Chapter 30

I was feeling so exhausted, so frail after the delivery. But nothing was more sweet other than Michael from cutting the aumbilical chord for waiting for the baby to be in his arms.
I couldn't see for a while, my eyes were just so tired I shut them hearing the doctors congragulate and examine her, and Michael being a bit impatient.
Michael kneeled at the bed and kissed my cheek, " You did it." After they cleaned her up and examined her they waddled her up in a The doctor came out with Christina wrapped in a pink blanket with a soft cap on her head and handed her to me.
She already had black curls on the top of her head, my light brown eyes and Michael's nose and lips. She seemed so calm while she rested on my chest and her beautiful eyes wide open putting her hand in her mouth--she was very cute.
Although when Michael picked her up, and when her eyes met his there was a connection. She gave him a sliver of a smile, and reached her tiny hand to him and he held it. I think that made him the most happiest person in the world.

The doctor came in and got Janet and Katherine from the lobby so they could see her and have a chance to hold her. I could never forget that moment in my history. Why? You'll find out.....


I rested in the hospital for about two days untill I was back on my feet. Although I do remember the last day I was in that hospital bed, the hour Michael was about to leave he and I had a talk.
He was holding little Christina in the same pink blanket lightly bouncing her. " Michael, you're leaving today." I said.
" I know," he was more interested in Christina than me.
" And you're gonna finish your tour. And when you get back to Neverland Christina and I will be waiting for you."
" But..." he stopped me, " Can't I take her with me? It wouldn't hurt if she was to stay in the hotelroom or backstage-"
" By herself? She cannot be unsupervised ."
" I can get someone to watch her and take care of her. Many celrbrities do it!"
" This would be much different if she was maybe seven or eight months old but she's two days old. She could get sick very quick. If she stays home, she can get stronger and stay healthy."
He sighed. He knew I was right, " That's ten months! Almost a year before I'll see her again!"
" Listen, Michael," I cleared my throat, "  You are a nation-wide entertainer, a remarkable artist. This is a rarity that you are even here with me right now! You've worked weeks, months, years to get where you are now--working on this tour. Quincy has done a handful for you, Pepsi has poured their money and advertisement into it as well. You hear me say this all the time, honey--its the price of fame. You must continue your hard work, you know I'm proud of you, and  I'm sure Christina is too--"
she babbled something giggling at Michael.
" See?" I laughed.
He sighed, " You're right."
The front desk woman walked in, " Mr. Jackson, someone's here to pick you up in their car--he has your luggage already."
He nodded to the woman, let out another sigh. He gave Christina a kiss on the forehead, and handed her to me, and kissed me. " See you next January." " Love you," I responded softly, " I'll call you."
" Okay," he said, the woman shut the door behind her.
