Chapter 75: Bald Angel

Speaking of He Xing's contribution, Shen Mian recalled what He Xing said when he "tutored" Lu Yuan in writing his poem.

It just so happens that He Yi, as a father, was very impressed by He Xing's submission and was immediately curious by that comment from his wife- thinking and knowing that He Xing's diary must be full of joy (making other dragons joyful).

Both Deans simultaneously focused their attention on the small book in He Xing's hand.

It was He Xing's dark history, but it might be a source of joy for both Deans.

Lu Xianzhi, who had already read it, just gently smiled.

He Xing, "..."

It was absolutely impossible for him to show it to the dragon cubs and even more impossible to show it to his dean. He would rather lose face in front of his father than to drop it in front of Shen Mian.

Although He Xing never felt that he had much shame and was shameless on his own accord, that was measured shamelessness. If he couldn't get the hang of being passive and shameless, he might lose a big one.

Shen Mian slowly reached out his hand and patted He Xing's thigh from an angle that no one could see, then spread his hand, meaning: Show me.

He Xing, "..."
Marshal He has seen it all, but these two taps nearly made him lose his armour.

He Xing struggled for two seconds, waking up in time to get over Dean Shen's suspiciously coquettish behaviour, shoving his hand into Dean Shen's and put the diary into his space button.

Shen Mian, "..."
Who wanted a hand. A dragon's paw isn't fresh after being squished all day long.

He Xing's movement to hide his diary was a bit too big, which attracted the attention of Yan Tan. The little black dragon cub subconsciously tried to look down to see what was going on, but as soon as he lowered his head, a hand suddenly reached out and covered his eyes.

Yan Tan: ?
The little dragon cub opened his mouth, but before he could make a sound, another hand reached out and covered his mouth. Soft as it was, it was Xing Fei.

Livia's voice sounded in his ear. "Shh, don't talk."

Yan Tan blinked, unaware of what was happening. All he could do was sit on the couch and then his stomach rumbled.

Yan Tan quickly covered his stomach.

He Xing immediately changed the topic. "Let's prepare dinner. Yan Tan is hungry. The little dragon cubs have been playing in the mock battle arena for very long and they're also hungry. Qin Yi has to go back after dinner. It's not good to be too late."

He Xing had no recollection of what was written in the diary, but he knew exactly what kind of dragon cub he was when he was a child and he could deduce what kind of things were written in it.

Like conquering the childcare centre, conquering the primary school, it was probably just general shame.

So it must never be seen by his Dean.

Lu Xianzhi had been paying attention to the interaction between Shen Mian and He Xing.
Although she couldn't see Shen Mian's small movements, she could hear it.

Lu Xianzhi couldn't help but smile. She could have never imagined that they would get along like this in private- she thought that He Xing would be more aggressive and Shen Mian would be a little colder.

Although she really wanted to see her own son suffocate, Yan Tan was hungry and she couldn't starve the little dragon cub. Lu Xianzhi held back from watching the fun. "Then we'll have to have an early dinner."
They were late for afternoon tea and dinner should have been delayed later, lest the little dragon cubs couldn't eat, but Yan Tan was actually rumbling from hunger, so of course they had to get ready.

Shen Mian stood up. "I sent a message to the Duke's father and Mr Ke Yu said it's fine to go back before nine o'clock. Is it alright to have barbeque for side dishes?"

He Xing and the other few adults didn't say anything. The little dragon cubs' recipes for today were meat. Xing Fei's staple food was fish, so meat was not an issue.

Anyways, for this party-like setting, a barbecue was obviously more relaxing for everyone.
Shen Mian firmly thought so- he was sitting here and didn't know what to say, so it was better to find something to do quickly. Otherwise, he would suffocate in the Empress's motherly gaze.

Shen Mian usually decided on the recipe for dinner after lunch so that some of the time-consuming ingredients could be dealt with ahead of time. Although today's schedule was quite busy, he still had the home robot prepare the ingredients for the roast in advance.

The palm-sized meats had been marinating for some time in advance and it was the perfect time to take them out and grill them.

There was a grill in the kitchen specifically for grilling meat that was carried out by He Xing and placed in the dining room. This grill had no open flame and was suitable for indoor grilling, but due to its size, it gave off a significant amount of heat when on.

Shen Mian took all the meat out and piled it up like a small mountain beside the preheated grill. He Xing was removing the plastic wrap from the marinade pot while Shen Mian picked up a piece of meat and placed it on the iron plate.

The sizzling sound immediately rang out.

All the little dragon cubs gathered around the grill and watched as the beautifully textured raw meat covered in seasoning was placed on the searing hot iron, the oil splashes gathering in the waves shortly after.

Yan Tan waited by the grill for a while. It was too hot, but he couldn't leave the aromatic barbecue, so he had to secretly hug Gian's big tail to physically cool down.

Xing Fei was the first to not be able to stand it and picked up her big water bottle to sit and drink.

Lu Xianzhi didn't have a daughter and seeing other family's little girls was a little more rare, so she couldn't help but sit next to Xing Fei.

When He Yi wasn't dealing with government affairs, he was usually just hanging around his wife, wherever she was.

Little by little, the fire-breathing dragon cubs couldn't stand the heat of the grill and pitter pattered away.

Only Qin Yi wasn't afraid of the heat at all and even made her way to the grill.

Looking around, she slowly reached out and placed her hand over the grill, feeling the heat roll under her hand and slowly transferring it to the rest of her body.

Qin Yi slowly narrowed her eyes and made her way towards the grill, placing her other hand over as well, like she was also grilling.

The barbecue grill was long and Shen Mian only used half of it to grill the meat. Plus, the barbecue meat was stacked on top of each other, blocking He Xing and Shen Mian's view, so neither of them noticed Qin Yi getting closer to the grill.

The young Duke had long silver hair that was tied loosely behind her back when she wasn't fighting, but when the young Duke fought, her eyes and ears were open. She wasn't very careful when it came to taking care of herself, so there would always be a few strands of hair that the young Duke would leave out from her hair tie.

These untied strands were getting closer and closer to the grill as the young duke moved and without Qin Yi even noticing, the strands had made contact with the grill.

There was no open fire on the grill, but the temperature was definitely not low. The strands of beautifully smooth hair gradually began to yellow and curl. When the temperature reached the ignition point, her hair got caught on fire.

Xing Fei, who looked at Qin Yi's hair from time to time, "Qin Yi!"

The young Duke turned her head around and blinked- she didn't feel anything wrong at all.

Xing Fei jumped off the couch, desperate. "You're on fire!"

Lu Xianzhi was originally making fruit tea for Xing Fei and when she heard the little girl's voice not right, she quickly put down the spoon and looked up, only to find Qin Yi's hair on fire. Lu Xianzhi held Qin Yi's hair that was on fire and the little flame immediately went out.

Although the fire had been extinguished, Qin Yi's long hair already had a charred area. The silver hair that had been naturally straight became curly, not to mention that there was a distinct patch of burnt yellow.

Xing Fei blocked Qin Yi's view with one hand and secretly pulled out the strand that was already curled up like a spring, worried that the little curls would hang down and be seen by Qin Yi.

Lu Xianzhi had no daughter and although she herself was a long-time marshal, she never thought that being pretty and tough were conflicting. Seeing little Qin Yi's burnt hair, she felt distressed.

Before Qin Yi could react, she first saw the worried eyes of Xing Fei and Lu Xianzhi.

Gian, Yan Tan and Livia didn't know what was happening, but they saw Xing Fei rushing to Qin Yi and hurried over as well.

Shen Mian heard the commotion and left He Xing and He Yi to watch the roast, quickly walking over.

Qin Yi was surrounded and was still a little confused. "What's wrong?"

Xing Fei held her hand, frowned at her for a moment and abruptly turned to leave.

Shen Mian didn't know what words to use to tactfully tell Qin Yi that her hair was burnt- these kinds of words probably couldn't be tactful at all.

Instead, Qin Yi herself reached out and touched her hair, suddenly realising. "Did I scorch it again?"

Lu Xianzhi, "Again?"

Qin Yi smiled at Lu Xianzhi. "It's always like this in winter. You don't have to worry. It's because it feels cold, so I can't help but lean towards something hot every time."

Gian quickly picked up a few cushions and stuffed them into Qin Yi's chest. "You have to wear more if you're cold. Are you still cold? Are you not wearing enough clothes, do you want me to get a blanket for you?"

The little gem dragon had not yet taught himself about the devouring dragon genus and did not know the characteristics of tidal dragons.

Shen Mian stopped Gian. "It isn't because she doesn't have enough on."

Gian tilted his head in confusion.

Shen Mian explained, "Tidal dragons have a higher core body temperature than other dragons, so when you're in the same environment and temperature, she will feel colder and will prefer a warmer environment."

The characteristics of tidal dragons had nothing at all to do with water, and not only that, but tidal dragons synthesize flames with extremely high temperatures and their scales have superior fire protection. They can even sleep in burning fires, but their hair and skin cannot withstand the heat once they enter their human form.

Qin Yi, as a little dragon cub who gets scorched once a year, didn't care at all about how her hair was scorched. "I was just trying to roast by the fire, but I accidentally got too close to it."

Lu Xianzhi was helpless. "This is the first time I've ever seen a little dragon cub scorching themselves over a fire."

Even Shen Mian, who was well versed in memorizing the professional course, only knew about the high core temperature of tidal dragons, but didn't know what a high core temperature would bring.
Shen Mian had seen cats that scorched themselves over a fire before, but never expected to see dragons that scorched themselves over a fire.

Qin Yi, "Because all the other dragon cubs have short hair, it's not easy to scorch, but if it does, cut that piece off, it will grow back anyway."

Livia thought carefully and nodded. "I have two tidal dragons in my class, all with short hair as well and it's shorter in the winter." He had also seen tidal dragon cubs that had hair cut to the point where only a layer of stubble remained on top of their heads.

Qin Yi nodded, thinking it was normal. "Some dragon cubs get their hair shaved. Having hair shows that their parents still take care of them."
There were few forced to grow out their hair like her.

Yan Tan and Gian both felt a chill on their heads at the same time.

Shen Mian, "..."
Some dragon cubs look like they're wearing holy light, but are actually little light bulbs that could have their heads shaved at any moment.

Bald angels are a bit of a bad idea.

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The author has something to say:

Tidal Dragon ×
Kitty Dragon √
