Chapter Seven - Gajeel's Confession.. That's unexpected :O

Thank you katykittens for giving me inspiration to update :-)
And also AngelofDarkness05 for being my new follower ;-)
Also the others, who voted ^^ I'm really grateful.
Enjoy! I wanna be a mage :-)

Lucy and Levy were out shopping, leaving the boys behind.

"Is it true that you are Bunny Girl's boyfriend?" Gajeel asked.

"Yes, are you jealous coz you want Levy to be your girlfriend :-P ?" Natsu teased.

"What?!" Gajeel blushed, it was so faint that it was unseeable to the naked eye, almost.

"Haha! You are blushing!" laughed Natsu.

"Don't tell her." Gajeel paled.

"Did you just become Edward Cullen and used Olay Age Defying Cream? You know, the one that makes you ten times younger and whiter?" questioned Natsu. "You love her :-) :-) " Natsu teased again.

"Just.. Don't tell her." Gajeel said.

"I won't promise." he snickered.

"I'll give you anything you want." he pleaded.

"Okay." he said, thinking about a buffet of food.

"Levy might like you." Natsu said.

Gajeel grunted.

"Shaddup." he said.
Ladies and gentlemen, Gajeel blushed :-) .
Dedicated to Chello_8898 I think that was the name, for being the first to vote.
