Chapter 88: How Deserving of Him

Shen Mian didn't know how to help Lu Yuan learn how to transform into his human form. Even if he had memorised all sorts of professional books forwards and backwards, he was still a human and couldn't empathise with such things as shifting forms.

He specifically looked for Wen Yan. Wen Yan was also a spotted dragon, so he was very understanding of Lu Yuan's feelings. He pondered for a moment and replied, "In fact, Lu Yuan had physical changes two months ago and supposedly no other dragon cubs are having objective difficulties... he's probably too anxious now. If not, try to get him to relax completely. Maybe pushing him a bit would work wonders?"

Wen Yan added, "Actually if he wasn't too focused on transforming, it would be better to wait for it to naturally happen."

Shen Mian, "A few little dragon cubs already have their human forms."

Wen Yan understood and nodded. "That can be done appropriately."
It's hard not to be anxious when you're different from the other dragon cubs.

It was unlikely that Lu Yuan would be able to relax completely. The little fatty would be very nervous every time he went to Wen Yan's human form learning class, so Shen Mian had no choice but to choose the latter method.

Dean Shen, who was always soft when facing the little dragon cubs, thought for a few days with a paralysed face. He could not think of any good way to "force" Lu Yuan, so he had to acquiesce in He Xing's "free reign".

If Marshal He wasn't messing around, he was on his way to messing around. Military exercises could be played out and once he got permission from Dean Shen, he came up with an idea after a little thought.

A few days later, an oversized package arrived from Fei Yun City, Imperial Star, marked as an expedited shipment of valuables. When opened up, it revealed an obsolete military mecha.

This type of mecha was used for detection; small in size and volume, and most of the internal space was used for energy storage and power systems, so the space left for the pilot was very cramped. Adult dragons don't even have the room to stretch their backs in it. It has now been replaced by a better mecha.

This mecha was placed in the mock battle arena, a stark contrast to the mechas usually shown to the dragon cubs. The fierceness of the military mecha completely crushed those toys.

Although Qin Yi had never driven one before, she had seen a lot of them and had figured out the purpose of many buttons. After being in there for a while, she came out and gave up her place to the curious, but strong-hearted Gian, who let his younger sisters go in first.

Shen Mian bent down and carried the human formed Gian inside. Rhein excitedly sat on Gian's shoulders and sat inside together.

There was very little space inside the mecha and of course, the short and chubby dragon formed cubs couldn't get in. Not even the half-dragon formed Xing Fei could fit- her big tail was taking up a lot of space.

The mecha had its energy system dismantled and any button could be pressed as there were no safety hazards, so the little dragon cubs don't need to be watched by their elders when they played in it alone.

Neither Lu Yuan nor Xing Fei went in to see. Qin Yi took the extra operating instructions in the mecha down and looked at it with the two little dragon cubs who couldn't go in.

Xing Fei prefered the manual, but Lu Yuan was more interested in seeing the inside of the mecha and hastily bounced up and down, grabbing He Xing and trying to hang onto Marshal He.

He Xing smiled as he allowed himself to be grabbed. "I'll carry you up there later, okay?"

Lu Yuan nodded vigorously.

He was forced by Shen Mian to put on a dragon cub outfit today. The size of the round neck t-shirt was a little bit small for Lu Yuan and it wasn't too comfortable to wear. Lu Yuan's soft little belly was drawn into a full arc.

Lu Yuan couldn't move around and didn't really want to wear it in the morning. He pitifully sat on the bed and asked, "Dean, do I have to wear it?"

Shen Mian touched his forehead. "We're looking at a mecha today."

Lu Yuan grabbed his face. "Do I need to wear clothes to see the mecha?"

Before the little fatty could finish his sentence, he figured out the answer first. "I know, it must be because it has a facial recognition system! So unattractive dragon cubs can't go in there!"

Shen Mian mercilessly hit him, "No, it's because you shed."

All furry creatures shed hair, divided only by whether they shed more or less. Spotted dragons don't shed as much as cotton dragons, but when they're hot, they still shed a significant amount of fur.

The little fatty wriggled around on the bed and was forced to put on a full set of dragon cub clothes.

And facing the clean and tidy mecha now, Lu Yuan thought the dean was just too smart.

Rhein went inside and looked around, sitting on the handle, not wanting to understand it. Gian looked around carefully, revealing his head and smiled at Shen Mian. "Dean, I'm done looking."

Shen Mian reached out to carry him down.

Lu Yuan jumped. "Xing Fei, can I take a look first?"

Xing Fei was indifferent to who went first and she didn't like overly cramped spaces by nature. The interior of this mecha was much smaller than the laser car. Xing Fei didn't even really want to go up there. "Uncle He should take brother Lu Yuan up there to take a look."

He Xing quickly caught him and took him to the mecha's entrance.

Lu Yuan tried his best. The vertical height of the mecha's entrance could accommodate two and a half Lu Yuans, but he couldn't fit horizontally at all- Lu Yuan was a fluffy dango.

Lu Yuan's head reached through the mecha's door and the precise buttons and various operating handles inside immediately attracted Lu Yuan's attention.
At that time on the Imperial Star, Uncle He took them to look around a starship. Because Qin Yi said that the starship was a war meritorious ship and Uncle He also said it was badly damaged and could not be repaired, Lu Yuan did not dare to touch anything on the starship, fearing that he might accidentally break something.

The inside of the mecha was very close to the starship's operating keyboard.

Lu Yuan couldn't resist reaching out his paws and touched the keyboard with his paw pads for a while. "It's so cool and dazzling."

Shen Mian saw that he was moving too much, so he reached out to hold onto Lu Yuan's body so he wouldn't twist too much and fall off.

Lu Yuan pressed on a few keys and knew the function of those keys. Although the mecha was now stationary on the ground, he somehow felt like he was piloting the mecha when he pressed the keys. He then moved to shove himself in a little more.

Shen Mian slowly spoke, "I've heard that the basic operating keys of this mecha... are similar to those used by civilian starships and the innermost operating handle is the same system used by starships."

Lu Yuan raised his head. The operating handle was on the right hand side of the seat, farther away from him and in an area that was less accessible. Lu Yuan tried to stretch out his little fat paws. He knew he wouldn't be able to touch it right now, but once he was in his human form, he would be able to sit in!

Urged by his heart's desire, the essentials Lu Yuan learnt to transform into his human form came through. He Xing felt a lightness in his arms. Lu Yuan had already completed transforming into his human form. Not even caring about the surprise, he quickly patted He Xing's hand. "Uncle!"

He Xing blinked at Shen Mian and stuffed the wiggling little fatty into the mecha.

Lu Yuan's human form was fleshier than Gian's, but nowhere near as fat. Lu Yuan's dragon form's weight was also normal among his race, so the human form he'd transformed into was also normal, just slightly chubby.

Before Shen Mian could see exactly what Lu Yuan looked like, the little dragon cub had climbed into the mecha's cabin on his hands and knees and shifted the operating handle, leaving Dean Shen with a rounded back.

The curious little dragon cubs, "..."

Shen Mian, "..."
How deserving of him.

It was only when Lu Yuan came out of the mecha that Shen Mian got a good look at Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan had inherited good genes from his parents and was certainly good looking.

Lu Yuan held his face in his hands. He was now in Xing Fei's room- the little girl's room had a mirror on a door. Lu Yuan looked at the mirror for a while, jumping up and hugging Gian, loudly proclaiming, "I'm so cute!"

He had a pair of extremely agile eyes and when his eyes moved, he couldn't hide his vivacity.

Gian was hugged and shaken by him for a while and he helplessly nodded, "En, super cute."


It had been nearly a month since Shen Mian's elective class started. In the beginning, fans only watched it if they coincidentally came across it. It gradually turned into fans setting an alarm to watch it and now, it was one of the most popular live broadcasts on Cat Eye. Before the class started, a group of viewers would squat in the live room, waiting for "class" to start.

Shen Mian experienced the peace before the apocalypse began, the chaos of the beginning of the apocalypse, the rebuilding of civilisation during and towards the end of the apocalypse and was reborn and accepted into interstellar civilization. He wasn't very old but had travelled across multiple periods of time and had some experience that no one else had. The knowledge he threw out was grounded and not cheesy, and the lecture was informal. He said it was about humans, but he also interspersed it with all the dragon's strange customs.

It was, as he put it, a class of exchange where he talked about whatever he wanted. It was relaxed, but not entirely entertaining.

This "human civilization lesson" gradually developed into a mega online class on the two civilizations of the human and dragon race.

This Friday, Shen Mian went on the podium with his lesson plan and turned on the projector.

"Today's class is a practical."
Shen Mian didn't open the lesson plan. "In the last lesson, I gave you a rough introduction to the data of the human body. So in this lesson, I would like to discuss with you how to get along with humans."

[Lu Nannan: I understand! Cuddling1 humans class! We're cuddling humans, right?]

[I want to eat supper: Can I kiss and hug them? Can I just coil around them and lift them up directly with my tail?]

[Seventh Legion Super God: I! Want! To! Hug! Ten!]

Shen Mian brought up the projection. "First, let's look at the demonstration of the wrong way to do it."


The animated images on the projection were: A gem dragon tossing a human up, a spotted dragon stuffing a human into their pocket and a cetacean dragon bungee jumping with a human...

Shen Mian, "I know that some families raise their child like that, but you can't cuddle humans like that.

[Does your throat hurt today?: The cuddling humans class has been officially recognised hahahahahaha.]

Shen Mian pretended not to see the barrage and put down the electronic pen. "Practice makes perfect."

He left the podium, stood in front of the tables and asked the little dragon cubs below, "Does anyone want to come up and hug me?"

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The suck here refers to the action of how you would suck a cat, or in my understanding, when you shove your face into a cat and start to inhale. Yeh. That action. Basically means you really like something.
