
Lincoln's gang went to Steve's house, where Lincoln didn't even care about how much money they made.

He was depressed over Clyde's death he just wanted to grab Bun Bun and cry for hours.

Bun Bun was also dead too, courtesy of Lola for that one.

Lincoln and his companions were sitting in Steve's dining room counting money and talking with each other.

Steve's house was a lot nicer than Darius', by the way.

Anyway Lincoln's counterparts were trying to comfort him, but he just kept thinking about Clyde and his family.

He kind of missed his family, but he didn't have permission to leave yet, and if he ditched them, they said they would find him and kill him.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and everybody jumped.

Steve grabbed a pistol and looked through the peep hole on the door and saw 12 people standing outside.

"There's 12 people out there!" Steve announced quietly.

Lincoln rose up in his seat and said "Please let them in. They're my family."

Steve obeyed and opened the door, where Lynn Sr asked if they had possession of their son.

At around the same time Luan pointed at Lincoln from the front door and yelled "There he is!"

The family excitedly ran inside and hugged their son/brother.

"Lincoln, what's wrong?" Rita asked her son.

It took a while for him to answer until he mumbled out "Clyde's dead."

Everybody was silent, even Lincoln's fellow gang members.

"That means that Lynn's jail sentence will be extended," Lynn Sr said.

"Good. She's the one who I never wanna see again," Lincoln swore.

"Lincoln, please. We miss you at home. I'm sure your friends miss you, too," Leni said.

"We are his friends now," Darius said as he stood up.

"Not his true friends. Who are you guys anyway?!" Lola snapped.

"The Grove Street Gang," Steve said, "Don't worry, we're not harming your son."

Luna was horrified about what he just said. The Grove Street Gang was who almost killed her roadie Chunk a few months ago.

"Lincoln, please come back home. We need your help to bail Lynn out of jail," Rita asked.

Lincoln turned to her and said "What did I just say?! She's the one who killed Clyde and I never wanna see her again!"

"Well, we wanna see you back home!" Lana claimed.

"Are you guys gonna have another brawl again?" Lincoln questioned.

"No. We're all good now. Almost all of us. We're only missing you and Lynn. We can work this out," Luan explained.

"Best friends are irreplaceable. I'm not ready to go back home yet. Maybe someday, but not today," Lincoln exclaimed.

"What happened to your phone?" Lynn Sr asked.

"It got broken," Lincoln said as he looked over at Wendell.

"And how did you make all that money?!" Luna asked, shocked.

"Uh, we uh-" Steve tried to lie.

"We robbed the Hazeltucky bank," Lincoln explained.

"Dude, what the hell?!" Darius lividly said.

"Hey 'dUDe', if you harm my son, you're dead! You hear that?!" Lynn Sr threatened.

Darius suddenly pulled out his his shotgun and pointed at the family, with Wendell doing so, too with his pistol.

"Guys, put your guns down and we'll talk!" Steve yelled as the Loud family was terrified.

"Go to hell!" Wendell said to Steve.

Steve and Lincoln pulled out their weapons and pointed them at Darius and Wendell.

Bradley was watching the whole thing happen, but he didn't do anything to intervene.

"If you shoot my family, you'll be spitting brains!" Lincoln threatened Wendell and Darius.

Wendell re-aimed his gun from the Loud family to Lincoln.

"Weapons down, all of you!" An unfamiliar voice shouted from outside. It was the FBI.

"Who the hell are you with?!" Steve yelled.

"With me!" Bradley claimed as he pulled out his rifle and aimed it at Steve.

"You fucking rat! You've been a traitor this whole time?!" Steve yelled back as he re-aimed his pistol at Bradley.

"I've been an FBI agent the whole time. Since you let me into the gang, you led yourselves into a trap!" Bradley explained while grinning.

The FBI unit ushered the Loud family out of the home and near the garage next to the house.

"Put your weapons down, all of you! We got you trapped!" Another unfamiliar voice yelled.

Everybody turned around while still aiming their guns at each other and saw what looked like a private militia of about 4 men in front of the back door.

"What the hell, who are you?!" Wendell yelled at the new group.

"The Private Militia Agency, also known as PMA! Now put the guns down!" One man yelled.

"Fuck you! If anybody's putting their guns down it's not gonna be me!" Darius yelled at them.

Suddenly, Wendell accidentally pulled his trigger and shot Lincoln in the right hand, and Lincoln shot Wendell in the head, killing him.

Lincoln laid on the ground as Darius started firing at the FBI, and Bradley killed Darius almost immediately.

Steve had taken care of the 4 PMA members that were blocking the back door and yelled "Lincoln, we gotta get outta here!" The two men tried to make a break for it through the back door while Bradley tried killing them.

You may ask how is Lincoln able to run and hold a gun while his hand is bleeding? Well, with some people, adrenaline takes over pain, and he was able to push through the pain.

The Loud family was ushered into an alleyway protected by two FBI agents.

"What just happened?!" Luna cried out.

"I'm not sure! I just heard a bunch of gunshots!" Lynn Sr answered.

Lincoln and Steve ran outside and killed the pursuing FBI and PMA members, who tried killing each other, in fact, then tried to catch up with the Loud family.

"Why the hell did Bradley turn on us like that?!" Lincoln asked Steve.

"I know exactly why. He didn't want us to testify in court about our business dealings, OR, he had some rivalry with Grove Street long before this!" Steve explained.

Bradley ran out of the house and tried to shoot at the Louds, until Lincoln took him down.

Bradley lied in the street, and it looked like he was dead.

"Oh my god, Lincoln you're bleeding! And you just killed somebody!" Lola observed.

"I guess you can call me Lynn the third!" Lincoln joked.

"Are you ready to go back home, son?" Rita asked Lincoln.

Lincoln looked over at Steve, who nodded, allowing Lincoln to accept.

"Sure, but I have one request: can Steve please come home with us?? He saved my life, unlike that bitch-ass Bradley!" Lincoln requested.

Rita and Lynn Sr looked at each other and said "Okay, but if he does anything bad, he's out!" Rita laid out.

Steve hugged Lincoln like a father figure, he did care after Lincoln, give him money, and save his life, after all.

"What about us?" Luan asked.

Lincoln turned around and hugged his family, while Steve kept a lookout for police.

"Sorry to break up this happy reunion, but do you realize we have to leave? We're wanted for like multiple counts of every fucking crime under the fucking sun!" Steve announced.

Everybody got into Vanzilla, and Lynn Sr started the car, but Rita asked "Wait! Where's Leni?!"

Everybody froze until Leni ran up to the car, opened the trunk, threw something in it, and then got in the van.

"May I ask what you threw in the rear compartment?" Lisa asked her when she got in.

"I went into the house and grabbed a lot of money! You know, compliments of Linky and Steve!" Leni explained.

The Loud family drove off as Lincoln and Steve fist-bumped and Steve whispered to Lincoln "Sorry for any trouble, Lincoln. I'll make sure to look after you. But one thing, didn't you dislike your family?"

"Kinda, but Lynn isn't here, so I don't care. I missed them. Wanna hear something? I never liked Darius," Lincoln claimed as he and Steve laughed.

And with that, the family was [almost] reunited.
