Chapter Ten - Levy's Date and Two Unexpected Couples (Part One)

Since it was 229 reads last night, I'm pretty sure that it reached 230+ reads. Those who don't like JeRza, you might as well not read this chapter.
I dedicate this chapter to Animefanfics1
and her friends.
Aww, I'm seriously touched. Lol, not really. Anyway, my fellow nakamas, please read x))

"Levy-chan! Remember, this is your date, okay?" Lucy said, while fixing Levy's orange dress.

"It's just to the amusement park. No big of a deal." Levy said casually.

"It is a big of a deal Levy-chan." Lucy said.

"Lu-chan, I've only read dates in romance novels! What if I mess up?" Levy panicked.

"You won't." Lucy assured her.

"But... Lu-chan..." Levy protested.

"Get in the taxi, Levy-chan, I'll come with you, don't worry." Lucy said.

"Okay.." Levy said uncertainly.

"Where to, ma'am?" the driver asked.

"Fiore Amusement Park," Lucy said.

"Oh, you two have dates?" the driver asked as he maneuvered the wheel.

"Yes." Lucy replied.

"Oh, I wish you the best of luck that it'll go well." the driver said.

"Thanks, sir." Levy said.

The rest of the ride was silent.

"We're here." the driver announced.

"Okay, thanks, sir. Here's the payment." Lucy said and handed him the money.

"Thank you! Have fun on your date." the driver said and drove away.

"Oh, the boys are there." Lucy pointed at Natsu and Gajeel.

"Lucy and Levy are here." Natsu told Gajeel.

"Bye, Levy-chan!" Lucy waved and went with Natsu.

"Where do you want to go first?" Levy asked Gajeel.

"Horror House." he said.

"You're coming with me, shrimp." Gajeel continued and pulled Levy.

The haunted house did look scary outside, it had wood features and the windows' curtains were flapping and there was blood/red paint splattered on the curtains.

The line didn't look long so they lined up.

"Okay, this is what happened, my brother was lost without a trace and was never found." their guide said.

"This house is cursed, so don't touch anything." the guide said. "Especially the paintings and statues."

As if on cue, the vase shook and fell down.

All of them were scared and some were even crying.

The guide looked calm and they trudged on to the hall.

They continued walking and there seemed to be... A bridge?

Specifically, it was a hanging bridge, with ropes as handles and wood as steps.

They crossed and halfway, a ghost popped out of nowhere and scared the wits out of them.

The bridge began shaking and the people there ran.

After crossing, they were led unto the kitchen.

There were knives that were splattered by red paint, which makes it look like blood.

In the center was a lone girl with her hair all over her face.

Again, she scared us all,

A guy who looks like 17 was there and the guide fakely cried with joy.

"Brother! I missed you!" the guide cried and hugged him.

"Brother? Brother!? Haha, I'm not anyone's brother, I am a ghost." he said.

"What?!" the guide acted.

"Meaning, I'm here to make you ghosts too! Haha!" he said and chased us.

We shouted and the next thing we knew, we were outside.

"Gosh, that was scary." Levy laughed.

They bumped into someone.

"Hey! W-- Erza?!" Levy cried.

"Levy?" Erza screeched.

"Hi, Prez. And Vice Prez." Levy said to the student council duo,

"Oh, just call us Erza and Jellal." Erza said.

"Are you on a... Date?" Levy mocked Erza.

"No!" Erza replied a little too fast.

"Stop denying." Levy said.

"Okay, fine we are. And you are, too." Erza said.

They talked and suddenly, Gajeel shouted.

" Shrimp! Let's try the Roller Coaster!" Gajeel said.

"Okay." Levy said.

"Please wear your seatbelts." the person operating said.

They did so.

The roller coaster started by moving slowly.

"This isn't so bad." Levy said.

She spoke too soon.

The roller coaster started moving faster then it went so high.

At the top, it started moving slowly downwards then fast.

"Kyaaaaaa!" Levy screamed and her tears weren't falling downwards but upwards.

Then came a loop.

Her screams were so high-pitched that she couldn't scream anymore.

And then another loop and it finally stopped.

Levy breathed in and out.

"Let's try the Galleon next." Gajeel said, pointing to the ship that goes higher and higher.
Ugh. Levy thought.
Part two is tomorrow coz seriously, my hand hurts.
The next is Galleon. I put the rides that I have not tried yet..
Next is Sky drop Tower, then I don't know what's next.
Stay tuned for Part Two,
