Chapter 14

(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

It's been a month since the night Lincoln and Ahsoka got together. Lincoln is in the old warehouse right now, working on something, something big. He tightens a screw when he senses that someone is approaching, pulls a cloth over the object and puts the wrench away.

It doesn't take long for Lincoln to hear the voice of his little sister Lola, who sounds a little disgusted, "Lincoln lives in this dirty place?" His other little sister Lana replies "I think it's really cool, all the junk."

Lincoln shakes his head in amusement, knowing that this place would please Lana. A voice with authority says, "Be quiet, you two, we are not here for this old warehouse." This is lori. A lovely voice says "Lori is right we are here for Linky." This is Leni, the nice but also somewhat stupid sister.

The Loud sisters minus Lynn come into the warehouse and see Lincoln with his back to them, he is drinking from a water bottle, when he puts it down he asks "What are you doing here?"

Luna is the first to say something, "Lincoln we found your letter." Lincoln replies "Really?" Lori nods and says "Yes and therefore ..." She and the others fall on their knees and say "Please forgive us!"

Lincoln says "I don't know what you're talking about." He turns and smiles, "I forgave you a long time ago." Leni and the twins couldn't wait and run towards their brother and catch him in an embrace. They cry as Lincoln tries to calm them down. Lori asks in a confused voice, "Why are you forgiving us? We did so much wrong."

Lincoln looks at his eldest sister and says, "You could say with my way of life, it is so that I have no grudges." Lisa asks "Brother unit, what do you mean by your way of life?" Lincoln says, "I'll answer that another time. By the way, where's Lynn?"

The sisters look nervous and Luan says "She still thinks you're bad luck." Lincoln sighs and says "shame." Lucy asks in her normal monotonous voice, "Lincoln are you coming back with us?" Lincoln shakes his head and says "I'm sorry but I can't go back in the house while Lynn still hates me." Lori nods and says "understandable."

---Meanwhile with Lynn---

Lynn is in the forest and you can tell that she is angry, she can't believe that the others want to make up with Lincoln. She stops and starts to step on the floor, full of anger and says "Why do you need this bad luck charm?!"

Suddenly the floor gives away and she falls down a hole. When she lands, she notices that she is in a room with black metal walls. In the middle of the room is a pedestal and on top of it is a pyramid that glows red.

Lynn approaches the pedestal and looks at the pyramid when suddenly a hologram comes out of the pyramid, a person with a black cape appears.

The person laughs and says "I feel a lot of hate in you, that's good." Lynn raises an eyebrow and asks, "Really?" The man laughs again and says, "Yes, the more hate you have in you, the stronger you are. If you listen to me, you can become invincible."

Lynn thinks about everything she could do, nobody could beat her in sports anymore, she nods and says "Okay weird guy, count me in." The man grins nastily and says "Good, very good. You can have this." Suddenly a kind of drawer comes out of the platform and there is a lightsaber in it. Lynn takes it in hand and the man says "press the button." Lynn presses the button and a red blade comes out of the lightsaber. Lynn grins and starts laughing badly as her eyes turn yellow.

To be continued.
