Chapter 5 Realisation

This chapter will be happier then the others

Angel and Alastor walked back to the hotel and angel stopped to asked Alastor something "al I gotta ask why did you save me" Alastor had a surprising reply "because we're friends angel and friends do anything for each other and thank you for saving me I would've been erased if it wasn't for you" they walked a bit further and Angel said "hey al would ya like to hangout sometime like on the roof of the hotel" Alastor replied "that sounds lovely angel how about tomorrow" angel said "it's a date" both of them blushed and looked away from each other and then all the sudden Alastor offered angel his and angel gladly took it both walked side by side holding hands (aww)

Few minutes later

They arrived at the hotel and let go of there hands and entered and they were greeted by charlie "hey guys" Alastor replied "ah charlie I can see your back from your trip did have a good time" and angel said "hey there toots" Charlie said "me and Vaggie had the best time" Alastor said "good to hear" charlie asked was everything ok while I was gone" Alastor said "well" angel stopped him and gave him a look to not tell Charlie what happened Alastor nodded and said "everything went fine"

Few minutes later

Alastor and angel went to the roof to hang out

2 hours later

"And that's when I said does that make the hat the top and you the bottom" Alastor burst out laughing

5 hour later they began to talk about past lives nobody was awake

"Angel what was your past life like" Alastor downed another drink Alastor has a very high tolerance so does angel so they can take alot of drinks angel replied "well my family was a crime family and my pa didn't exactly like the fact I am gay
So he hated me for my entire life my sister was the only one who would accept me for who I really was and I killed some people for the mob because I had to and eventually I started to get addicted to drugs and one day I got sick of everything it was 1944 and I overdosed and woke up here my original name was Anthony I went by the name angel dust because angel dust is the thing that killed me what about you what was your past life like?" Alastor replied "my family was a standard nuclear family my mom worked at home and my father worked at an office he was a drinker he would come home drunk and would beat me and my mother and one night he went to far" angel saw Alastor started to cry and all the sudden his static turned off and angel heard his actual voice "one night he came home and started to hit my mother harder then ever and h-he kil-led h-er and after that something in me snapped and I grabbed a knife and stabbed him continuously until I felt an urge to take a bite of his stone cold heart physically and metaphorically so I took a bite and I loved it thats how I became a cannibal I was 16 and after that I left home a few years later I graduated from college I became a radio host giving people music such as jazz and words of encouragement and news I became quite famous but I wasn't what they thought. I was a serial killer but I had a rule I would only kill the unforgivable never a innocent person I would even talk about a killer on the show but one day I was killing a horrible person and I was cought in the act by a deer hunter who had a dog he aimed his gun at me and I ran his dog ran after me and bit my leg and the deer hunter cought up and I begged for mercy but he pulled the trigger and I ended up here I died in the year 1933" angel said "but you only killed bad people"
Alastor replied "it doesn't matter in the eyes of the lord good deeds done badly is enough to get down here I was given this power by sometimg I don't know what. it took me a long time to master it to this day no one has witnessed my full power because I like to be unpredictable.....when I was down here I found my father and I killed him" angel was speechless Alastor said "sorry I've been talking to much let's hear more about you" angel decided to share more about his past "well when I was 16 my pa would work me to death and kept setting me up with woman because he said it would work the gay out of me and he didn't care if it made me unhappy he would even not let me eat food some nights just because I was gay but my sis would sneak me a little bit of food I didn't have a ma she left us when I was 6 when I was 21 my pa gave up on me and throw me out and I left home and I resorted to becoming a sex worker to survive like mainly woman because being gay was illegal in those days but sometimes I was able to sleep with a men and I overdosed when I was 28 I just got so sick of everything my job my life and my pa would always send goons after me so I decided to just end it myself but you already knew about life I never had the guts to kill my pa my pa scares me more the val" Alastor said "I guess we both had bad lives but.... I can't believe I'm about to say this but maybe you have a second chance here" angel said "we all might have a chance if it's even possible" both of them grab a drink and both said "cheers" and they both downed Alastor said "it's very late we should probably go to bed now may I walk you too your room it's on the way to mine" angel said "alright deer boi" Alastor took angels hand and brought him to his room and both said good night angel put his PJs on and went to bed with a happy smile and he cuddled with fat nuggets he drifted off thinking about Alastor how kind he is and how much he wishes he was with him.... he loved him
Alastor went into his own room and put his PJs on and locked his door
Alastor lyed on his bed thinking about angel he smiled at the thought of angels smile he would do anything to see him smile all the time he began to realize he loved him

I'm going to admit I loved writing this chapter it took me forever but that's mainly because I was also watching the big bang theory so that's kinda my fault hehe
