Chapter 60: Playwright

Shen Mian withdrew from the submission selections and clicked on the interesting submissions. He scrolled down the list a bit and saw Lu Yuan and Rhein. Rhein participated in the shortlist before he transferred, so he was still affiliated with the previous centre.

Shen Mian tapped into Lu Yuan's work, "..."

Lu Yuan refused to allow Dean Shen to read his masterpiece, so Shen Mian still didn't have a clue about Lu Yuan's writing. Now that he clicked on it to take a look, Lu Yuan didn't actually write about being left at another dragon's house by his grandfather but instead changed the subject.

Shen Mian was even a little bit relieved: It was good that he wasn't infected by He Xing.

As for Rhein's little poem, Shen Mian glanced at it. It was surprisingly concise and it addressed the core of what the other dragon cubs wrote in dozens of words in just a few. Shen Mian could guess Rhein's psychological nature- love is enough, it's too tiring to write a lot.

Because it was too short and powerful, it was selected as an interesting submission.
Shen Mian rubbed his eyebrows, ignoring the barrages that wanted to sponsor the making of the banner.

[Crown Prince's Medal: Ying, people want to send banners to the dean and also want to feed the dragon cubs, ying.]

[Seventh Legion Super God: Medal, wake up. The dean definitely will not use banners sponsored by other dragons. Have you forgotten the banner that His Highness made before?]

[The corner of your skirt: What's this again? Why do I feel like I'm missing out on so much?]

[The passage of time: His Highness is quite thick-skinned. The barrage has a word limit, so you can go to the Cat Eye's video channel and search for the crown prince. There is a compilation of His Highness' antics.]

Shen Mian used He Xing's quantum computer to take screenshots of each one, sent them to his own account and then exited the query interface. The screen saver of the quantum computer was a photo and because Shen Mian turned it off quickly, the live room audience did not see it clearly. They only vaguely saw that the screen saver seemed to be a photo of Shen Mian and the little dragon cubs.

Shen Mian was about to return the quantum computer to He Xing when he heard him debating with Lu Yuan while he held his workbook- it was a real debate, discussing the subjective question on the exam paper.

After listening to a few sentences, Shen Mian slowly walked over.

One big and one small dragon stopped arguing at the same time. Shen Mian pulled out the red pen in He Xing's hand.

"Everything is written well and very reasonable."

The big little dragon cub that was affirmed smiled. Shen Mian took a look at the paper.

"Have you examined the question? Does the topic have anything to do with what you're discussing?"

He mercilessly drew a zero on both answers with a red pen.

"No points for either."

He Xing, "..."

Lu Yuan, "..."

One big and one small dragon didn't dare to be angry or speak up.


Little Yan Tan had booked a starship ticket to go back to the capital in two days and Yan Zhou would pick him up that day. He had finished all the classes he had fallen behind on with the help of Shen Mian and He Xing. After doing a few papers to make sure there was no problem with the exam, going home early was just a matter of adjusting to the different temperatures and time differences between the planets.

Ever since the trip was booked, Yan Tan's mood had gradually fallen. Not only was he reluctant to part with his friends, but he also feared the days from the past.

He was so used to being understood and listened to during his time in the centre that he dreaded going home again to a father who was still difficult to communicate with.

As Yan Huan had said at the time, there was a distrust of his father within Yan Tan. This distrust made the little dragon cub believe, deep down, that he, who has not lived up to his father's demands, will never be loved by him.

It was a subconscious voice that Yan Tan himself hadn't even noticed. No matter how much Yan Tan told himself not to be afraid and that his father was not the same as before, there was always a voice inside telling him, "He's still the same".

He was never the little dragon cub that his father expected him to be. Not having grades as good as Gian and Xing Fei, not as beautiful as Rhein, and not like Lu Yuan, who made everyone laugh wherever he was. He could only draw a little.

And now, he's scared that he's not the "little hero" that the Dean and Uncle He praised him as being.

When Shen Mian passed by the studio for the third time, he found that the canvas in front of Yan Tan looked the same as the first time he had passed by. Yan Tan was a little dragon cub with plenty of inspiration. Wonderful images were always at hand and it was rare to find him staring at the canvas in a daze.

He Xing leaned in for a look.

"He's probably sad because he's leaving the centre. Maybe even a little scared?"

Shen Mian, "Is Yan Zhou reliable or not?"

He Xing slightly smiled.

"He is, if he isn't, Old General Yan will break his legs. Believe me, he really regrets it. I even gave him an idea before I came back and it's guaranteed to work, don't worry."

Although Shen Mian didn't know what He Xing's idea was, he was still very reliable, so he didn't ask too many questions. Right now, it's more important to coax Yan Tan.

Shen Mian lightly knocked on the studio's door.

Yan Tan, who was staring at the canvas in a daze, quickly wiped his eyes.

"Dean? Uncle He?"

He Xing smiled and waved, following Shen Mian into the studio.

Shen Mian stood beside Yan Tan, looking at the canvas.

"Do you not want to draw today?"

Yan Tan would stay in his human form when drawing and today he wore a set of dark blue clothes. He subconsciously drooped his head, not wanting Shen Mian to see his red eyes.

It's not heroic at all to cry because I'm going home, but what if I'm not liked by the dean by that time?

When Shen Mian saw him bow his head, he knew that it was the long-lost little crybaby who he hadn't seen in a while.

That unlucky Yan Zhou, coming out and showing his presence once made the cubs in the centre unhappy.

Yan Tan tried his best to not let his voice show signs of choking and showed a smile.

"I've drawn already. I just don't know what to draw next."

The little dragon cub's eyes were all red.
Shen Mian was silent for a while and gently embraced him.

He Xing sat down. He first looked at the canvas, then smiled and said, "Then draw me. After the painting is finished, sell it. Lu Yuan will promote it and I'll endorse it, fifteen hundred star coins per piece and we'll split it equally if we make any star coins."

Shen Mian, "..."
He took a closer look at the canvas and suddenly realised that those little golden circles on the dark background weren't stars. They were star coins, marked with different numbers.

He thought that Yan Tan had painted an unfinished starry sky.

As a human who was completely accustomed to online payments, Shen Mian didn't have any star coins on him and had completely forgotten what they looked like. The star coins that were fished out and given to Lu Yuan last time were the few star coins that Shen Mian had on him. The rest were all banknotes.

Yan Tan was a bit moved.

"Can I really earn star coins? I wish I could support myself."

Shen Mian and He Xing looked at each other. Shen Mian followed Yan Tan's words and said, "Why do you suddenly want to support yourself? Do you not get enough to eat every day?"

"No, no," Yan Tan vigorously shook his head, "I eat well every day!"

Eat breakfast, then a snack bag will be handed out before lunch. Eat lunch, then there's a light refreshment in the afternoon and then eat dinner in the evening.

Yan Tan gradually dropped his head.

"I was thinking... if I could support myself, I could take care of Livia better and I wouldn't have to go back to... actually, I'm a little scared."

When you're having a hard time, you're afraid of comfort and when you're alone, you'll pretend that nothing is wrong. When you have warmth leaning into you, you'll want to rush over and cry.

"Aren't I useless? I'm even scared to go home. I'm not a little hero."

He Xing ruffled Yan Tan's soft, short black hair.

"Those who aren't afraid are Gods. Those who are afraid but still do it are heroes."

"Also, Uncle assures you that Yan Zhou will definitely change."

Yan Tan rubbed his eyes and felt a little embarrassed. He turned around to bury himself in Shen Mian's arms, his muffled voice coming out.


When Shen Mian and He Xing left the studio, the little dragon cub's head was still drooping.

He Xing looked at him for a while.

"It's a bit strange."

Shen Mian, "What's strange?"

He Xing thought about it.

"After comforting him that time, it seemed like Yan Tan gradually found his worth. I thought he had gotten rid of those shadows that Yan Zhou left in him."

Shen Mian wasn't surprised at all.

"Do you know what recurrence is? By the way, what idea did you give Yan Zhou?"

He Xing blinked.


He thought about it, then said, "I'll say it if the Dean bribes me."

Shen Mian beckoned at him and He Xing leaned in.

Shen Mian whispered, "In your dreams."

After he finished speaking, he headed to the dormitory building, trying to get Gian to sponsor something for him.

He Xing quickly followed,

"I can give you a discount, ask now for 50% off, buy one secret and get another one for free!"

Shen Mian stopped in his tracks.

"What secret are you giving away?"

He Xing, "For example... something like who my crush is."

Shen Mian turned around and left.

"Change it, I think I already know who it is."

He Xing stood in place for a moment and waited until Shen Mian entered the dormitory and he couldn't see his figure, before he reacted to that line in astonishment.

I already know = Can you be more straightforward?

Shen Mian gave an answer to He Xing and went upstairs, approaching the dragon cubs' dorm.

Before entering, he saw Rhein hovering over the table through the window. He vibrated his wings vigorously and shook off beautiful bits of phosphorus powder, all of which landed on the paper spread out underneath.

The paper had been covered with a glistening layer of phosphorus powder, which could mean that he had been shaking for a long time.

Their family's dragon cubs all gathered around with bated breath, not daring to breathe.

Xing Fei, being an amphibious dragon hybrid, had amazing lung capacity and after Lu Yuan and Gian had turned their heads for air several times, the little girl was still looking at Rhein with a serious face.

Rhein couldn't fly any more and collapsed to the side, limp, and was carried by Xing Fei to the small bed.

Shen Mian: ?

What were their family's little dragon cubs doing?

Shen Mian knocked on the door and the little dragon cubs turned their heads to look at him.

Gian breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's the Dean."

Shen Mian, "What are you doing?"

Rhein was actually willing to be a hardworking little dragon cub?

Lu Yuan looked serious.

"We're going to get Yan Tan back on his feet!"

Shen Mian: ??

Gian flicked his tail lightly and stepped forward to hold Shen Mian's hand. He pulled him into the dorm and quietly closed the door.

"It's because Yan Tan has been in a bad mood lately."

Lu Yuan vigorously nodded.

"It's Gian who instantly figured out why Yan Tan was so sad."

The little gem dragon was a bit embarrassed.

"He hasn't been drawing lately and he's always asking us if only being able to draw is useless. I think he might be a little doubtful of himself."

Gian looked up, his eyes clear.

"In fact, he doesn't realise it himself. He's literally glowing when he's drawing, just as beautiful as Xing Fei when she's reading and writing poetry. He's especially brave and we like him."

Xing Fei also looked up.

"I don't know what kind of grievance brother Yan Tan has suffered, but now he must have someone acknowledge him to let him know that he's a very, very good dragon cub."

Shen Mian was still a bit confused.

"So you are?"

Lu Yuan held a plate of cake cut into small pieces and fed them piece by piece to the eager mouth of the little salted fish, Rhein. He did not forget to interject an explanation, "In order for Yan Tan to regain his confidence, Xing Fei and I wrote a script overnight. Yan Tan will save a little dragon cub caught in a critical situation and then we praise him by bringing out gems he can return home with."

Rhein had cake in his mouth.

"We were just making the gems."

Xing Fei was much more literary.

"We want brother Yan Tan to always remember that wherever he is, he has friends who will praise his gem-like soul."

Gian, "He shines, every single dragon cub does."

Shen Mian was moved while also feeling that there were a lot of gaps.

"Amazing... so you guys also wrote a script, right?"

Lu Yuan, "I'm providing a few ideas. Xing Fei and Gian will refine the whole story and then Rhein and I will make the props. Oh, and Rhein is also in charge of playing the dragon cub being rescued."

Shen Mian, "..."

Are you changing your occupation again and planning to become a playwright?
