The Loud House Antics

It was a rainy Friday afternoon in Royal Woods. School was done for the weekend, Lori was home for the weekend from college, and everybody was happy. Rita and Lynn Sr. were not home, as they were grocery shopping.

The twins were watching cartoons in the living room, Lincoln was reading comics in his underwear in his room, Luan was baking pies in the kitchen, Luna was jamming on her guitar axe in her room, Lisa was doing experiments in her room, Lily was repeatedly saying "poo-poo", Lori was chatting with Bobby on the phone in her room, Leni was looking for the sun, not knowing it was hidden behind clouds. Lynn was playing with a mini basketball hoop in her room, and Lucy was reading a book in her room, as well.

"You guys?! The sun disappeared!" Leni cried out as she ran downstairs.

"Have you ever heard of a cloud, Leni?" Lola asked.

"The digital one?" Leni replied.

Lola face palmed and went back to watching Blarney the Dinosaur with Lana. Leni returned upstairs to her room, where she saw Lori glaring at her with an angry look.


"Well, it's not that bad, it already looked terrible on you," Leni answered. Lori just stood there for a few seconds, mixed with mad and stunned faces.

"You'll pay for this!" Lori finished as she stormed out of the room.

"How much? I have $13," Leni replied.

Lori loudly moaned as she went downstairs. Lincoln's door opened around the same time, and he walked over to Leni.

"Hey, Leni, what's up?" Lincoln asked.

"Last I checked, it was the ceiling," Leni guessed as she looked up.

"I mean how are you doing?" Lincoln responded.

"Ohhh. I'm doing good, Linky, except Lori yelled at me because I accidentally stretched her favorite sweater," Leni updated.

"Doesn't that sweater look bad on her, anyway?" Lincoln asked Leni. They both laughed it off. Lincoln and Leni were always close siblings their whole lives. Lincoln was also really close with Lana, Luna, Lily, and Lucy, too.

They heard Lori coming down the hallway, and Lori would twist Lincoln into a human pretzel if she saw him, so he quickly hopped in the closet and Leni shut the doors.

Lori came in and gave Leni a dirty look and then she slapped her across the face.

"Ouch! What the heck, Lori?!" Leni angrily yelled. Lincoln came out of the closet and tried to break it up.

"Hey, hey, hey! Cut it out, Lori, it's not her fault that your favorite sweater looks terrible on you!" Lincoln blurted, but he immediately regretted it.

Lori twisted around and let go of Leni, and she yelled "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"

Some of the other siblings overheard what was going on and dashed to the room.

"Oooh, a fight!" Lola excitedly said.

Lori hit Lincoln in the head with one of her shoes, sending Lincoln to the ground. A few sisters gasped but Lynn and Lola just laughed.

"Should we break this up, dudes?!" Luna eagerly asked hoping for a "yes" answer.

"Hold on, I wanna see what Lincoln will do!" Lisa replied.

"Me too!" Lola agreed.

Lori grabbed Lincoln and she tried to push him, but Lincoln overpowered her and tried to leave, but Lori tripped him. She grabbed him by the front of the shirt and pushed him, slamming his back into the window.

"Alright, dudes, c'mon, let's break it up," Luna protested.

"Agreed. This could get rough," Lisa responded.

Lincoln kicked Lori and then Luna broke it up (Lisa tried but she is super short so she got stopped).

"Hey Lori, I'm gonna call you Chef Lori now!" Luan started.

"What? Why?" Lori confusedly asked.

"Because you gave Lincoln a few knuckle sandwiches!" Luan laughed.

Everyone groaned and walked away, except for Luna, Lincoln, Leni, and Lori.

"What the heck was that about?!" Luna questioned Lori, Leni and Lincoln.

"Lincoln said my sweater made me look bad," Lori growled.

"I mean he's not really wrong-" Luna quietly said to herself.

"What?!" Lori snapped, making Luna jump.

"Uh, nothin', dude!" Luna nervously said back.

"Well, listen to this, 'dUdEs'," Lori mocked, "you will ALL pay for this!"

Lori left the room and stormed downstairs, little did everyone else know, Lori would start a whole war in the Loud household.


Lincoln stayed in Leni's room with Luna, trying to comfort Leni.

Just then, Lana walked in and asked "Hi, guys! What happened?"

"Ah, nothing. Leni and Lori got into a fight and Luna and I broke it up," Lincoln told Lana.

"I got your back, guys," Lana claimed.

"Thanks, Lans," Luna said, "we all got each other's backs," Luna assured.

They all hugged and then left the room, except for Leni, who stayed in her room.

Lincoln walked out but then shortly returned and said to Leni "Let me know if you need help with anything. I got you," to which Leni smiled and nodded.

Just then, Lola came running upstairs and dashed into Luna and Luan's room, with Luan still being in the kitchen making pies for her company Funny Business Inc.

Luna and Lola argued for a bit, until Lincoln walked in and tried to sort things out.

"Lola, chill out, you gotta calm down,"
Lincoln demanded.

"How can I chill out when she posted something about me on social media, and called me out for being ugly?!?!" Lola screamed.

"What? I never did that, Lols!" Luna replied.

"Explain this then, rockstar:" Lola said as she showed Luna the post, which read: "Shout-out to @lolaloud16, who is the ugliest 7 year- old in Royal Woods!"

"Okay, but how is that me?" Luna said, confused.

"Don't play dumb, look at the username," Lola ordered.

Luna scanned the phone and saw the username, which made her stomach drop; the username was "lunaloud39".

"But, but-" Luna testified, but was cut off by Lola saying "Oh, shut up. It's obviously you, look at the posts!"

The posts were all legit, as they were pictures of Luna, at home.

"But, 1. I never took those pictures. And 2. that's not my real account! You have me as a friend! My real username is 'lunajams8'!" Luna portested.

"I don't believe you, not yet," Lola finished as she slammed the door walking out.

Lincoln approached Luna, but Lola came back and yelled "Lincoln, if it was you that made that account, Bun Bun is DEAD!!!" Then she slammed the door and finally left.

Lincoln was struck with fear, because out of all the sisters, if Lola makes a threat, she keeps it 100% guaranteed.

"Luna...what the hell was that?" Lincoln asked.

"I..I don't know. That really wasn't me!" Luna claimed.

Lincoln knew she was telling the truth right away; he never suspected her of doing that.

Lincoln assured her that they would solve this, and he went to his room.


Downstairs, Lola went back to Lori, who was the one who spotted the so-called "real Luna" harshly call out Lola. Lori was doing laundry in the basement with Lily sitting in the little hamper.

"Lori, she isn't fessing up!" Lola said to her older sister.

"Forget that! Lincoln just posted something about you now!" Lori said while handing Lola her phone.

"HE WHAT?!" Lola yelled. She swiped the phone and looked at it, revealing a post by ''acesavvy12", and it said "Lola, stop saying your a beauty queen. You're really a drama freak." Lola's jaw dropped open and she screamed, but that was just the caption.

The picture was of Lola sitting on her bed and picking her nose.

Lola threw Lori's phone at the wall, shattering it.

"Lola, what the #!%@" Lori angrily yelled.

"Sorry, Lori, but I've got a murder to commit!" Lola yelled as she picked up a pair of scissors from the laundry room closet.

"Uhm, isn't that a bit too far?" Lori asked.

"No, he posted that of me. Now, somebody's gonna die!" Lola protested.

"He's our only brother, though!"

"Lori, I was talking about Bun Bun. Not Lincoln."

Lori sighed and gave up, returning to doing the laundry.

Lola hid next to the stairs and called out "Linky, would you pleeeease help me in the kitchen??"

Lincoln opened his door and approached the dining room, when Lola ran past him and ran into his room.

Lincoln entered the kitchen but only saw Luan cleaning up her pie messes.

"Where's Lola?" Lincoln asked Luan.

"I dunno, why?" Luan replied.

"She told me to come down here just a few seconds ago."

"Ask Lori, I saw her go in the basement a few minutes ago, but I never saw her leave," Luan suggested.

Lincoln entered the basement, where he only found Lori.

"Where's Lola?" Lincoln said.

"How would I know...'acesavvy12'?" Lori replied, eagerly waiting for an answer.

"Who? Lori, you really need a therapist, you been acting real crazy lately," Lincoln chuckled. "But seriously, who is that?!"

"What do you mean, you're on FirePost aren't you?"

(FirePost is the name of the app with the social media posts).

"Yeah, but my username isn't 'acesavvy14'"

"I said 12. And also, I think you're going to be need a therapist for what's about to happen," Lori suggested.

"Wai-are you threatening me?! You psycho, stay away from me!" Lincoln ran out of the basement and back into the living room, but Lori didn't chase after him.

"Oooh, LINKY!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I LEFT YOU A PRESENT IN YOUR ROOM!" Lola yelled as she slowly came down the stairs.

"Enjoy..." Lola whispered in his ear. She walked away out of sight.

"Wha? It's not even my birthday!" Lincoln was irritated as he walked upstairs. He noticed Lynn and Lucy peeking out the crack in their door, staring at him.

"What are you clowns doing?" Lincoln questioned. Lucy stepped out and said "Sorry for your loss."

"What?" Lincoln questioned.

"Ehr, Lucy, you wanna read me some poems???" Lynn eagerly said, trying to draw Lucy away.

Lynn and Lucy knew what happened, and they felt bad. Lucy did, at least. She was closer with Lincoln than Lynn.

"Uh, sure, Lynn. Sigh," Lucy muttered as she stepped back into her room, closing the door fully this time.

Lincoln creaked the door open and screamed.

Bun Bun had been torn apart and ripped, obviously by Lola. Lincoln layed down in his bed and cried for a while. Lola heard it happen and she smiled, but little did she know, Lincoln and Luna didn't make those accounts. But it wouldn't stop there.

Hey guys! This is Matt, the author, sorry if the story started out a little shabby, but it was the beginning. Don't worry, this series will be long, and it might even have a sequel.

