Chapter 7

A few hours later we left, walking back to our apartment in silence. Maddy and I were still mad about the arranged marriage thing, but after a while of talking and getting to know each other, we started to really like the Bonnefoy boys. I mean, they were attractive, smart, funny, kind, and they could help us out of the Depression, but we didn't want to marry someone we had just met.

After we got home, Maddy and I talked about it before supper and, after a long conversation, came to a conclusion.

"Mother, Papa, we've made a decision. We're going to marry Alfred and Mathieu," we told them, to Papa's delight.

"Really? Zhat is amazing girls! I'm so proud of you," he said, hugging us both tightly.

"Yes, very proud indeed. You girls have been through the toughest times and you're still sticking together, even though the circumstances aren't the best. You have hope and courage when most people haven't got any of either, I'm sure that Mathieu and Alfred will be delighted to hear the news. For now let's get some sleep, it's getting quite late," Mother said, setting up the blankets.

"Goodnight Mother, Papa, I love you," I said, kissing their cheeks before I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a better future, being married to Mathieu. I just hope that this decision wasn't a mistake, and that they can truly help us get through this Depression, but that's for another time, I suppose.
