Lincoln's New Lifestyle

Lincoln was talking with his new alleged "friends", as they got to know each other. Lincoln would leave behind his old friends, school, family, and home, he didn't have a choice, after all.

"What are you doing in an area like this, anyway, kid?" Darius, one of the men asked Lincoln.

He had been spotted by Bradley, one of the four men who had captured him as Lincoln was on his way to the abandoned factory, and it turns out they were a gang called "The Royal Woods Grove Street Gang", and they brought him to Darius' house on the same street.

"Call me Lincoln. I ran away from home and I was going to live in that abandoned factory up the street. Why did y'all kidnap me?!" Lincoln introduced.

"We didn't want you to be harmed, amigo. Besides, we can use your help, Lincoln," one of the men said, who introduced himself as Steve.

Steve was white and had orange hair, with the three other men being black, and Bradley had short dreads, and Wendell and Darius both had short black hair.

"What do you mean you can use my help?" Lincoln asked.

"Trust us, you'll be making fat stacks of money every week!" Wendell claimed.

Lincoln had to make a choice: to stay with these random strangers and possibly never return to his old lifestyle, or attempt to escape and most likely be killed. "

"I'll join you guys, as long as y'all don't get my ass murdered. Why do you guys need a 12-year-old kid like me anyway?" Lincoln stated.

"We need some smarts and sneakiness from you. Besides, don't you dislike your old family?" Bradley asked.

Lincoln grinned and joked "What old family?"

The five men laughed as Wendell handed him an orange jacket with a "G" on it, representing Lincoln as part of the gang. 

"Wow, thanks, guys! I don't really know how to describe this feeling right now," Lincoln said.

"No worries. We got you, Lincoln," Bradley claimed.

"So...are you guys, like...bad?" Lincoln wonderingly asked his new supposed "friends".

"Does a skunk spray?" Wendell asked.

"Of course, Wardell," Lincoln answered.

"It's Wendell, bro. Anyway, we're a gang, what do you expect?" Wendell corrected.

Lincoln kept getting more and more worried, because most likely sooner or later he would either be arrested or dead.

"Wha-what enemies do you guys have?" Lincoln questioned.

"The Clark Lane Hustlers are our main enemies," Bradley claimed, "As you can probably tell, they are from Clark Lane and they are a rival gang. Their colors are blue, in case you wanted to know."

"They killed some of our older members...wish they were still here," Darius wished.

Lincoln gulped and looked nervous, and Steve noticed.

"Lincoln, what's wrong, amigo?" Steve asked.

"I just feel a little uncomfortable. Will you guys ever let me see my friends and relatives again?" Lincoln exclaimed.

"Maybe...maybe not. One thing's for sure, though...if you run out on us without our permssion, we'll find you...and kill you," Bradley threatened as he evilly smiled.

"Don't worry, I won't ditch you guys. But I'm just kinda depressed right now," Lincoln assured.

"How come?" Darius asked while closing the blinds on one of the windows.

"Well, one of my sisters was arrested, I might never see my grandpa again who was like the best person ever to me, and my best friend is dying in the hospital from a coma. Hell, I ain't even sure if he's alive right now," Lincoln explained as he became filled with sadness and distress.

"Would you like to bail your sister out?" Steve questioned.

Lincoln shot up and said, "I don't know...she was the one who put my best friend in the hospital yesterday."

"Well, guess what?" Darius said as he smirked.

"What?" Lincoln nervously replied.

"We're gonna go on a heist tomorrow. If you decide to bail out your sister, we'll definitely have enough money for it. How much is the bail?" Darius explained.

"I'm not sure. Should I ask my mom?" Lincoln asked as he pulled out his phone.

"Gimme that!" Wendell yelled as he quickly snatched the phone from Lincoln's hand and smashed it on the ground.

"What was that for?!" Lincoln yelled back.

"It's too dangerous to give away our location like that, son!" Bradley claimed.

Little did they know, Lisa's tracker was still in Lincoln's head. Lincoln was oblivious to it, as well with everything wrapped around his brain at the moment.

"Just settle in, make yourself at home. Gotta rest up for tomorrow's mission, your first as a Grove Street Gangster!" Steve comforted or at least tried to.

"Another thing: Have you ever fired a gun?" Steve asked.

Lincoln innocently and nervously shook his head no.

"Well, there's a first time for everything, I guess. Tomorrow will be your first time!" Wendell said.

Lincoln didn't like these men very much, and he wished they would go to hell after pressuring a young pre-teen like this.

The five men stayed awake for a few more hours and chatted and ate some food until they agreed to get some rest for the upcoming day.

Believe it or not, these men didn't have any intentions to turn on Lincoln at the moment.


Over at the Loud residence, the children had been exhausted from school and their mixed emotions.

Rita and Lynn Sr had been crying nonstop since they realized how bad they downplayed the situation.

Even though Lincoln sort of missed his family, he missed his parents the least, and they knew that.

"Lisa, why haven't you told us where Lincoln is yet?" Lucy questioned her younger sister.

"I'm afraid that he is on Grove Street, which is in what you numbskulls refer to as 'the hood'. I fear for his safety, and ours, too if we go to try and find him," Lisa explained.

"Grove Street? My roadie Chunk got jumped there before! He almost died!" Luna said.

"Who almost murdered him?" Lana nervously asked.

"The Grove Street Gangsters. Those punks! I hope they haven't killed our little brother yet!" Luna answered.

"Don't say 'yet'...because hopefully, it won't happen," Lisa suggested.

"What do we do? Should we ask Pop Pop for help or something?" Luan asked.

"Maybe," Rita said un-enthusiastically.

Lola had enough and grabbed both of her parents by the front of their shirts and screamed "LISTEN UP! YOU NEED TO STOP ACTING LIKE BABIES AND TAKE ACTION!!!" 

"Okay! Okay, then let go of me and we'll talk!" Lynn Sr begged.

Lola yanked off of her parents and then stomped away.

"Alright, kids. I feel like we should go to Grove Street and search for Lincoln there!" Lynn Sr suggested.

The kids became worried and confused about why they should go there instead of notifying the police and/or asking Pop Pop about how this happened.

The family decided that they would head down to Grove Street the following day and search for Lincoln.


The next day, Lincoln was awoken around 7:00 AM and saw Steve standing at the foot of the bed with a creepy smile on his face.

"Get up, Lincoln! Time to get ready for your big day!" Steve yelled as it reminded Lincoln of his dad.

"Alrighty, Steve. So, what is even happening today, where we going?" Lincoln double-checked.

"We are going to the Hazeltucky bank! We're gonna get some fat stacks of cash!" Steve explained.

Lincoln stood up from the bed while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, and he walked into the living room and saw everybody else there.

The men threw their arms up and even patted Lincoln on the back a little bit while greeting each other.

It was obvious that Steve was the main leader of the small group, with Bradley being second in charge.

Lincoln ate some quick food and then stepped into his room and got dressed. He put on some blue jeans, a red flannel shirt, his white sneakers, and his orange Grove jacket.

He exited his room and said to the group "Let's head to Hazeltucky!" Much to everyone's approval.

The other men got dressed and acquired their respective weapons, with Steve and Wendell grabbing pistols, Bradley had a semi-automatic rifle, and Darius had a sawed-off shotgun.

For Lincoln, Steve handed him an M9 pistol and said to him "Treat her well, Lincoln."

Lincoln nodded as the men prepared to step outside and enter their van to head to Hazeltucky.

Little did they know, there would be a surprise waiting outside for them.
