Chapter Fifteen - Surprise! It's truth or dare time! (Part One)

I am seriously so sorry for not updating for a while!
You may punch me, kick me or complain, so I will punish myself by writing a loong chapter. If not, I'll write another chapter.

Gajeel walked her to Natsu's house coz she got a text message.
Hey, Levy-chan! We're at Natsu's house. Come ASAP, enjoyed your date?



Anyway, when we entered the room, we saw 6 girls and boys sitting cross-legged.

Mirajane was the first to break the silence.

"You're staying in Fiore forever." Mirajane said blankly.
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"WHAT?!" Levy screamed.

"They tore down your house." Lucy said.

"Oh, here's the picture of your house." Mira said, handing her a paper.

Gray peered at it.

"It's ugly." he commented. "Who drew this piece of trash?"

"Mira did." Jellal said.

Mirajane sobbed at a corner. "And I worked so hard on it." she sobbed.

"Oh..'Uh... Gomen. I did not know." Gray said in the attempts of calming her down before---

"Gray?!" came a deadly voice.

Gray gulped.

"YOU JUST MADE HER CRY! FOR THAT, YOU SHALL PAY!" Erza said, cracking her knuckles.

"Shiz, better run for it!" Gray ran to the door.

"Anyway, I called you guys to play truth or dare." Mirajane said, recovering from her outburst..

" Eh?!" the people, which are Gajeel, Levy, Natsu, Lucy, Jellal and Juvia screamed.

"We'll have to wait for Gray and Erza." Mirajane said.
Cue: Spongebob Narrator.. 10 minutes later...

Erza came in with a Gray full of bruises.

"Hi." she said all too casually.

"Erza! We were gonna play Truth or Dare!" Lucy exclaimed.

"I'm sorry! Someone, punch me!" Erza said, bowing down.

"Let's just go on with our T and D." Mira sighed, knowing that Gray was unconscious.

They spun a bottle and it landed on Lucy.

"Lucy, Truth or Dare?" Mirajane asked.

"Dare!" she said, confident.

"I dare you to make out with Natsu." Mirajane smiled smugly.

"No!" Lucy cried.

"A dare is a dare." she said.

Ugh, fine.

She did the dare and Wendy came in.

"Nii-San, I'm gonna---" Wendy was cut off. "This is highly PG-13!" she screamed.

"Nii-san! I'm gonna go to Romeo's place. Bye!" she ran away.

"I told you, Mira! You just scarred Wendy for life!" Lucy cried when they finished the dare.

"My bad." she said blankly.

She spun the bottle and it landed on Erza.

"Erza, truth or dare?" Mira asked.

"Dare." she replied.

"Damn, everyone's choosing dare, and I have this wonderful truth question." Mira said. "Since you insisted, no strawberry shortcakes for a month, if I catch you, I will show Jellal this." she slowly pulled out a photo.

"NO!" Erza screamed and she lowered Mira's hand.

"Hey, where am I?" an awoken Gray asked.

"Ah, you're awake, come, sit!" Mira said.

Gray scooted to the circle.

"Truth or dare, Juvia?" the bottle landed on Juvia.

"Juvia chooses truth." Juvia said.

"Oh, damn, I forgot my wonderful truth question." she sulked. "Let's see... Um.. Why do you like blue?"

"Because blue is the color of Gray-sama's FT insignia." Juvia answered in a matter of milliseconds.

Mira was about to spin the bottle when Levy protested that she was the one who always give questions.

She gave Levy the bottle and it landed on...


"Hey Mira, truth or dare?" Levy asked.

"Let's see... Dare." Mira said.

"Okay, I dare you to... drink a lot of water, maybe  3 liters and don't go to the bathroom for an hour." Levy said.

"Muri Dayo! (That's Impossible!)" all of them shouted.

"Well.. Nothing's impossible." Levy said plainly.

Mira came back 5 minutes looking like a balloon about to burst.

"Ugh, I feel like having motion sickness." she groaned.

"Not my problem," Levy said.

"Bottle.' she mumbled, trying to hold back her barf.

Levy handed her the bottle and Mira spun it weakly.

It landed on... none other than Levy McGarden.

"This will be fun.' she smirked and ended up barfing.
So I decided to cut this into two parts, I was gonna post this last night but... Sister had to read this E3 fan fiction.
you may punch me now.
I'm sorry!
