Imprisonment and Runaways

Lincoln had left home on Sunday night and was heading to the Royal Woods retirement home to see the second best person to get advice from, behind Clyde: Albert Loud, also known as Pop Pop, who was the Loud children's grandfather.

Lincoln had been grounded over the weekend, so he didn't have a cell phone to use because his parents took it.

He also forgot his backpack, but he didn't feel like going back home to obtain it, so he decided he would skip school the next day.

The sun was setting now, and it was getting chilly, it was October, after all.

Lincoln was mad and sad at the same time, due to Clyde being in a coma, Lynn being arrested earlier that day, and all of Lincoln's sisters turning against him (except for Lily).

He continued walking down the street, where he would be at the entrance of downtown Royal Woods. He still had a long way to walk.


Lynn had arrived at the police station in the cop car and was walked into the building.

She didn't know how long she would be here, but it wouldn't be good.

She was furious at Lincoln, thinking that he was the one who started everything, and the one who caused Clyde to get hurt.

Lynn was finger printed, interrogated and kept in a temporary cell until her case would be investigated further.

She sat in her cell, laying on her cot crying helplessly.

The police would notify either Rita or Lynn Sr the next morning, letting them know that they would conduct an investigation and conclude Lynn's prison time and bail charge.

Lynn learned how bad jail was, or would be, because this was only temporary.

The cramped walls, no TV, no family. Nothing except for scratched walls, a toilet and sink that were connected to each other, a mirror, and a cot.

"Lincoln, when I get out of here, you better pray," Lynn muttered to herself, distressed.


Back home at the Loud household, the sisters were making up with each other, and they were getting along again.

Luna and Lola were even bonding together again, and they were happy.

Lola walked upstairs after making up with everybody, and she pounded on Lincoln's door. No response.

"Lincoln! You better open this door before I pound you!" Lola yelled.

She ended up just opening the door, where she didn't find anybody.

Unlike when he spent the night at Clyde's the night before, Lincoln did not leave a note this time.

"Uhm...Linky?" Lola asked. No asnwer.

Lincoln's whereabouts were a mystery, as Lola ran downstairs to spread the news.

"Guys! I hate to break up our little peace gathering but Lincoln is gone!" Lola announced.

"What?!" Everybody synchronously yelled.

"He didn't leave a note this time! Where could he be?!" Lola asked.

"He's not at Clyde's...since he's in the hospital," Luna said as everyone acquired sad faces.

"Lisa, figure out where he is!" Lori eagerly demanded.

"I'll track his phone!" Lisa announced as she pulled out a tracking device.

There was a beeping noise coming from the parents' bedroom, and everyone became confused.

"Oh, that's right! We grounded him and took away his phone! Gosh darn it!" Lynn Sr explained.

Everyone groaned as they tried to think of a solution.

"I got it!" Leni screamed.

"You do?!" Everyone asked.

"Yeah! I got an idea!" Leni exclaimed.

"Well what is it?!" Everybody yelled.

"I have an idea for how I'm gonna cheat on tomorrow's math test!" Leni cheered.

Everyone groaned, and then Lori shrieked intensely.

"Oh my gosh! Oh crap how did I forget?!" Lori screamed.

"Lori, what's wrong?!" Rita asked.

"I have to get back to college! Tomorrow's Monday! I guess my mind has been so occupied with today's events I completely forgot!" Lori explained.

"Oh shoot, you're right! Pack your things, say goodbye and leave! We'll keep you updated with whatever happens," Lynn Sr assured.

Lori rushed to pack her bags and leave for college, when the kids tried to figure out what to do.

"Can't we just call the police?" Lana suggested.

"Oh, good idea. How didn't we think of that?" Lynn Sr said.

"Wait, shouldn't we wait until tomorrow to see if he comes back?" Luan questioned.

"You're right! We'll wait until tomorrow to call the police, if he doesn't come back," Lynn Sr explained.

And with that, the family went from hatred, to peace, to sadness.


Lincoln had finally made it to the Royal Woods retirement home where he would meet Pop Pop.

He was exhausted and tired, hoping that Pop Pop would let him spend the night in his room.

"He has to understand everything...he always does...hopefully he does...will he?" Lincoln thought to himself.

He entered the building and saw Sue, that mean employee who had terrorized him and Pop Pop about a year ago (The Old and the Restless).

"Well, well, well. If it isn't white hair!" Sue began.

"Shut up, Sue. I'm not happy right now, and you don't wanna see me get mad. Now where's Albert Loud?" Lincoln rudely said.

"Oooh, I'm soooo scared!" Sue mocked.

Lincoln grabbed Sue by her shirt collar and yelled in her face "WHERE'S ALBERT, YOU OLD HAG?!"

Sue's face grew nervous and she quickly pointed to the right. Lincoln let go and headed that way.

"Kids these days," Sue muttered to herself.

"What was that?!" Lincoln said as he turned to face Sue.

"I forgot to tell you that his room number is B39!" Sue shrieked.

Lincoln glared at her for a second and then continued his way towards Pop Pop's room.

He stepped into the elevator and took it to the second floor.

He exited and then walked a few doors down until he was in front of B-39.

"Please be awake, please be awake, please be awake!" Lincoln begged to himself, because Pop Pop may have been in bed already.

Pop Pop opened the door and grew a surprised look and confusedly said "Lincoln??"

The men hugged each other happily, but Pop Pop still had to ask "Lincoln, what are you doing here??"

"Shoot, man. I really need your help with something," Lincoln explained.

"Does your family know your here?" Pop Pop checked.

"That's what I need to discuss with you," Lincoln verified.

Pop Pop let his grandson into his room and shut the door behind him.

"What's the problem?" Pop Pop asked.

"Okay, so basically my sisters all had beef with each other, and then they had a huge fight, then my best friend nearly got killed by Lynn, he might even be dead now, who knows?! Then, my sisters view me as a liability and they got mad at me, and now Lynn is in jail! What a mess men! &@*#!" Lincoln thoroughly explained.

"They ate beef with each other? Mmm, beef sounds pretty good right about now," Pop Pop said.

Lincoln face palmed and corrected "No, beef is a term for hatred and madness towards each other."

"Oh. Well how about this, just calm down?" Pop Pop suggested.

Lincoln just snapped and yelled "How am I supposed to calm down when my best friend is dying, my sisters hate me, and I ran away from home?!?!"

Pop Pop became worried and asked "Are you okay? Just settle down, we'll work through this!"

"Sorry, Pop Pop. I can't trust anybody anymore, except for my friends and you," Lincoln claimed.

"Well, have you apologized to them?" Pop Pop asked.

"Actually, no I haven't. They didn't give me the chance to," Lincoln recalled.

"What about your parents?"

"Ah, screw them I hope I never see them again." Lincoln realized he didn't mean it, even though it seemed like it at the moment.

"Don't say that, buddy! You don't mean you?" Pop Pop nervously said.

"I don't know, they laid low the whole time and never intervened, leaving it to me, and they expected me to break up a big-ass brawl between 9 sisters."

"Well, I'm glad you came here. I would suggest that you return home and tell them that you're sorry, you didn't mean to do anything harmful, and you only mean good to your family," Pop Pop suggested.

"I dunno, Pop Pop. I mean, I kinda miss them, and I didn't tell them where I was going, but I'm not ready to go back home yet," Lincoln claimed.

"Whatever floats your boat, tiger!" Pop Pop joked.

The two laughed for a few seconds, and Lincoln cracked the question: "Hey, Pop Pop? Can I stay the night here? Please?"

"Don't you have school tomorrow?" Pop Pop asked.

Lincoln remembered he forgot his backpack at home, and he didn't want to go back for it, so he simply said "School's cancelled Monday and Tuesday due to, issues! Damn plumbers!" Lincoln lied, but Pop Pop believed him and they chuckled about the last part.

"Sure. I feel bad for you, and we've always had a great relationship, so how could I say no?" Pop Pop said.

Lincoln was going to thank his grandfather, but was interrupted by a voice from the hallway saying "Maybe you can't say no, Albert, but I can!"

It was Sue. She had been listening to the whole conversation.

"Sue, don't you have some managers to go complain to?" Lincoln joked.

"Shut up, you white haired punk!" Sue yelled back.

"Well guess what? Why don't you get rid of that yee-yee ass haircut and stop being a know-it-all jerk who nobody likes?!" Lincoln responded, and Pop Pop laughed super hard.

"That's it! Nobody insults my hair!" Sue insisted, as she lock-picked the door open.

She entered the room and grabbed Lincoln by the arm and tugged him out the door.

"Let go of me, you jerk!" Lincoln kicked and yelled.

"You're about to be kicked out on your proverbial keister!" Sue joked as she laughed.

"Hey, Sue, you like kicking people out?" Lincoln asked.

"Uhm, duh. Of course I do, I'm kicking you out right now!" She replied.

"Well, I'm gonna KICK you! Hahaha!! Nobody kicks out Lincoln Loud!" Lincoln joked as he kicked Sue in the stomach.

Sue bounced around as she grimaced in pain.

"I'm notifying the police! You assaulted me!" Sue threatened.

"Well guess what? I don't give two craps about your 'sCaRy' threats," Lincoln joked back.

Lincoln escaped the building, but only for a few minutes.

He wanted to make Sue think he actually left, when in reality, he was hiding in the bushes next to the front door.

Sue stepped outside and scanned the area for Lincoln, when the police stopped in the parking lot, and Sue walked over to greet them.

Licnoln quickly ran back into the facility as Sue walked away, and he returned to Pop Pop's room.

He knocked on the door and Pop Pop thankfully opened it.

"Lincoln? You're still here?!" Pop Pop said, surprised.

"Yes, now let me hide under your bed! The cops are here looking for me!" Lincoln requested.

"That dumbass Sue thinks she can arrest MY grandson? She thought wrong! Now get in here!" Pop Pop said, and Lincoln smiled and ran in.

The men heard Sue guide some police officers down the hallway towards B39, and then they knocked on the door.

Pop Pop opened the door and let in two police officers, and they conducted a small search.

"Ma'am there's nothing here," one of the officers concluded, but Sue was skeptical.

"Nonsense! Check the bathroom!" Sue demanded as the trio headed to the bathroom.

Lincoln noticed something about the officers, they were the same ones that arrested Lynn earlier.

Lincoln had to decide whether to make a run for it or stay under the bed, and he chose the latter.

He stayed under the bed, and they surprisingly didn't see him.

Sue and the police officers left the room as Pop Pop said goodbye to them.

Lincoln was going to get out from under the bed, but Pop Pop signalled to be quiet and he pointed at the door.

Pop Pop peeked through the peephole, no Sue. He almost told Lincoln to come out, but he was glad he didn't.

He got onto his hands and knees and looked under the door, seeing one of Sue's shoes off to the side.

Pop Pop turned to Lincoln and signalled to stay put and be quiet.

Pop Pop thought of a scheme: he would pick up the phone and pretend to talk to Lincoln, drawing Sue away.

Pop Pop picked up the phone and spoke into it, saying
"Hello?...Lincoln?...Where did you go?...You're downtown?...Near the arcade?...Don't worry, I'll text your mom for help!...Bye!"

He then put down the phone and waited for Sue to go away, and after a few seconds she did.

Pop Pop leaned next to the bed and gave Lincoln a thumbs up, and Lincoln got up.

"Man, you're a genius!" Lincoln complimented.

"Thanks! Glad you're okay!" Pop Pop said back.

The two hugged and then decided that Lincoln would have to sleep in the bathtub overnight, just to be safe.

"I can't thank you enough for this, Pop Pop. You're a real one," Lincoln claimed.

"No worries!" Pop Pop insisted, and the two were just about ready to call it a night.

Lincoln was really tired, even though it wasn't even 8:00 PM yet.

The boys went to bed peacefully. Some other people weren't as lucky, though.


At the jail, Lynn was bored out of her mind, and she was growing sadder by the minute.

She felt bad about Clyde, and how she badly hurt her siblings.

She was still furious at Lincoln, however.

Lynn thought of a short poem that she had heard from a movie before, and for some reason, she sang it like she knew it perfectly.

"If only, if only the woodpecker sighed, if only the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky, if only, if only," Lynn quietly sang to herself.

"I miss home. I miss my sisters and parents and friends. Hell...I even miss Stinkin' a little bit. He still got me in here, and I'm still pissed at him, but I kinda miss him."

Lynn laid in her cot and slowly dozed off, and she had a weird dream.

She dreamed about where Lincoln had robbed a lot of people and he had met Lynn in jail.

"Lynn?" Lincoln asked.

"Lincoln? Wha-what are you doing here?" Lynn asked, shocked.

She would've never thought to see her brother in jail, let alone with her.

"What are you here for?" Lynn asked.

"Busting you out," Lincoln said.

Lynn then woke up, sweating profusely, and she looked around for any sight of her family.

Nothing. Lynn was filled with mixed emotions, and she was dying to see her family again soon.

Somebody else was also dying. Clyde. He was in a severe state of brain trauma and it was unclear if he would survive.

From what it looked like, it was inconclusive.

All that was certain was that Lynn wanted to be bailed out fast, no matter who it was. Her desire to see Lincoln again quickly faded as she was angry once again.

Will that be changed, or will Lynn hate Lincoln for a long time? Find out soon in The Loudest Brawl Yet.
