Lost (GaLe, maybe NaLu, JeRza and GrUvia.)

I'm doin' this all over again before I do the 2nd one.

Okay, bye!


Levy looked left and right, trying to familiarize the unknown place. But it was no use, she sat on a nearby chair that squeaked due to unstableness.

Then she deeply sighed and gazed at the starlit night.

"How did I end up in this place, anyway?" Levy wondered aloud.


Levy breathed in the fresh air.

"Yay! I'm here!" she screamed.

A few peoople stared at her.

"What?" she glared at them, blushing in embarassment.


"What?!" Levy exclaimed.

"I'm really sorry, ma'am but..." the taxi driver began.

"I don't give a damn whether or not you''d bring me there or not just please! I want to go somewhere!" Levy pleaded.

The driver seemed surprised.


And she ended up here.

She looked around warily again.

"This place is creepy. And it's getting dark." Levy whined, then a rat climbed up her combat boots.

"Ack!!!" she screamed in surprise and fell with her head first.

"Ow!" she cried, then she noticed a tall guy.

The guy had jet black hair and crimson eyes.

He had a name tag. And strangely, an apron.

'Gajeel Redfox' it read.

"13-year old kids like you need to be home." he said, snapping herself back to his gaze.

"Ugh! I'm 17!" she argued.

"Pfft. Whatever. Anyway, where do you wanna go, shrimp? I'm gonna walk you there." he asked.

Levy, still pissed, but kindly accepted his offer to walk her.

"Oh, just at Hills Hotel and my name is Levy McGarden." she introduced.

"Just go straight then turn left." he said.

Wait a minute, Levy. What if this is a trap? You know, you just met him. And didn't he say he'd walk you? Conscience Levy told her.

Levy ignored her.

"Ah. Okay, thanks!" she waved.

"Don't think we're friends!" he called.

"Won't dream about it." she replied hotly, and turned on her heels, heading to it.

Is it okay?

Hope you like it!

