Besides what happened earlier this evening, the night was amazing. Everybody was dancing and having a good time, singing to all the songs. I honestly had forgotten about everything that happened.

It was the end of the night, arouns ten thirty, the party was dying down, and we all got ready to go home. I notice Farkle and Isa by the exit doors lightly holding hands. You could tell it was awkward, but they did enjoy the company.

Riley and I look at each other and coo, how cute were they?

Lucas and Zay pull up next to us and tap our shoulders. "Should we get going?" Zay asks.

"Yeah," Riley yawns, "its been a long night."

We walk out of the school towards the subway and hop on the next one. We sat down in our seats. Riley started to get sleepy, and she rested her head on Lucas. After what had happened tonight, I knew he felt a tad of discomfort. But he continue to let her lay on his shoulder.

I stopped the wave of jealousy from coming over me. I knew it wasn't worth it. I kind if just wanted to end the night soon.

Riley and I come to our stop. Lucas gently shakes Riley awake. I walk up to her and put my hand out. "Riley, this is our stop," I whisper.

She looks around and slowly gets up. I grab her hand and we walk out the doors. I say goodbye to everybody on the way out. The last thing I saw was the mournful look on Lucas's face as we walked out. And its burned into my memory.

We walk down the street back to the apartments and make our way in. I see Riley's dad sitting at the dining room table and he turns to us.

"Hi girls. How was your night?" He asks.

"It was, truly great," says Riley.
I put a smile on my face. "Sure was."

"Glad you girls had fun. Now off to bed, you both look very tired."

Riley yawns, and I nod.

"I jump in the shower first?" Riley's asks sleepily

"Sounds good." I reply.

She walks up to her room to grab a towel. I follow along and hop onto her bed. She grabs some PJs and heads for the shower.

I take off my heels and lie down on her bed. As I'm scrolling through pictures from the night I get a text from Lucas.

Lucas: I'm sorry about tonight, If I
made you feel uncomfortable.
But I had fun, besides, and I
hope you did too.

We hardly ever texted. We just had each other's phone number just because. But, I could tell he felt upset, he thought he had made me upset.

Maya: I'm fine, thank you for asking.
I had a great time tonight other

Lucas: I'm glad your okay. But I don't
want to just "act as if nothing
happened". Still want to talk
about it, clear things up.

Maya: and when can I do that?

Lucas: I have no idea, but the point is,
that I know your okay, and not
mad at me.

Maya: I'm not mad at you, Lucas. It
was all an honest mistake. I

message read

Maya: well, its been a long day. I've
got to get to bed. talk later?

Lucas: for sure. goodnight, Maya

message read

I put my phone down and just sat there, thinking about how things could go after what happened tonight. Lucas can tell Riley, and she would be upset with me. Or with Lucas. We tell no one and let the guilt build up inside-

No, I couldn't think negative. That would only make things worse. I would just have to talk about it with Lucas, another day. And we would decide from there.

Riley got out of the shower just shortly after, and I proceed to clean off as well.

After getting into PJs and brushing my hair and all of that jazz, I hop into bed next to Riley and plug my phone in.

"Night Riles," I whisper.

"Goodnight," she says back.

I roll over onto my right side and begin to fall asleep. A few moments go by, and I can here Riley shift next to me.

"You're okay, right?" she asks.

It took me a while to respond. Deep down, I was not.

"Yes," I reply.

"Okay, good," she whispers before rolling back over to fall asleep. I sigh.

This was not going to be easy.



amazing night with amazing people
@maya.ph @friar @f.m.boy

@maya.ph: love youu 😘



wouldn't have wanted to go with anyone else @riley.matt

@riley.matt: your the cutest! Ily


"Did you see what Lucas posted last night! He's so sweet!" Riley says.

It was Sunday morning, and we were watching our 11 o'clock cartoons while eating cereal. Riley was scrolling through Instagram and looking at everyone's photos from last night.

"Sure is. That photo is great too," I say blaintly.

She smiles, and takes a bite of her cereal. I continue to keep my eyes on the TV screen.

Riley puts her bowl down on the coffee table and sits back. "Is there anything you want to do today?" Riley asks.

I shrug my shoulders, and cross my legs on the couch, "Nothing in particular. I kind of like this whole doing nothing thing," I giggle.

"Me too," Riley mimics. We continue to watch our cartoons and eventually became uninterested and changed it to Greys Anatomy.

We sit all cuddled up in the blankets and watch our show together. I had shut my phone off so I could watch the show.

During and episode break, Riley pulls the blankets off of her and stands up. "I have to go to the bathroom, be right back," she says. I nod as she walks away.

I go to turn my phone on during the break and slide open my phone. I notice I got a message from Lucas and I go to open it up.

1 hour and 15 minutes ago

Lucas: if there is anytime we can talk,
             I'm free for the rest of the day.
             Text me and let me know.

I felt like this situation was really bothering him, and he had to get something off of his chest. He was going to keep bothering me until we met.

Now was not really a good time, I would have to meet him later tonight. But I would have to find a way to tell Riley why I'm leaving.

It probably sounds weird that I'm meeting up with my best friends boyfriend, and pretty much leaving her out of it. But, this was important and things needed to be figured out.

Maya: I'm with Riley right now, but I
            can meet today. 8 o'clock,
            coffee shop?

Lucas: sounds good.

Riley comes back into the room and I shut my phone off. She hops next to me as the TV break ends and we continue to watch the program.


"That was great, season 7 is my favorite season," Riley comments. "Same here."

We sit for a while. I check the time; 4 o'clock. Yikes, we had a Netflix problem. I open my phone, while Riley goes to get a snack. I texted Lucas back.

Maya: how can I leave with out Riley
             becoming suspicious?

He didn't text back. But I had time before we had to meet. Riley comes back with a bag of chips and I shove my hand into the bag and grab a handful.

"What do you want to do now?" she asks. I shrug.

Riley goes on her phone and I hear my buzz. I quickly pick it up and read the message.

imessage from Lucas: Tell her your
                                        parents need
                                        you home or

I shivered. I forgot he thought I had my dad, too. I shake my head and begin typing back.

Maya: okay, sounds like a plan. ty.

I felt bad leavubg her here, but I guess it was better that be done. Feeling confused, snd overwhelmed, I needed to do something to kighten my mood a bit.

I put my phone down and stand up from the couch. "Can we draw?"


We sat on Riley's bay window seat, drawing the city amongst us. Riley used colored pencils, I sketched with a graphite pencil. Perfecting every detail as much as possible.

Remember my conversation with Lucas earlier, I set the pencil down after the finishing touch. I pick up my phone and check the time.

6:54 pm.

I set my phone down and pretend to read a text. "Oh riley, my mom is off of work tonight. Mind if I go spend time with her tonight?"

She looks at me from her picture. "Oh, of course. I do not mind."

I feel so bad.

"Thank you. I really need the time with her."

She lightly smiles, eyes lighten. "I understand. Now go. Spend time with her," she exclaimed.

"Ok! I'm going to change into warmer clothes. And then I'll head out," I say getting up from her bay window. She continues on her drawing and I go to my bag to slip on some leggings and pull out my jacket.

I pack the rest of my stuff up, and head back to her room to say goodbye. I lightly knock on her door, and she looks up to me. "I'm heading out. See you tomorrow, love."

"Bye, peaches," she says back. I nod my head and shut her bedroom door, before exiting the front.


I check my phone as I approach the coffee shop. There was another one on the other side of town, closer to my house. This was not Topangas I was going to.

I message Lucas once I reach the foot of the shop.

Maya: here. I'll save a booth.

Lucas: ab 3 minutes away.

I walk into the shop and go up to the cash register to order warm drinks for us.

"Hello," the lady says cheerfully. "What can I get you this evening?"

I scan the menu, and look back to the cashier. "Decaf coffee, 2 cream 2 sugar. And a small hot chocolate," I reply.

The lady smiles, typing into the register. "That will be $4.12 please."

I hand her a five, and receive change and go sit at my table.

Lucas: I'm here.

As I'm sitting at the booth, I notice Lucas walk in and look around for me. I gently lift my arm, and he notices me. He puts his hands in his coat pockets and steadily walks over towards the booth.

He sits down opposite of me and nods his head.

"Hi," he says, nervously.








