-the kiss-

When you arrive at the beach, Pablo says.

Pablo: contest to see who gets into the water first.

You throw down your stuff and run as fast as you can towards the water. Pablo is of course faster than you, but you are not even that much behind. When you are done swimming you walk to your towel.


Pablo: what's wrong?

Sofia: Look there you see those girls.

Pablo: Yehh.

Sofia: Well they are at my school but I really don't want them to see my belly.

Pablo:I have an idea.

Pablo puts his belly against your belly so that your belly is not visible. You look at Pablo for a moment, but your eye contact is quickly broken because the girls suddenly start screaming.


You walk away quickly because those girls were far away and you don't have time for this. As soon as you are back home you are sitting on the couch on your phone.

Pablo: Do you want to play fifa?

Sofia: Uhmm okay, But you know you're going to lose, don't you.

Pablo: Yes yes first let's see what you can do madam.

Sofia: Okay bet I win.

Pablo: What do you want to bet on.

Sofia: If I win I'll sleep in your bed tonight and if you win I'll sleep on the couch.

Pablo: Okay deal!


NO why again in the very last minute you score, that is really unfair. Pablo laughs and says

Pablo: Well now you see who the real fifa king is!

Sofia: Ehhh.

You laugh and you push Pablo so that he falls over.

Pablo: I'd just take it easy madam because you know who's going to win this, right?

Sofia: Oh yes let's see then.

You run away and Pablo runs after you. Of course, Pablo is much faster than you, so he'll catch you soon. Pablo pushes you on the couch and starts to tickle you.

Sofia: Pablooo stop stoppp ahhahah.

Pablo: I won't stop until you admit that I'm stronger than you.

Sofia: Okay okay you are stronger than me.

Pablo looks deep into your eyes and you in Pablo's. You can only think how beautiful his eyes are and you feel butterflies in your stomach. Pablo doubts a bit at first, but then he kisses you. You kiss him back.

Pablo pov:
I look deep into Sofia's eyes and at first I doubt but then I kiss her. Sofia kisses me back, thankfully. Shit what if she doesn't want this at all, no she probably wants it she kisses me back. But wait no what if she's scared.
I stop and tell her

Pablo: I'm sorry I shouldn't have done this.

Sofia looks at me and says

Sofia: Pablo it's okay.

And she kisses me again.
I kiss her back.
This moment feels like the best moment of my life. I've wanted to do this for so long and now it's finally happening.

Sofia pov:
Pedri returns home from his training. I am sitting on the couch with Pablo.

Pedri: Heyyy lovebird's how are you?

Sofia: OMG pedri there is nothing between us act normal.

You look at Pablo and you smile at each other.

Pablo: No there is nothing between us Pedri.

You burst out laughing.

Pedri: Sure guys fool me in a different way

You al laugh.


It is evening I lay down on the sofa and  I watch some Netflix. Someone sits down next to you on the couch, it's Pablo.

Sofia: Heyyy Pablo.

Pablo: Heyy.

Pablo goes to you and asks you, what do you see?

Sofia: I don't know, what do you want to see?

Pablo: Hmmm I don't really know you choose it.

Sofia: Okay, so we're going to watch a Disney movie, because those are the best.

You choose a movie and Pablo does his arm around you.

Pablo: I hope that you are not falling asleep again because I don't want to get you back to bed. Oh, wait, fortunately, you can sleep on the couch tonight, so no need to do that.

You give him a punch on the arm and said

Sofia: stop that's not funny, let this cute little girl is not so poor on the couch last night.

You are looking at Pablo with puppy eyes.

Pablo: Hmmmmm, I don't fall for this trick Sofia.

Sofia: Well, idiot.

Pablo grabs you and says,

Pablo: what did you say?

You're smiling and saying,

Sofia: I mean, okay the most lovely mister Pablo Gavi.

Pablo smiles at you and gives you a kiss. You continue with watching the movie. It's the and of the movie and Pablo wants to go to sleep but you fell asleep in his arms.

Pablo: Yes, of course, I know this.

Pablo lifts you up to his bed and you want to have a kiss before he went to the bank.

Sofia: Pablo, you should be with me come and lay n next to me, you're not going to sleep another night on the hard sofa.

Pablo crawls next to you in bed, and it gives you a kiss on your forehead.

Pablo: Good night, Sofia Gonzalez.

Sofia: Good Night, Pablo Gavira.

You crawl into Pablo his arms and you to sleep as a rose this night.
