Chapter 9

"I'm ready," I said, holding his hand as it began.

After we said our vows and I threw my bouquet, we went into the hall for supper. Everyone I met was so nice, they were all saying the same thing, congratulations, but it didn't bother me.

After supper it was time for the first dance. Mathieu took my hand and led me onto the floor, Alfred and Maddy following suit. We danced for what seemed like an eternity, gazing into each other's eyes. I felt like I was in a fairy tale.

When the dance was over, Mathieu took my hand and bowed, kissing my hand as he came up and I curtsied, as did Maddy and Alfred. When we were finished with the formalities was when the jazz started playing. Everyone jumped onto the dance floor and started doing the Charleston and swing dancing, it was so much fun. Mathieu laughed and spun me around, catching me in his arms when he let me dip. I giggled as we danced the night away, forgetting all our worries and troubles as the night went on.

After all the fun was over and everyone had left, we all made our way back to the Bonnefoy's estate, where we had been staying for the months before we were married so we could get used to living with them.

Mathieu and I went up to our bedroom as Alfred and Maddy went up to theirs. I got changed into a nightgown and pulled my hair back into a bun as Mathieu got his pajamas on as well. We said our goodnights and went to sleep, dreaming for a bright future together, and who knows? Maybe this arranged marriage wouldn't be so bad after all.

