Chapter 13

(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Happy new year everyone

The sun has already set and the stars fill the night sky of Royal Woods. Lincoln is standing at the door of Ahsoka's house, you can tell he's nervous, which has actually become quite unusual for him. He has mastered many things but he has never been to a girl's home.

He takes a deep breath and knocks on the door, it doesn't take long for the door to open and there's a man behind it. The man has the same skin tone as Ahsoka, he is 6.5 feet tall, short black hair and a three-day beard.

He looks down at Lincoln and asks, "Can I help you?" His voice has a slightly threatening tone, but Lincoln is not intimidated by it. He asks "Is Ahsoka there, she asked me if I would like to eat with her today."

The man puts a hand on his chin and asks, "Are you this Lincoln?" Lincoln nods and says "That's right, I'm Lincoln Loud, a pleasure to meet you." The man smiles and says "My daughter has told a lot about you, come in." The menacing tone in the voice has disappeared with the smile.

Lincoln enters the house and the man closes the door before turning to Lincoln and says, "I'm Ahsoka's father, by the way, please call me Alex." Lincoln nods and says "As I said, I'm Lincoln, nice to meet you Alex." Alex leads Lincoln into the living room and sits with him on the coach, he says "Ahsoka is getting ready, meanwhile we can talk to each other."

A female voice asks "honey who was it?" Alex says "It's Lincoln." A woman who looks like an older version of Ahsoka comes into the room and says "So you're the boy my little girl talks about so much." Lincoln blushes a little and says "That's me, I'm Lincoln, nice to meet you." The woman smiles and says, "I am Aayla, Ahsoka's mother."

Lincoln nods and says "Thanks for letting me eat with you today." The two laugh and Aayla says "It's not a problem, I'm making lasagna, I hope that's not a problem." Lincoln shakes his head and says "No, that's not a problem."

The three talk a little bit when Ahsoka comes down and says "Lincoln!" She walks over to him and gives him a quick hug, then turns to her parents and asks, "Why didn't you call me?" Alex grins and says "I thought you wanted to get ready before you see your boyfriend."

Lincoln and Ahsoka turn red but they don't deny it. Alex and his wife smile and Ahsoka asks, "When's the meal ready?" At that moment a clock sounds and Aayla says "Now." The family and Lincoln sit down at the dining table and Aayla brings a baking pan with lasagna to the table.

Everyone gets a piece of the lasagna on the plate and Aayla says "I hope you like Lincoln." Ahsoka says "My mom makes the best lasagna." Lincoln smiles and says "Then I want to try it." Lincoln is a piece in his mouth and starts eating. Suddenly he puts down his fork and knife and is very calm. Alex is worried and asks "Lincoln?" A white light appears on Lincoln's face and he says "I have seen the face of God."

The two girls in the room laugh while Alex wonders, "Where did the light come from?" The rest of the evening was very fun, there was conversation, jokes and much more. Just as Lincoln was saying goodbye and was about to go, Ahsoka stopped him and said, "Lincoln, wait a minute."

She walks up to him and says "Lincoln I really love you and I don't mean in a friendly way." Lincoln puts a hand on her cheek and says, "Me too." Ahsoka is happy and asks "Really?" Lincoln kisses her on the lips, the kiss was short but full of love, he asks "Does that answer your question?" Ahsoka smiles and says "Yes." A flash of light interrupts the two and they see Alex and Aayla standing there with a camera.

Alex gives Lincoln a thumbs up while Aayla cries with joy. Lincoln blushes and says "I'd better go see you tomorrow." Ahsoka kisses him on the cheek and says "Good night."

To be continued.
