Chapter 4

(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

It's been three years since Lincoln first entered the Jedi Temple. He has changed a lot over time, he has really grown up and now he can interact better with the force. He is now 14 years old and still lives in this old warehouse.

A few things have become clear to Lincoln in those three years. First, he is better at parkour, he realized that when he uses the force that he can jump higher, for example.

Secondly, he's talented in electrical engineering and craftsmanship, he figured that out when he tried to make the old warehouse a bit more comfortable. What he did, after a few failed attempts. He still sees the scrap of his failures in one of the corners. But he did a good job at making the old warehouse comfortable.

Fortunately, water and electricity were still connected to the warehouse. And third, that he needs a certain metal to be able to produce much that is in the Holocron. It really took a long time and a lot of money from his side jobs. Yes, he works alongside the school, but he does not really have a choice, his parents do not give him any money.

Lincoln found out that the crystal he found or rather someone gave him to use this crystal to build a lightsaber. But before he builds a lightsaber, he has built himself a training droid.

These droids were used to help Padawans fight their lightsabers better and to fight with their eyes closed. You could say they had to learn to be able to see with the force. The Droid shoots small lasers that do not really hurt, and you have to reflect or block them. Lincoln wanted to train before building his lightsaber.

It's early morning and Lincoln sits on a meditation cushion and meditates before he has to go to school. But he does something else too, in front of him are some parts that will be needed for a lightsaber and his kyber crystal. He sits there quite calm and the parts start to float and build together. 

The lightsaber flies in front of Lincoln and he opens his eyes and takes the lightsaber out of the air as he makes a backflip. He lands and activates his lightsaber and an orange blade appears.

Lincoln looks closely at his lightsaber and smiles at his work. By the time he hears a noise approaching, he turns around quickly and points his lightsaber to the cause of the sound.

Just to realize that in front of him is a little robot made up of a ball and a head. Lincoln deactivates his lightsaber and puts it on his belt and says, "Sorry BB8, I did not mean to scare you."

That's BB8. Lincoln built it and since then they are good friends, he is an astromech. He is very helpful to Lincoln in his training or when he is building things.

BB8 beeps, fortunately Lincoln can understand him, he says, "Yes, I should be on my way to school." Lincoln goes up to get his backpack, but asks BB8, "Could you open the gate?" And disappears upstairs. BB8 beeps and goes to a kind of terminal and opens the gate a bit.

Lincoln goes down the stairs and walks through the gate, but not before saying "See you later BB8." Lincoln hears BB8 beep and the gate closes. Lincoln smiles and sets off for the school.

When he arrives at school, Lincoln sits in his classroom and waits for class to begin. Many simply ignored him or turned his back on him. But that does not really interest him, who does not want to be his friend should not be his friend.

It does not take long until the teacher comes to the classroom and she introduces herself to the class, she says "Okay class, we have a new student." Many wonder who that might be, the boys are hoping for a beautiful girl and the girls are hoping for a nice boy. Lincoln is very quiet and just pays attention to the door.

The teacher looks at the door and says, "You can come in." The door opens and a girl with dark skin, black long skin and facial painting comes into the room. Lincoln has a weird feeling about her, but do not question it. She turns to the class and says, "Hello, I'm Ahsoka Tano."

The boys in class celebrate, but the teacher quickly interrupts and says, "Okay, settle down people. Ahsoka sit down next to Lincoln, he's the one with the white hair." Ahsoka nods and goes to the table next to Lincoln and sits down. 

Lincoln feels the death glares of his classmates, but he does not care. Ahsoka looks at Lincoln and says, "Hi, I'm Ahsoka." She reaches out to Lincoln, who is just looking at the hand, but then shakes her hand and says with a smile, "Lincoln Loud, nice to meet you."

To be continued.
