Chapter 24

"Hey," It was Michael, " Where'd you go?! I went lookin for you to tell ya that you did a great job but you just ran off."
" Oh, yeah, thank you, you did great too," I laughed dryly, " Sorry about that-"
" Can I have a hug?" he asked with a big grin on his face, opening up his arms.
" Of course Michael," he hugged me and when I thought he was done, he was still holding onto me. So I just sorta untensed myself (since I was in a rush to just sprint to the bathroom and check if it was positive)
" Oh, and I wanted to tell you and interview came to Japan--so I'll be busy for an hour."
" Okay! I'll be here...." I kept lookin at the bathroom door.
" You gotta go to the bathroom or something?" " What? Oh no, I'm fine. You go ahead and go to that interview-we can talk in the morning."
" Okay then," he kissed my cheek and waved as he walked away. When he was outta sight, I shut the door and ran to the bathroom.

I picked up the stick and took off the cap. My heart nearly died when my eyes gazed at the positive sign right at the top.

"Are my eyes deceiving me?!" I thought to myself, putting a hand on my head and grasping onto my hair. It was a wild moment....but....I mean...come on. Dizzyness, Nausea, various mood changes......It was apprehensive and suspicious.

I suddenly felt that sentiment of anxiety--I was so overjoyed but I didn't know what to do with myself. I honestly wanted to scream and shout and run around yelling to everyone  but I knew if I would go EVERYWHERE in a split second. And if I was going to tell Michael that I was, I was going to do it right.
