Chapter 11 The End

It's been a few weeks since the night on the roof and Alastor and Angel Dust have been hiding there relationship from the others

Alastor pov

I woke up and I was lying on angels chest and I tried as quickly and carefully as possible to get out of bed without waking angel up I'm in angel room so I can't get dressed I looked at angel he looks so peaceful when he's sleeping I feel my tail wagging and I stop it with my hand I am starting to get used to having angel as my boyfriend but I still wasn't comfortable with him touching my tail so I wouldn't let him. I didn't feel like leaving so I got back in bed and put my arm around him and I felt him moving closer to me and I looked at him and he whispered "yar cute when yar sleepin" I replied "I could say the same about you dear"

2 hours later
At the kitchen area
3rd person pov

Alastor was cooking in the kitchen when Vaggie came in and said "so what's the deal between you and angel?" She smirked at him

Alastor turned to look at Vaggie like he wanted to snap her neck but he stopped himself and said "I don't know what your talking about dear" he kept his usually voice as angel tought Alastor how to lie better. Vaggie said "oh come on you two clearly have something going on" Alastor then said "I can assure you that there is nothing going on between me and Angel" Alastor stuttered while saying that Vaggie said "suuurrrrreeeee" Vaggie then walked off

Hour later

Angel walks over to Alastor who was sitting on the couch reading angel asked "so do ya think we should finally tell the others were together because I'm tired of hiding" Alastor was also tired of hiding there relationship "well I guess it wouldn't be so bad..... alright lets tell" Alastor got up summoned his cane and his top hat and said "I'll send everyone a letter to tell them to meet us down here

After everyone gathered

Charlie said "so why are we here"

Alastor replied "me and angel have something to tell you" Alastor breathed in and out "me and angel have gotten into a romantic setting of sorts an-" angel butted in "omg can you just say we're dating" angel said in a happy tone "I was getting to that"
Charlie and niffty were losing it as they sort of shiped it while Vaggie was just smiling even she thought it was cute and husk started laughing and he said "so the big scary radio demon is in love" husk started laughing until he felt the tip of a knife on his neck it was Alastor and he said "got a problem" husk was now nervous he said "no no no problem no problem at all" Alastor said "good boy" and put the knife away and Charlie asked "how long have you been together" and angel replied "a few weeks we didn't tell you because we wanted the privacy until we both got sick of hiding it" charlie looked down and said "I'm sorry you felt that way" and Alastor said "dear charlie its not your fault it's just that well I have never been in a relationship before not even in my human life and angel he's never been in a relationship which didn't end in s*x" angel asked "al why does your voice beep stuff" and Alastor said "because it's radio my dear" niffty said "so she's your girlfriend" and Alastor said "yes indeed he is my boyfriend" niffty then realized something "ANGELS A BOY" niffty screamed and everyone laughed but niffty kept apologizing to angel while nerly crying "it's alright niff I'm not mad at ya" after a few minutes charlie asked "since you two are together would you both like a shared room. Alastor and Angel thought about the offer and they discussed it they always spend the nights together anyways so it would be handy to have the same room both agreed and Alastor went to charlie and said "me and angel have decided we will take your offer for a shared room" and charlie gave them the keys

As they were walking to there room Alastor thought to himself "I'm going to have to move everything from my room here but the only thing I really even had in my room was a stereo"
They arrive and Alastor said "would you like to do the honours" angel nodded and opened the door it was like the room was spilt in half' half angels style and half of Alastors everything was already moved there including fat nuggets there was also a tv and a couple of movies and it had a little kitchen and a two wardrobes one with Alastors clothes and one with angel and the bed was a luxury double bed with two night stands angel took it all in "how the heaven did this happen" Alastor turned towards angel while grabbing his hand and putting the over one on his waist and he said "while we were walking I had my shadow fix this place up...I wanted to give you the room you deserve do you like it?"
Angel said "I love it' it's perfect" and Alastor put some music on and they both slowed dance to it

The End
