Chapter Twelve -Kidnapped..

The weirdest thing happened today o.O
Some K-pop fan followed me, not that I don't like K-Pop but that is pretty random.
The world is weird.
Levy's POV

Gajeel didn't walk me home...

It's past 10, it's scary and dark!

I know my way there but...

I was so engrossed with thinking that I bumped into someone.

"Oh, Gomenasai." I apologised.

The person turned around and he looks like a gangster.

He has black hair and had a cigarette and also had on a brown jacket.

I inhaled his breath and I figured he was drunk since I smell booze.
Uh oh.. I thought.

If I run away, he'll grab my wrist and drag me somewhere.

But if I stay, he'll maybe kill me.

I gulped.

"Um.. I'm in a hurry." I said hastily.

"Oh no, you're coming with me." he smirked.

I turned around but he grabbed my wrist.

"GAJEE-- MMPH." I yelled but he covered my mouth.

"You're not shouting for help, are you?" he smirked again.

I started to talk, but my words were muffled.

"Hmph, you're coming with me." he said.

It's too late. Gajeel.. Help...

Then, I blacked out.
Gajeel's POV

I am currently walking home.

I put my hands in my pockets.

I'm not walking Shrimp home, It ain't my style.


"GAJEE--" I heard Shrimp shout.

I dunno why but my feet started moving on its own.

Levy's POV

My eyes fluttered open.
Where am I? I thought weakly. Oh, I was kidnapped.

"Ah you're awake." a voice said.
Snap. My eyes opened warily.

"Drink this." the guy said, holding a cup of 'normal' water.

"But--" she began.

"Drink it or you die." he said,pulling out a gun.

Levy gulped and did so.

Suddenly, I felt dizzy.

Then the door burst open.

It was...
Gajeel. Then I blacked out again.
I actually decided to update this morning but I had to fold the laundry -Δ-
It slipped my mind :-)
Hehe, bye!
