I lie awake in Riley's bed one monday morning, debating on whether or not I should actually get out of bed. I tend to sleep at Riley's house more than my own because my mom is never home, so I snuck through her window and crashed at her place.

Its normal for me to do this, and it isn't the first time. Her parents are cool with it, and completley understand.

I came in the middle of the night. The window is unlocked 90% of the time, so I just slide in. I hop next to Riley in bed and lie down. She grunts and starts to wake up. She looks over to see me, and she rolls her eyes in a joking way.

"Go to sleep Maya, I'll see you in the morning," she says before rolling back over and falling asleep.

I smile. This is why she is my best friend.

Anyways, as I was lying in her bed I turn over to her window, as I'm blinded by the sun rise beaming through the window. I squint my eyes and groan.

I think about going back to sleep, but Riley comes into the room and turns on the over light.

"Morning!!! Rise and shine its time to start a new day!"

I roll over and groan more.

"Noooo! Leave!" I say jokingly.

Riley laughs. "Oh come on, just get up! quit playing around. Besides its taco day today."

You wouldn't believe how quickly I bolted out of bed.

After getting ready I make my way down stairs to have breakfast with the Matthews.

I walk downstairs to the smell of eggs, bacon, and English muffins. They always had the best food.

I rush to the dining table where the rest of her family was and sit down to a gorgeous plate of delicious food.

"Looks like Maya is drooling over her food again," says Riley laughing.

Mr. Matthews laughs. "You like your food don't you Maya?"

I didn't care what they were saying. All I wanted was that food.

Before you knew it all my food was gone, in five minutes flat.

"Wow, you were hungry weren't you."

I roll my eyes,"Shut up and finish your food princess."

We both laugh and continue about our morning.

After breakfast we grab our bags (I always left mine at Riley's) and headed out the door.


We get to school and walk up the steps to the main hall where our home rooms were. As were walking down the hallway, Riley's eyes widen and she puts on a huge smile and yells,"Lucas!"

I look up and see Lucas in the distance, smiling back at riley as he runs up and hugs her tightly.

If you didn't figure out already, I sort of, kind of have a crush on Lucas. I've had a thing for him for a while now and nobody knows. I try to hide it as best as I can.

He let's go of Riley after a while and grabs her hand. "I've missed you pretty girl," he says. Riley blushes.

"I missed you too. I have so much to talk to you about!" She says giggly.

They walk off to home room and I stand where I am. I hate feeling jealous of their relationship, but I do. Its hard seeing someone you like with somebody else.

My thoughts were interrupted when I was abruptly pushed into the lockers next to me. I turn around and see Farkle standing behind me.

"What was that all about!" I say annoyed.

"Geez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. What's up?" He says.

I shake my head, that was stupid of me,"Oh sorry, I didn't mean it that way. You just....scared me..whatever its fine," I say trying to change the subject.

"Its cool. Where is Riley and Lucas?"

I turn around to the direction they walked in and pointed.

"Cool, I'll catch up to them."

He walks in their direction, then he turns back to me. "You coming?"

I pause and sigh. "Ye-yeah. I'm coming."

The bell rings as we catch up to Lucas and Riley, as we walk on to class.


Sorry this is kind of short, but its a nice start. How things go, what its like for Maya to see Lucas and Riley together. We even get to see Farkle!

Sorry for the repeat for taco day, I know there was an episode where Maya was trying to get some tacos 😂

I hope you enjoy the story so far. ;)

