Chapter 10 Alastors Little Secret

Angel pov

Alastor invited me in his room and I sat on the bed and al sat next to me then al asked "angel why do you like me" I turned to him and said "mhm"
Alastor said "I told you why I love you but I just can't understand why you like me" I said to him "al I love you because you are one of the kindest people I've met down here. everyone down here treats me like a slut but you don't..... you treat me like a person. I always liked you al but then recently I realized I love you and I never want to let you go" I then felt his lips on my mouth it cought me off guard but I managed to kiss back after a few minutes we let go and al got up and said "angel could you please look away while I get in my PJs on" I looked at him with and said "why something you don't want me seeing" in a seductive tone I saw his face go red and he said "please" and I said "alright" as I was looking away I accidentally looked a little and saw something that was adorable and it nerly made me squeal......he had a tail
I didn't say anything and waited for him to finish getting ready and he said "okay you can look now he was wearing red pjs and it had a hole in the back for his tail to be out and I said "looking good smiles" and I saw his tail started wagging and I nerly died from the adorableness he had a little fluffy tail that waggled when he was happy Alastor caught on to me losing my shit and fanboying over him "angel are you alright" I then saw his face go red and he covered his tail
And I said "your so adorable" I kinda squealed while saying that he looked at me and said "please don't tell anyone" and I said "it's okay al I won't spill" he sat down next to me and I decided to pet his ears and he flinched and I heard a sound and realized he was purring and I said "you like that smiles?" In a seductive tone

Alastor pov

Waring waring waring asexual panic

Angel pov

I kept petting his hears and hearing him purr was so cute I didn't know how cute he was it made me love him even more "al you want me to stop" and he slowly shook his head slowly "so are your ears your sweet spot" al stopped me and said in a confused voice "what is a sweet spot?" Am I seriously going to need to have the talk with him "well your sweet spot is the place on your body that you feel the most pleasure" al said "well then I guess so oh and don't tell anyone about how sensitive my ears are" I nodded and he asked "what's your sweet spot?" I could tell he's becoming more comfortable with talking about this and I was happy enough to tell him the answers "well my sweet spot is on my back there a pink heart on my back and when ever anyone presses it down it gets me going like nothing else" and then al asked "can I touch it?" I blushed when he said that it was just so unexpected and I said "s-sure"I show him my back and he presses my sweet spot and I moaned after a while we both got a little wild

Alastor pov

We were both lying on my bed making out and he removed my shirt and I removed his shirt and I began exploring his body he was exploring my body

Angel pov

He was exploring my body I wasn't used to this much attention usually when I was with a person we would just get down to sex but I prefer this slowly making the way there I then looked down and realized al had a boner and I just couldn't believe it hes actually enjoying this I then stopped to ask a question "so how do you like it" and al looked flushered and I said "al are you a virgin?" And he said "well um....sort of I have never really given it much thought" and I said "don't worry your in good hands" and I was about to do my thing and all the sudden al pushed me off and I yelled "what the hell" I looked at him and he looked scared like really scared and I said "al you alright" and he cried "I'm sorry dear I panicked I was enjoying it but it became to much and I just couldn't take it anymore" I walk up to him and said "I get it al it was scary for me when I first did it we don't have to do anything if you don't want to" he said "it's not just that angel I never told you this but I'm asexual" I couldn't believe what I heard "al I'm sorry I didn't know" "it's alright angel"
Alastor then rested his head on my chest fluff and he buried his face in it I then began to rub his ears to comfort

I honestly didn't have a plan for this chapter and I'm bad at writing stuff like this so I did my best
