
Sofia pov:
It's Friday afternoon and you just got home from school.

Sofia: Hi Dad!!

You don't get an answer so you walk to the living room. As soon as you enter the living room you see your brother sitting on the couch with his best friend Pablo Gavi.

Sofia:Hey pedri and pablo!
Pedri&pablo:Heyy Sofia!

You look at Pablo for a moment, his eyes are so beautiful you think to yourself.
Since 2 years ago you have a crush on Pablo. Pablo then came home with Pedri from training. Now is that at least 1x a week because they often play fifa or just have a nice meal.

Sofia: Where is Dad?
Pedri: Uhmm no idea he was somewhere in town this morning.
Sofia: Oh okay.

2 years ago your mother passed away from cancer. Before this happened, was your father a very nice father who wanted the best for his children, but since your mother died, your father has a drinking problem and sometimes he abuses you.

You are sitting in your room and you hear your father come upstairs.

Sofia: Shitt why does he have to come up again.

He throws open your door and looks at you angrily. Your father: Why didn't you clean your room lazy child!

Sofia: Uhmmm I just got back from school I wanted to do it later.

Your father: I don't care you should have done this before!

You say nothing and are afraid.
Your father kicks you out of bed. Then he hits you hard in the stomach.
Pedri heard you scream so he told Pablo that he went to the toilet. He doesn't want Pablo to know that your father is beating you because he is ashamed of it.
Pedri comes to your room and sends your father away. As soon as your father is gone, pedri also leaves and you are alone in your room. Pedri is again with Pablo.

Pablo: Why did you take so long?
Pedri: Uhm the toilet paper was gone so had to ask my sister if she wanted to grab new ones.

Pablo: Oohhh okay says Pablo.

Pablo has heard everything and knows that you are being abused


Later that night, Pablo tells Pedri to go to the bathroom. But instead of going to the bathroom, he goes to your room.
You are in your room and you hear a knock on your door.

Sofia: Dad???
Pablo: No no it's Pablo.
Sofia: Oh come in.

He sits next to you on your bed.
Pablo: Are you okay?
Sofia: Yes why do you ask?
Pablo: Well I just heard you scream why was that? Sofia: Ohh I was shocked because pedri called me. Pablo: Sofia please just be honest what really happened?

You don't answer and start to cry softly.
Pablo comes closer and takes you in his arms.

Pablo: Heyyy it's okay if you don't want to say it.

You cry in his arms for a while and then you say.

Sofia: No, I want to say it. My father abuses me. Since my mother died he has a drinking problem and sometimes he can't control himself and then he hits me. When Pedri is not at home then I am most afraid because I can't do anything against him. I'm afraid that something will go wrong and that something will happen to me because the violence is getting louder.
Pablo doesn't know what to say and all he can do is hold you tight. He continues to comfort you until you stop crying.
Pablo: Listen, you can always tell me everything, don't you know that?

You look at him for a moment

Sofia: yes I know that.

Pablo pov:

I walk back to the living room and sit with Pedri.

Pedri: Why did you take so long?
Pablo: The toilet paper ran out so had to ask for a new one.
Pedri: Yehh right, now give the real reason.
Pablo: okay.... I went to your sister.
Pedri: Ummmm why that?
Pablo: I know you are abused by your father.
Pedri: How do you know?
Pablo: I heard Sofia scream so I went to see her because I wanted to know if she was okay. I was worried. I asked what happened and she burst into tears. I said she didn't have to tell if she didn't want to, but she wanted to tell. I'm worried about her Pedri.

Pedri looks at you.

Pedri: listen I don't want you to say this to anyone because then we have a very big problem.
Pablo: Yehh I won't tell anyone, but this really can't go on like this.
Pedri: Yes I know but what do you want to do about it.
Pablo: You will come and live with me from the day after tomorrow so that you are safe again.

Pedri likes your proposal.

Pedri: I'll tell Sofia tomorrow because I think she's asleep now.

Pablo: Yes that's fine I'll go home now I'll see you again tomorrow. Bye
