Chapter 2

"I believe zhis belongs to you, mademoiselle, non?"

He said in a thick French accent, almost like how my papa speaks. "If I catch you stealing again, monsieur, you will go straight to jail." He said to the thief, letting him go. I watched as the person nodded and dashed off in the opposite direction. 'Be more careful next time, mademoiselle, zhe streets are dangerous zhese days." The policeman said, kissing my hand before he turned to walk away. "Wait, what's your name?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Moi? My name is Mathieu, Mathieu Bonnefoy. Et vous(and you?)?" He asked, smiling sweetly. Good thing I took French in school; Papa wanted me to since he speaks it sometimes.

"I'm Amelia, Amelia Kirkland, b-but you can call me Amy.." I stuttered, blushing furiously.

"Well it was very nice meeting you, miss Amelia. I hope our paths cross again soon, have a good, safe night." Mathieu said, and he tipped his hat slightly and was gone, like the last drop of sweet sunlight that disappeared into the black of night.
