
It is now 2 years later and you still live with Pablo and you have a contact ban with your father. Pedri has gone to live on his own, but you still often come to visit him. You are sitting on the couch together with Pablo.
You suddenly don't feel well at all so run to the toilet, you sit next to the toilet bowl and feel very bad. Pablo ran after you and hold your hair up.

Sofia: Pablo I feel so bad.

Pablo: Yehh I know baby

and he hugs you.

Pablo: How do you think it is that you feel so bad?

Sofia: I don't know maybe the food.

Pablo: No that can't because then I wouldn't have felt well either.

Pablo looks at you and says,

Pablo: maybe I know it, when was the last time you had your period.

You think but can't really remember.

Sofia: Uhmm I really have no idea anymore Pablo but I think it was a long time ago.

Pablo: Maybe you are pregnant Sofia.

You look at him and tears come to your eyes.

Sofia: What if I'm pregnant that's not possible I'm only 19 and you're 20 we can't already have a child, I mean you're just on the right track with your football career and I with my studies.

Pablo: Sssttt Sofia if you are pregnant everything will be fine. We really manage with a little mutt, don't you think it's great to see a mini version of yourself.

You look at him and say

Sofia: yes okay everything will be fine and maybe I'm not even pregnant.

It's the next day and Pablo got you a pregnancy test.

Pablo: Now go take the test and we will know if you are pregnant or not.

You take the test from his hands and go to the toilet. 20 minutes later and you and Pablo are ready to go check the results.
3, 2, 1 and you flip the test.

Sofia: Shitt I'm pregnant

you get tears in your eyes.
Pablo hugs you and says

Pablo: Sofia I'm sure everything will be fine. We should be thankful that we can have a baby at all, not everyone can have a child.

Sofia: Yehh that's true

You and Pablo kiss and he hugs you very tight.


It is now 2 weeks later and you and Pablo have decided to tell Pedri that you are pregnant.
Pedri comes to your house and the 3 of you are eating.

Pablo: Pedri there is something we have to tell you

Pedri looks at you in shock.

Sofia: I'm pregnant, we will become parents.

Pedri is startled and immediately gives you a hug.

Pedri: Guys that's really great news, I'm going to be an uncle!

You and Pablo laugh at Pedri's reaction and the rest of the evening is still fun.
