Chapter 3

(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

It's been about two months since Lincoln first came to the Buddhist temple. He has become better at meditating and can now direct some things with his thoughts.

But he does not get much further with his education. So, with his Jedi education, with his school education, he is making good progress, he has even gotten better since he meditates, he can concentrate much better.

But since he does not really get on with his Jedi education, he asks the Holocron for advice. What really helped, Lincoln has learned through the Holocron that there are Jedi temples on different planets, he is not sure if there is one on earth, but looking does not hurt.

At first, Lincoln thought that the Holocron would lead him to a temple, but that turned out to be wrong, somehow there is a lock on certain topics in the Holocron. So he can only rely on the force.

That's why Lincoln is walking through a forest, he has the feeling he knows where a temple is, as I said, to look it up does not hurt. Lincoln walks for a while and passes a few people, but the farther he goes, the fewer people he encounters.

After a while, Lincoln stops in front of a pond with a waterfall. He is sure that something is here, so he stops. He recalls something in the holocron, 'The force will guide you.' Lincoln looks at the waterfall and says "Could it be?" Lincoln reaches out in the direction of the waterfall and concentrates.

After nothing moves, Lincoln concentrates even more. And suddenly something moves. The waterfall, splits and a corridor comes to light, a path of stones emerges from the pond and forms a path to the corridor.

Lincoln feels like the corridor is calling him and walks in, but after taking the first step in the corridor, the opening closes and Lincoln is now alone. But he continues along the corridor.

Lincoln feels like the corridor is calling him and walks in, but after taking the first step in the corridor, the opening closes and Lincoln is now alone. But he continues along the corridor. After a while, Lincoln enters a hall with a door.

Just as Lincoln wants to go through the door, the holocron opens by itself and a recording is played. The man in the shot is again Master Plo Koon, he says, "If you see this, it means that you have found a Jedi Temple." Lincoln puts down the holocron and sits opposite the holocron, in a kneeling position. Plo Koon continues, "But that also means that I ask you to leave the Holocron here if you go in there." Lincoln raises an eyebrow and asks, "Why?" Plo Koon continues, "You certainly wonder why, in this temple, your greatest fears await you."

Lincoln looks at the door while Plo Koon continues, "This is a test to prove that you're worthy of becoming a Jedi. May the force be with you, young Padawan." The recording ends and Lincoln gets up again, he takes a deep breath and goes through the door, which closes immediately. Lincoln says, "There's no turning back now."

Lincoln walks through a dimly lit corridor until he encounters a room with three doors. He stops and asks, "Which way should I take?" Lincoln thinks for a while, until he hears something in the corridor behind him, it sounds like something metallic is knocking on the floor. Lincoln turns and sees Lynn coming out of the corridor, with a metal baseball bat, she says, "Hey Stincoln."

Lincoln's eyes widen and he runs through the right door, running for a while as he asks various questions, "Why is Lynn here?" "How does she get in here?" Just to end up in a dead end, he says "No!" Next to him is a gorge that leads into the depths.

Just as he turns around Lynn is already in front of him, she grins and says "Bye, you bad luck charm!" Lynn swings her baseball bat and hits Lincoln down the gorge.

Lincoln opens his eyes and realizes that he is lying on grass. He sits up and realizes that he is lying in the garden of his house. He hears the voices of his family in the house and gets closer. Lori's voice is "Lincoln is literally the worst brother and a bad luck charm." The voices of the rest of his family ring "Yeah!" His mother's voice says, "Do not worry children, we have a plan."

Luna asks, "What's the plan?" Lynn Sr. says, "We'll eliminate Lincoln so he can never do anything again." The rest of the family celebrates and says "Never again this stupid bad luck." Lincoln has had enough and wants to run away until he realizes something.

Lincoln opens the door and the family looks at him. Lynn Sr. grins and says "Lincoln, perfect timing." But before anything else can be said, Lincoln says, "No, you are not real." Leni asks "Linky what are you saying?" Lincoln says, "Even if you really think so, you would not go so far and I was just in the temple just now and I know that this is no illusion." Lincoln points to his 'family' and says, "You are not real!"

The surroundings of Lincoln turn black and he lands again in the temple, he laughs and says "I'm still in the temple, I was right." A door opens and Lynn comes out with her baseball bat. Lincoln goes back against a pillar and looks at Lynn. She asks, "You are afraid of dying, are not you?" She comes so close that she is standing in front of him now.

Lincoln looks at the floor and says, "No, I'm scared of being alone, that nobody cares about me, and I'm scared I can not protect my friends if I have to." Lynn gets ready to beat Lincoln with her bat and says, "What friends, you do not have friends anymore." Lincoln looks Lynn in the eye and says, "I'm not scared." Lynn strikes but the blow passes through Lincoln and Lynn just disappears.

Lincoln leans against the pillar and takes a deep breath, saying, "It was just an illusion." Suddenly a voice emerges, she sounds old, male, but also wise, she says "Great fears you've set yourself, young Padawan." Lincoln says "Yes." The voice says, "For what lies before you, ready you are?" Lincoln nods and says "I am." 

The voice says, "Come and see more clearly what you have not seen before." Lincoln asks, "Who are you?" The voice says "Someone who knows the way." Lincoln opens his eyes and sees the lights are in front of him. Without waiting, Lincoln follows the lights.

After a while, Lincoln arrives at a round room with a kind of stars card on the ceiling. The voice asks, "Tell me why a Jedi, you must become." Lincoln thinks for a while and the voice says "No answer?" Lincoln says, "I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I want to protect everyone when it matters."

The voice seems to like that answer and says, "Good, good, there's going to be a steep path ahead of you, young padawan. A Jedi you can become." When the voice said that, the room has been transformed into space and something glowing flies to Lincoln. Lincoln picks up the luminous thing and sees it's a crystal.

A path opens into the First Chamber and Lincoln goes there. Lincoln wants to pick up the holocron again. But the holocron scans the crystal and a message is sounded "Cyber ​​crystal scanned, opening the lightsaber construction plans is initiated."

To be continued.
