-passing out-

The next morning I wake up from Pablo whispering in my ear

Pablo: Sofia wake up it's already late.

Sofia: Hmmm yeah I don't want to get out yet

i turned around once again. Pablo turns to me and puts his arm around my.

Pablo: Sofia we really need to get out

he gives you a kiss.

Sofia: Yes yes I'm already out.

We go to the kitchen and pedri is there too.

Pedri: Who slept on the couch last night?

Sofia: Uhhhhhh.....

Pedri: you don't have to think of an excuse, I do know that you slept together.

I look at Pedri and continue to the kitchen.

Pedri: I'm going to training again.

Sofia: okey bye!

Pablo: What do you want for breakfast?

Sofia: Uhmmm just do yogurt I'm not that hungry.

Pablo: Okay then I'm going to make that for you madam.

Sofia: Pablo you really don't have to make that for me, I got hands to do that myself.

Pablo: No, I'm doing that nicely for Madame Gonzales.

Sofia: Omg Pablo.

I eat my breakfast and say then:

Sofia: I am going to take a quick shower.

Pablo: Okay, towels are in the cabinet in the bathroom.

Sofia: Okay thanks.

You take a shower but after a few minutes you become very dizzy.

Pablo PoV:
I sit in the living room and wait for Sofia to finish showering. After 15 minutes she isn't ready so I walk to the bathroom door and call her.

Pablo: Sofiaa!

I didn't get a response so I called out again but this time a little louder.

Pablo: SOFIA!

shit she doesn't respond what should i do what could have happened?
The only thing I can think of is that I have to call pedri.

Pablo: Hey pedri.

Pedri: Heyy Pablo is there something?

Pablo: Uhmm yes Sofia went to take a shower but it took a very long time so I call her and she doesn't respond.
SHIT I hear pedri say.

Pablo: What is it?

Pedri: Yes ehh I think she passed out you have to try to get her to regain consciousness. Uhhh okay I say and I hang up. I have to go in now to see her but she was in the shower. Fuck what if she doesn't want me to see her naked. You no I have to I immediately put a towel around her. I open the bathroom door and there she is on the floor with her head against the wall.
SHIT she was attacked with her head against the wall. I grab a towel and wrap it around her. I sit behind her so she can lean on me.

Pablo: Sofia. Sofia.

She slowly comes back to hand.

Pablo: Heyy it's okay, do you have pain anywere.

Sofia: My head my head hurts.

Pablo: Yes, that's what I thought.

She lays her head on my shoulder and asks me what happened.

Pablo: You took a shower and it took a long time so after fifteen minutes I called you but you didn't respond. I panicked and called pedri to ask what to do. He said you probably passed out and that I should go in and help you. So then I went in and you were lying here on the floor.

Sofia stares straight ahead and says nothing.

Sofia: Will you please help me dry off I have such a headache and really can't stand well?

Pablo: Yes of course I will help you.

I help her dry off and got her a tracksuit. It's a tracksuit with my name on it, I'm sure she'll like that. I also put on dry clothes myself because I got completely wet from the shower.

I'm sorry that this is a shorter part. It is shorter because I didn't had much time today to write and I wanted to upload a new part :)
