-the end-

Pablo pov:
I arrived at training and we are warming up. I walk with Pedri and Pedri says

Pedri: Pablo I think it's really great that you're going to be a father, but I think it was an accident, right?

Pablo: Yes indeed it is really super nice to have such a little mutt later but  it wasn't planted no. I don't know when it happened I can't remember that we didn't do it safely but I think it happened anyway

Pedri laughs at me and says,

Pedri: Pablo I think you just have very strong sperm.

I look at him angrily because he is pretty loud and I'm afraid the rest of the team will hear it too.
Ferran Torres suddenly jumps around my back and screams

Ferran: did I hear that right? Pablo Gavi has very strong sperm and he maked his girlfriend Sofia Gonzales, Pedri's sister pregnant.
I punch Ferran on the arm and say,

Pablo: OMG Ferran why are you saying that so loudly not everyone needs to know this.

But it's too late, the other boys come running to me. Congratulations Pablo they all say.

Pablo: Thank you all I am  going to be a father I would have loved to keep it a secret for a while but some Ferran Torres had other plans about that.

I and the boys are laughing a little bit, but they like that I'm going to be a father.


sofia pov:
You are now almost 38 weeks pregnant and it is calculated that you will give birth in exactly 5 days. You are lying on your bed and Pablo is at his training.
Pablo has some time off from his training sessions starting tomorrow because he can be there for you. You suddenly feel very bad and you have the feeling that you are going to give birth.
You quickly call Pablo.

Sofia: Pablo you have to come home right now I think I'm going to give birth hurry up!

After 10 minutes pablo comes running to you and he says.

Pablo: Come on, let's go to the hospital.

As soon as you get up your water breaks and you start to panic.

Sofia: Shit pablo my waters are broken I can't get in your car like this.

Pablo: Sofia that car doesn't really matter to me right now you are much more important we have to go to the hospital.

When you arrive at the hospital, you lie on a bed. The nurse checks how dilated you are, you are at 3 cm now, that is not enough to start pushing. The nurse has left again and now you are alone in the room with Pablo.

Sofia: Pablo I really think I can't.

Pablo: Shush Sofia I'm sure you can do this, you are the strongest woman there is of course you will succeed.

He lies on your bed and the nurse comes again.

The nurse: You are now fully dilated and you can start giving birth.

Pablo is a little scared, you too but Pablo is by your side all the time to support you.
The delivery went quickly and after 7 minutes there is a very cute boy on your chest.
The nurse left you and Pablo alone with the baby for a while. You give the De baby to Pablo.

Sofia: You two are the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Pablo looks at you and says,

Pablo: you did a good job Sofia. Look what a nice little boy you've brought into the world.

Sofia: Pablo I could never have done this without you.

You give him a big kiss on his mouth and you enjoy the baby even more.


It is now 2 hours later and you are still in the hospital. You hear a knock on the door and then Pedri is suddenly in your room.

Pedri: Omg what a cute baby you have produced. Who would have thought that day out would come from you.

You smile at him. He gives you a hug and also one to Pablo.

Pedri: Pablo I had always hoped that my sister would not have a relationship with a friend of mine, but when I saw how much you were in love with each other I changed my mind and I always hoped that you my best friend Pablo Gavira would have a baby with my sister. You're a good guy Pablo.

Pablo gives Pedri a hug and then you can go home with the baby.


It is now 3 months later and the baby is doing well. Pedri is babysitting sometimes and you and Pablo are having dinner at a nice waterfront restaurant. You walk on the beach after dinner and you stand together watching the setting sun. At some point, Pablo gets down on his knee and says to you.

Pablo: dear sofia gonzales i never thought at the beginning that we would have such a bright future. I've been madly in love with you ever since I first saw you. I was afraid pedri wouldn't like it if I told him I was in love with you. But apparently he could already see that I was madly in love with you. Pedri told me that you liked me too. I was super happy and started jumping in the air. At that moment you came in and asked me why I was so happy, I didn't dare to tell you and told you there was nothing. And then 2 years after I asked you to be my girlfriend, you accidentally got pregnant with me. At first we were afraid that we were too young to be parents, but in the end everything worked out and you are the best mother you could wish for. I want to ask you one more thing now. Will you marry me?

You have tears in your eyes and say,

Sofia: yes of course I want to marry you Pablo, you are the best thing that ever happened to me and I really wouldn't know what to do without you.

Pablo kisses you, you kiss back and you are the happiest people on earth.


5 years later
It is now 5 years later, you and Pablo are still very happy with each other. You have had 2 more children, a boy and a girl. Pablo still plays football at FC Barcelona together with Pedri. Pedri has also had a child, a girl. Pedri's girlfriend and you have become very good friends, you often do fun things with the little ones. You and Pablo would like to have 1 more child, when you don't know yet but it will certainly come soon.

This is the end of the story.

Hii guys, this is the end of the story. It was a little bit of a little story but it was my first story. In a few days there comes a new story about Jude Bellingham. I hoped you all liked this story xx
