.

"Only time will tell."




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