Steve's Story

Lincoln and Leni were excited but also nervous to hear about Steve Shaw's story.

"Okay. So I was a junior at Beaverton University, which was about 9 years ago, and I was on the tennis team, and I was the star player. I was undoubtedly the best player on the team and everybody was acknowledging me. At least my friends and our school was. I was hated by other colleges because I would always beat them," Steve began to tell his story about how he joined the Grove Street Gang.

"I began to get treated badly by other schools, and my reputation was changed. Everybody who didn't go to our school looked at me like a loser and an enemy. I got fed up with it, but I always shook it off after beating everybody left and right. Until one day when my tennis dreams were shattered and my life was changed forever."

"One night, which was a Wednesday, I was in my apartment building with my roommate, John Kane when we heard people outside laughing and yelling. We looked out the window and saw some other students throwing toilet paper and spray painting on our house. It was dark out so we couldn't see who it was."

"John and I walked outside to confront the crooks and we were then attacked by the group of students, who were made up of about 12 men, it was a lot. We were kicked and punched around for a while, and it was almost impossible to fight back with 12 men swarming after you. John escaped from the attackers a few minutes later, limping away with bloody clothes while being pursued by about 4 of the men. For me, I was knocked unconscious."

"I woke up a few hours later, and I think it was like 2 AM or something like that. Those bastards had dumped me in a creek a few miles from my home, probably mistaking me for being dead. They took my phone and wallet away from me. I had to either walk to the police station or my home. The police station was really far from where I was so I chose my home. In the condition I was in, it took me at least two hours to find my way back home."

"When I finally got back to my apartment complex, I saw that the psychotic assaulters had spray painted and teepeed my building. You guys wanna hear what the spray paint message said?" 

Lincoln and Leni nodded, and then Steve continued his story.

"It read 'ROT IN HELL SHAW!' When I got inside it was even worse. The men had left, but the whole inside was destroyed. John and I must have left the door unlocked when we confronted them. We had wired telephones in our apartment, and they cut the phone lines so that nobody could notify the authorities, and as I said before, they stole my cell phone. The walls were filled with craters and graffiti, electronics were smashed, and many other things were destroyed, as well."

"I locked my door and kept watch the whole night, not getting any sleep. John never came back, and to this day, he's still never been found. The criminals also swiped my car keys so I couldn't drive anywhere. I didn't know how to hotwire a car yet, so that wasn't an option, either."

"When the sun finally rose, the police had already been called by somebody in the complex, due to the graffiti clues and the massive bloodstains on the pavement. The police questioned me and an ambulance arrived. They took me to the hospital where I was diagnosed with 6 broken ribs, a broken nose, and a broken left shoulder. This meant I couldn't play tennis for the rest of the school year, but that wasn't what hurt me the was the fact that the scumbags who caused it were never caught. Not a single one of those 12 men were caught. Bullshit. My theory is that they were students from another school."

Lincoln and Leni felt really bad for Steve, but that was just the introduction.

"Once I recovered from my injuries, which wasn't until my senior year, my tennis skills just weren't the same. I decided not to play for the team my final year, but I did stay in school. I was still being talked about badly by other schools for some reason, though. When I finally graduated, I decided to move to Royal Woods."

"I was going to move onto Grove Street, unaware of the gangs at the time. By the way, my house that we were at earlier, that was the house I moved into after college. Anyway, when I arrived in that area, I kept noticing these men watching my house every time I would either leave or enter it. I got fed up with these stalkers and confronted them one day when I exited my home."

"I basically asked them who they were and why they kept watching me. Believe it or not, Lincoln, it was Bradley, Darius, Wendell, and another guy whose name was Buck. Things escalated quickly when Bradley pulled out a pistol and aimed it at me, and the strangers forced me to join their gang: the Grove Street Gang."

"Like you, Lincoln, they didn't give me a choice. Gangs don't get happy when you decline to join them. We went on some heists and robberies for a while, and we recruited more men along the way, but they died, as well. Buck died one mission when he jumped on top of a grenade to save the rest of us. Poor fella."

"That left me, Bradley, Darius, and Wendell. After one adventure to sabotage the Clark Lane Hustlers, Bradley put me in charge of our gang, for some reason. Jump to the present day now, when we, or should I say Bradley, recruited you. I felt bad how they kidnapped you, and I would've let you escape, but they were always listening. Sorry, pal."

"The one thing that thrilled me about being a gang member was revenge. I liked to imagine that our rivals were the people who ended my tennis career and most likely killed John," Steve finally finished his story.

Lincoln and Leni felt super bad for Steve, and they both apologized to him.

Just then, the front door opened, and Lynn Sr and Rita stepped inside.

"Lincoln...we've got a surprise for you," Rita said with a straight face.

Lynn Sr and Rita scooched a little bit, exposing Lynn Jr.

Lincoln's face went from being confused to downright angry. 

The person he never wanted to see again was standing in their house.
