(I recommend listening to the song while you read ♡)

It was after school. And all of us, Zay including, were outside the front of the school.

The day was over, and I was very tired. It was a long day, and I just wanted to go home. Or go somewhere, other than here.

Before we leave, there is an announcement on the speakers.

"Mrs. Victoria speaking, remember students tomorrow is the last day to get hoco tickets for $25!" Please bring your permission slips to the ASB window tomorrow with the money! No checks! Have a great day!"

My eyes widen. I completely forgot!

"I have to get that money," I say.

"Text your mom. Let her know so you have money tomorrow," says Farkle.

My mood shifts. Riley hears, and looks over at me. I just look down. Its not Farkle's fault he doesn't know about my living situation, but still made me feel upset. I might not have the money for tomorrow.

"Ye-yeah, I guess I could."

Riley looks at me and I look at her, and plaster a smile on my face.

Lucas and Zay look confused, and concerned. I look at them with a reassuring smile. They're faces calm, knowing I'm okay.

"Well, Lucas. We better get going if we want to have our study date," Riley says to Lucas.

"Your right. Its almost 3:30," he says.

Zay walks over to them. "I'm not going on your date, but my home is where you are so I'll join along." Lucas laughs.

"Bye guys," Farkle and I say.

"Bye Farkle. Bye Maya!" Says Riley.  She comes up and hugs us both. Waves goodbye, and walks over to Lucas.

Lucas waves goodbye, and walks over to me. "You for sure okay?" he asks.

I nod. "I'm fine. All good."

He smiles, says bye to Farkle, and catches up with Riley and Zay. We wave goodbye as they walk to the subway station.

Farkle taps my shoulder. "
"Want to go to get smoothies?"


{Riley's POV}

It was the end of the school day, and Lucas and I were heading to the subway station after school. Zay came along, as he lives near Lucas.

We get to the station and wait patiently for our ride. I go on my phone to check social media and stuff.
Lucas taos on my shoulder and I look up.

"Hey, I don't mean to be noisy. But is everything okay with Maya? She's been acting very distant lately."

I knew he was concerned for his friend, and I didn't want to leave him out. I knew Maya wouldn't want me telling him everything, just the highlights. But I didn't know myself.

"I'm not so sure exactly what's going on. I know Maya isn't in the best financial situation with her family. But I know whatever it is she is going to be okay. Farkle is with her now. I'll make sure she is okay tonight."

He nods.

"I hope she's okay."

We see our ride stop in front of us, Lucas grabs my hand and we enter onto the train. Zay was who knows where, but catches up to us and hops on the subway.


We walk into Lucas's house and walk over to the kitchen to see his mom.
"Hi Lucas!" she exclaims.

She comes over to hug him and she looks at me. "Who's this Lucas?" she asks smiling.

"This is my girlfriend, Riley. Were going to have a study date today. Is that okay?" he asks.

"That's totally fine. Your father will be home at 6," she says.

She comes up to me and shakes my hand. "Well hello Riley, its nice to meet you," she says.

"Nice to meet you."

She let's go and turns to the kitchen. "I can whip up some fruit salad real quick for you guys, go sit on the couch. Make yourself comfortable, Riley," she says.

"Thank you Mrs. Friar," I say.

We walk over to his living room and sit down, and out our book bags down.

"I have to go to the bathroom. Can you show me where it is?"

"Yeah, down the hall, last room on the right," he says.


I get up to go towards the hall.

Lucas's mom pops in. "Food is ready when you are!"


{Lucas's POV}

I grab the two bowls of fruit salad from the counter my mom made, and make my way to the couch and place them on the coffee table.

I pull out my books from my bag, and open them up. History first.

As I'm starting off my notes, I notice a light beaming from the coffee table. Riley's phone. She must've left it out here. The ringer was off, so it didn't make any noise.

I glance over to see who it was.

It was Maya.


imessage: Maya 🍑💗:
                  Riley, please call me.


I immediately get worried. Is Maya okay? I pick up the phone to respond, and at the same time Maya calls.

I didn't know what to do. Riley was using the restroom. I picked up and walked towards the front room.

I could here Maya on the other line breathing heavily.

"Oh thank goodness. Oh. Wow. I really need to talk. Sorry if I'm bothering you. But I haven't been okay. I'm sorry. I've been lying to you. I need a friend right now Riley. I hate to interrupt your date right now but its important."

I didn't say a word. I was in shock. She wasn't okay. She was in pain. I could hear it in her voice. I wanted to help her. I wanted to know what was causing her this pain.

"Hello? Riley you there?"

I hear Riley come out if the bathroom and see her come over to me.

"What's going on? Why do you have my phone?" she asks.

I hand her the phone, she sees "Maya" at the top of the call.

"Oh my gosh is she okay!" she yells.

"She is okay. She just wanted to talk to you," I say.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry," she says into the phone.

She walks outside the front door to talk in private. I shut the door behind her.

I walk back to the couch and sit down.
I hope Maya is okay. I need to know.

I cared about her

It made me upset knowing one of my friends is hurt. I didn't want her to feel this way.



{Maya's POV}

Farkle and I were at Topangas, drinking our favorite smoothies and enjoying the company. We didn't speak. It was silent most of the time.
I didn't know what to say. It had been a long day.

I sip on my Strawberry Banana smoothie, as usual, when Farkle looks up to me.

"You can't take it anymore, can you?"

"How do you know everything." I say.

"I don't know everything. But one thing I do know is that I care about my friends."

I just stare at him. He's got a way with words.

"Maya, I can tell your in pain."

I just look at him. My vision becomes blurry from tears forming in my eyes.

I try to hold them back, as not to show them. I didn't want Farkle to be upset either.

"It pains me to see them together. I'm not mad at anyone. No. I just, want to have someone like that in my life. Your good Farkle. Riley is good. But I-"

I couldn't finish. I was waiting for him to finish for me. I place my hands onto the table

I look at him and raise my brows. "Well, say it. You already know. Finish the phrase Mr. Minkus."

He looks at me, and puts his hand on mine. "It means nothing coming from me, Maya."

I didn't say anything. He was right.

"I, love Lucas."

He smiles. I knew what he was trying to do.

I felt twenty times better. My heart was racing. I did it. I said it. Riley and Lucas weren't around to see it. I wasn't hurting anyone. I felt so much better.

Tears fell from my eyes. "I love Lucas," I repeat.

He laughs. I shake my head.

"I do."

His laughing stops, and he smiles. He takes his hands off of mine.

"Feel better?"

I nod. "Yeah..."

I felt better. But not quite. I didnt want to leave Riley out. She is my best friend. I wasn't going to tell her about Lucas, but I did want to tell her the truth. How I felt before, what Farkle said.

"I'm gonna go call Riley," I spit out, as I race to the outside of the shop.

I pick up my phone and go to my contacts to text Riley.


Maya: Riley, please call me.


I send the text. But I couldn't wait.


Read at 4:24 pm


I dial Riley's phone number in and call her. The phone was ringing. My heart was racing. I felt so good

The phone stops ringing and it picks up. No hello, but I didn't care.

"Oh thank goodness. Oh. Wow. I really need to talk. Sorry if I'm bothering you. But I haven't been okay. I'm sorry. I've been lying to you. I need a friend right now Riley. I'm sorry to interrupt your date but this is important."

There. I said it. Blurted my feelings into the phone in less than 30 seconds.

No response. Was she there?

I heard heaving breathing and I got worried. Was Riley on the phone?

Then I hear footsteps. And I hear a voice.

"What's going on? Why do you have my phone?" says the voice.

It was Riley.

If she doesn't have her phone...

Who did I just tell everything to?



Honestly I love this chapter so much! Now, Lucas knows what's going on, and he cares about Maya!

+ I need to bring Zay into the story
   more lmao


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