Chapter 2 Breakfast

Alastor pov

I walk down the Stairs and I see husker managing the bar of this fine establishment I walk past him and head in to the kitchen and start making some pancakes my mother would make me in the morning on a fine sunny day I begin making it and trying to perfect my mother's recipe which I've been trying to do for decades. After a few minutes I hear a voice behind me "hey al what ya cooking" it was angel "I'm making pancakes" I then see angels face light up "I fucking love pancakes can you make some for me" I sigh "sure thing"
I wasn't planning on making alot of pancakes but charlie as Been telling me to get along with angel she says we have alot in common she says "hey al do you know where charl and vag are" I replied "they went on some sort of romantic get away for a few days and put me in charge of the hotel" angel replied in a playful tone "so I guess it's just you and me hot stuff" he winked at me and I felt my face become a bit warmer i think I might have blushed a little but I was able to hide it "no husker is managing the bar of this fine establishment and niffty is probably cleaning this fine establishment"I hear angel laugh a little "no I meant it's only going to be me and you for breakfast, lunch and dinner" I replied"pancakes are done"

Angel pov

God I'm so hungry "is there anything you want on them?" Alastor asked. I thought about it for a moment "nah I like it plan" Alastor replied "suit yourself" I take a bite and "Holy shit al this is fucking incredible how in heaven did you learn how to cook like this" I waited for a reply "my mother tought me to cook we would always set up dinner together she was a lovely woman she was the only person I every loved she was kind to all she had a bakery on the far side of the town I lived at while growing up she made the best food in the world" I was listening with interest Alastor has never shared his past before "she would also take care of my wounds when ever I got into a fights and would do anything for me and my father she had a great heart I loved her" I saw a tear in Alastors eye "she sounds wonderful al"

3 person pov

Angel and Alastor spent the rest of the morning talking while eating pancakes until angel told a dirty joke
Alastor said "you have a low sense of humor" Alastor chuckled a little angel looked at him "yeah like you could do better" angel smirked Alastors face lit up and he summoned and grabbed his cane and said "why wasn't the bike able to stand up" Angel replied "I don't know why?" Alastor said "because it was two tired" angel burst out laughing "that joke is awful" Alastor replied "then why are you laughing my dear" they talked for a little bit more then angel got a phone call from val

Angels pov

"Hold on one second Al got to take this" he answered the phone "hello angel cakes I need you to come in were a little understaffed right now and I need my top star" angel sighed "yeah ill be there in a hour" he hung up "gotta go al it's work talk to ya later deer boi" I gave Alastor a wink and walked up stairs to get ready for work
(He puts on his normal clothes) God damnit I wish i didn't have to go into work I hate it there I want to quit but I'm afraid of what would happen if I tried to. angel then looked down at a bruse he got yesterday from his job. I started shaking from the thought of what val would do if I tried to quit.after a few minutes later he was able to pull himself together and headed down stairs and walk out of the main door

Alastors pov

(Right before angel left to get dressed)
"I'll see you later darling" I began to tidy up .I see angel leave and all the sudden I don't want him to go it's almost like I want him to stay. those perverts don't deserve angel they don't have the right to even look at him...what am I saying what is this feeling I need to go clear my head

Chapter 2 yeah I hope you liked it, it took a while to make because I kept changing things and adding thing because I really want this to be good
