Chapter 3 Dear Spider

Angel pov

I was walking down the street and all the sudden I couldn't get al out of my head and I couldn't wait to talk to him again.a few minutes later. I arrived at the studios and walked to the door and entered I started walking towards vals office and while I was walking towards the office and I saw all the perverts looking at me like they always do and finally I arrived at the office and knocked on the door "come in" I heard val yell. I opened the door and he said "ah well if it isn't my best porn star" val smirked and told me to come closer so I obayed and he pulled me towards him and said "what took you so long you said it would only be a hour" and I said "sorry but looking this good takes time you know that more than most people" I smiled not in a good way though I don't like being so close to val. Then he pushed me on the floor "Listen you got a cilent outside the studios in the back allie do what you do best" I got up and said defeatedly "yes sir" as I was walking out of the office val said "oh angel cakes if you ever come in late again you won't get off so easy next time" he said in a threatening tone I replied "yes sir"

Few minutes later outside

I walked to the back allie and got jumped by a group of 6 people they pined me to the wall and gagged my mouth "shhhhhh just let it happen you whore" a guy yelled to his men "ok boys val said we could do what ever we want were just not allowed to kill him remember that who's up first" I started to tear up I wanted to scream but the gagged was wrapped way to tightly around my mouth
I will spare you the details of what happened but I will give you a quick statement of what happened. So they started to abuse angel by cutting him lightly and kicking and punching and raping basically just really bad stuff

I can't take this anymore it hurts to much and all the sudden big black tentacles appeared and started to torture them tearing them into pieces and I hear a very loud radio static coming from the very end of the allie and then I blacked out

Alastor pov

"You disgusting good for nothing rapers you will pay dearly for your actions I will tear you into pieces" I then saw angel blackedout on the floor and stopped everything and they all ran away well the ones I didn't tear into pieces I ran towards angels I removed the gag "angel can you hear me" I check and he's still breathing I snap my fingers and I teleport us to my room and I started attending to his wounds I know how to treat all kinds of wounds learning about the human body made me a better killer after I bandaged everything I put him on my bed and let him rest for a bit since my room is magically sealed I figured it would be the safest place for him and I put the covers over him and left the room and said quietly "rest well dear angel"

Two hours ago

I was on the roof thinking about angel
"Why can't I stop thinking about him like sure I looked forward to talking to him again he is quite interesting maybe I should try and talk to him about his former life if he's up to it of cours-" all the sudden I felt a horrible feeling go threw my mind as if someone was in danger and it felt like angel was in danger and I followed this feeling until I got to the porn studios and I went to the back allie and saw them
I'm pretty sure you know the rest

In the present

Only killing 2 of them wasn't enough I want to kill all of those b*****ds and I know who will know where they might be

"This is going to be very entertaining"
