Chapter 31

January 1989

The New Year has come and I am beginning a new life in 1989. I began working on music back in the recording room late January and was starting fresh with different sounds and genres.

Michael came back the afternoon of January 27th, which was our three year wedding anniversary. I wanted to do something exotic and mind-blowing the minute he arrived.

So I packed the kitchen counter with treats and pre-made dinner--Carrot Cake, cupcakes, vanilla pudding and whipped cream. Then I decorated the living room and the front door with baloons and ribbons. And Michael's present under my pillow in the bedroom.

That afternoon, I was playing with Christina as she fed the chimps and ran around in the grass in her sundress. Her baby curls flowed off the top of her head and she giggled with her daddy's smile.
Christina was in love with Neverland. Although she was only ten months, and couldn't do much, she would go on the Neverland train and listen to the Classical music.
He arrived in a black car, and a man came out and carried her bags. When Michael came out he noticed we were laying on the grass, he ran over. " Look, Chrissie, there's daddy!" I pointed as he was running over, and suddenly her smile just got bigger.
She showed Michael that she could walk; Chrissie carefully pushed herself from the ground and walked towards him.
" There's my baby girl!" He exclaimed so blissfully as she reached out her arms to him and he picked her up. Chrissie just kept giggling. Michael kissed her baby cheeks and patted her back while resting on his chest.
It was a moment I couldn't help to cry a little, and I wiped my tears--I'll never forget that moment.
" Gee, youve grown since I've seen you!" he bounced her a bit.
I laughed, " She definitley has."
" She's beautiful," Michael sighed. He looked around Neverland for a moment.
" Well," I got up from the grass, " There's a suprise waiting for you at the main house," I planted a kiss on his cheek and went off to the kitchen.

"Voila!" I smiled, in all directions of the living room, where it was filled with red and white roses and balloons.
" Wow..." he whispered, he set Chrissie down in the bouncy chair in the living room, " What's this?"
" This is a celebration of you coming back from your tour, the beginning of your fatherhood and...."
" Our third-year anniversary." He nodded.
I changed the subject, " So, how was the rest of the tour? We sure missed you here!"
He laughed, " It was wonderful. Although I just went to the same places again the scenery was beautiful."
" Your feet must be falling apart, My God! I watched some footage right from the TV--I dont know how you do it, Michael. You're just a super star," I sighed.
He smiled and gave me a warm embrace, and kissed me, nibbled on my bottom lip.
" So how have you been with the baby? Did you ever go back to work?" He asked, still grasping onto my waist.
" I've been doing alright, I came down with the stomach flu and a awful cough a few weeks ago, but I took medicine and rested and I'm feeling better. And yes, I went into work."
" That's good," " And Chrissie's just fantastic. She can tell you where her eyes, nose, lips, head and toes are. She can say my name, your name, and of course her own."
Michael looked over at Chrissie, and bent down to her bouncy chair.
" Chrissie, wheres your nose?" she touched her little nose that looked exactly like Michaels.
" Where are your lips?" she touched her lips, giggling.
" Where are your beautiful eyes?"
She pointed to her light brown eyes.
" Where are your toes?" She kicked up her feet and touched her little toes. Michael tickled the bottom of her foot making her burst with laughter.
She stoped for a minute to look at Michael. " Haiw." He leaned over so she could touch his curls.

We had dinner around five--the three of us altogether for the first time. We caught up on what was new--a decent conversation and all. Although I felt I've never talked so much that night at the table. And
Believe it or not, I was a bit too bashful to tell Michael about what happened last month at the party I attended with Steven. I wasnt quite sure how he would react.

After a filling three course meal, I brought out the chocolate and carrot cake right in front of him and traded it for his dirty dishes. His eyes widened when he took a good glimpse at the hand crafted cakes I made.
" Wow, is this for me?" he asked--Chrissies eyes were just focused on that chocolate cake.
I nodded, " I made them myself."
" Well thank you," he turned to her, " Would you like some, Chrissie?"
" Yeaah," she said, kicking her feet back and forth.
" I'll go grab some silverwear and plates." Five minutes after Michael layed a piece of chocolate cake on Chrissie's baby tray, he started laughing. I looked over to see that she had smudged and smeared cake all over her dress and baby cheeks.
I couldnt help to laugh.
Aftee picking her up from her upper body, I took off her bib and said, " You know, this bib is here for a reason." I gave her a rasberry where she was clean which made her giggle, " Lets clean the chocolate off your face, fingers and your dress. I think its time for you to get into your pajamas anyway!"
