Chapter 5

"Hello Father, do you remember the Kirkland family?"

"Why yes of course, do come in friends, how have you all been? What with the Depression and all," Mister Bonnefoy said, gesturing for us to move into the large foyer, which was lit by a crystal chandelier.

"Woah," Maddy and I whispered to each other, hoping no one else heard us.

"Here, Mathieu, why don't you get your brother and you can show the girls around while I talk with their parents, I am just delighted that you all came around to visit. It's been too long, far too long," said Mister Bonnefoy, gesturing for Mathieu to leave with Maddy and me.

"Of course Father," Mathieu said, then turned to us. "Right this way, mademoiselles."

He led us up the marble staircase which revealed a wealth of fancy rooms.

"Here, you should get changed. You don't want to go around looking like that, do you?" Mathieu asked, showing us our reflections in a large mirror. We were so dirty and icky that we didn't want to look for too long.

"Merci," We said, blushing as we went into the large room full of clothes. Mathieu closed the door and we cleaned up and got changed into nicer, cleaner dresses that looked very expensive.

"Are you done? My brother would like to meet the beautiful ladies of zhe Jones family," Mathieu said. Maddy and I looked at each other and blushed.

"We're done," we said in unison, unlocking the door so that they could come in. Mathieu opened the door and gasped in awe.

"What is it brother? Let me see!!" A young man, slightly shorter than Mathieu, was standing in the doorway.

"Wow, you're even more beautiful than Mattie described, I'm Alfred. It's a pleasure to meet you ladies," he said, bowing slightly. Maddy and I blushed, he was attractive.

"I'm Amelia, and this is my sister, Madeline," I said, smiling at Alfred.

"Well it is our pleasure to have such lovely ladies in our home, come now, we'll show you around," Alfred said, taking Maddy's arm as Mathieu took my arm. We began to walk down the long hall, filled with doors and paintings.

"So the room you were just in was the dressing room, as you could see. It's where our mother keeps most of her clothes," Alfred said, gesturing to the door behind us.

"Next is Mathieu's room, and my room... And there's our parent's bedroom, but we're not allowed to go in... Then there's the drawing room, our study, and the parlor and dining rooms are downstairs, and I suppose that's it," Alfred showed us each room while Mathieu told us about the history of their estate.

"It's been in zhe family for generations, our great-great-grandparents came from England and France when America was still young, and zhey became successful here in New York for a very long time, even today," Mathieu explained, flashing his sweet smile every once and a while.

"Here, let's go downstairs and see what our parents are up to," Alfred said, grinning slyly at us. Mathieu shook his head.

"Al, we have no desire to take part in another one of-"

"Let's do it!" Maddy said, giggling. Mathieu sighed, shaking his head.

"Well, I suppose if you mademoiselles want to be mischievous zhen we can go, but only for a little while!" He said, giving in. Maddy and I cheered and we followed Alfred down the staircase and snuck up to the door of the parlor, listening to our parent's conversation.
