Chapter 6

(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

The sun is already setting when Lincoln is on his way home. He's just finished with his shift, at his part-time job as a waiter in an Asian restaurant. He can not really say that his life is easy, because it is not. He has to fight his way through life alone, but he's happy that he met Ahsoka, even though he still wonders if she really has a holocron.

He sighs and mumbles to himself "I should just ask her directly." He continues until he reaches the gate of the old warehouse. He opens the door when he hears a noise, he turns around and sees someone hiding behind a small mountain of scrap.

Lincoln takes a step forward and says, "Come out, I know you're there." That's right, he already felt it before he arrived, that someone followed him. And the mountain of scrap, that's failed stuff from him.

It does not take long for the person to come from behind the mountain of scrap metal. It turns out that the person is, Lincoln's mother, Rita Loud. To be honest, Lincoln is surprised, he expected everything, but not that, he did not expect anyone from his family to ever visit him. Or pursuing, in this case.

Rita scratches her arm, embarrassed, and says, "Hey Lincoln, you look good." Lincoln crosses his arms and asks, "Thanks mom, may I ask what you're doing here?" Rita is surprised that the tone in Lincoln's voice is not angry, but rather calm and gentle. Lincoln does not hate his family, well he has in the beginning, but hate is not the way of the Jedi.

Rita does not look her son in the eye because she is ashamed of what she did to him. She says, "I wanted to ask you how you are." Lincoln does not really believe that and asks, "And what else?" Rita looks at the floor, she knows that lying is of no use and says "I wanted to ask you for help, too."

Lincoln raises an eyebrow and says, "If you mean financially, I can not help you, I can just keep myself above the water." Rita looks up quickly, shakes her head and says, "No, that's not it." Lincoln says, "Where else can I help and who else is with you?"

Rita is surprised that Lincoln knows someone else has come with her and asks "How did you?" Lincoln says, "I just know, can you answer the question now?" Rita looks behind the mountain of scrap and says "Come here, honey."

The person who comes from behind the mountain of scrap, it surprises him very much, it is his youngest sister, Lily Loud. Lily goes to Rita and holds her hand.

Lincoln looks at his little sister and says to Rita "Okay, what's wrong?" Rita looks at Lily as she looks at her mother and says, "Lincoln, I left the house and took Lily with me and wanted to ask if we could stay with you?"

Lily asks, "Mommy, is that Lincoln, my big brother?" Rita smiles and says, "Yes Lily, this is Lincoln, tell him hello." Lily lets go of her mother's hand and runs to Lincoln. When he goes down on one knee and hugs Lily as she hugs back. Lincoln smiles and says "Hey Kiddo."

Lily just smiles when Lincoln asks his mother, "What happened?" Rita looks down at the floor and says, "Your sisters tried to convince Lily that you were a useless and bad brother, but she did not want to hear. It was like that for  the last two years."

Lincoln looks at his little sister and says, "You're a little clever princess." Lily giggles and hugs her brother even tighter. Rita smiles and says, "Lincoln, I want to apologize for what I did." Lincoln gets up and picks up Lily. He walks up to Rita and puts a hand on her shoulder as he says, "Everyone makes mistakes, and I forgave you long ago." Rita starts to cry and hugs her son and daughter as he hugs her back.

After a while the three let go of the hug and Lincoln says "You can sleep here, you can use the bed upstairs, I'll just use the hammock." He opens the gate and walks in as Rita and Lily look around in astonishment. Rita asks, "Lincoln, how did you do that?" Lincoln says, "I've had my way, it's late, just go up the stairs." Rita takes Lily and the two go up, but say to Lincoln, "Good night." Lincoln smiles as he lies down on the hammock and says "Good night."

To be continued.
