Chapter 4

Year was 1985. February. It was my father's fifty fifth birthday.
My sister Christina was at a great success in her life. She was a professional ice skater--best I'd ever seen in my life! She doesnt get near the time I do since she travels a lot, but she managed to be able to find time to spend our dad's birthday. My youngest sister Amelie was just eighteen, her last year of high school.
I never forgot about my dad in my career--he was my only parent left and I had respect him. But I had checked on him more often because........
He was diagnosed with heart cancer.
And he wasnt doing very well. On top of it he had severe health problems.
Lucky for me being the super-food cook in the family, I made sure he was getting the food he needed and that he took his pills.
His appearance changed a lot, too. his skin was getting dryer every time I saw him, he coughed more and his eyes were crusty. I seriously worried about him that I cancled an phone interview because he needed me.
