Chapter 55: Preventing the Disguise from Falling Off

Shen Mian started his live broadcast the next day as usual.

He always began his live broadcasts at a very early time. Even if the weather on Water Star was gradually getting colder, he didn't postpone his live broadcasts. 

At the first light of dawn, Shen Mian had already finished washing up and was preparing today's breakfast in the kitchen. He smoothly switched the standby household robot in the kitchen back to cleaning mode, so that it could go to the dormitory building to do its daily cleaning.

He knew that He Xing's identity was made public, but life in the centre had to go on.

As soon as the live room opened, the number of views jumped like crazy, like a rolling snowball, until the live room automatically limited the flow of viewers and made them enter a queue. The growth rate of viewers slowed down.

Due to the number of viewers, the interface no longer showed the exact number. There were so many barrages overlapping each other that, even with the transparency turned up to 95%, it was still hard to see.

There were a lot of human viewers in Shen Mian's live room and many humans, who didn't know how to get over the wall to visit the dragon's network, didn't know what happened yesterday in the Dragon Empire, so when many late-arriving human fans went through the difficult queue to enter the live room, they were shocked by the live viewing figures and barrages.

The human fans: What happened?

Amidst the sea of completely unreadable barrages, some of the oldest fans with high fan values couldn't resist using their barrage privileges- bold, colour-changing barrages:

[Death Rays: What happened today? Why are there suddenly so many more viewers? And our Dean's viewer count also went up by a lot??]

[Xue Lulu: I'm also confused...did something happen that I don't know about? But I'm really happy that our Mian, no, Dean has gotten more fans.]

[Crown Prince's Medal: Trying to get the dean's attention...begging the dean, who is Mr He?]

[Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs: Mr He? What happened to him? He disappeared two days ago, did he go to inherit his family's fortune?]

[Does your throat hurt today?: Dean, I was up all night. A fierce alpha made such heartbreaking sounds – the one in your family that goes ying ying ying really is...]

These barrages were clearly visible to Shen Mian, who left a perfunctory reply, "Who knows."
He certainly wouldn't take the liberty of revealing He Xing's identity until He Xing made it public – even if everyone knew it by heart, there was only one who could make an official acknowledgment.

The human viewers, who didn't know what was going on, were so curious that they were scratching their heads, but Shen Mian took off his holographic glasses and concentrated on 'taking care' of his pot of soup.

Water Star had heavy rain last night and the temperature plummeted in the morning. It was near the end of October and winter on Water Star was approaching. Xing Fei and Gian's bodies were relatively weak so Shen Mian made a special pot of vegetable soup in the morning.

As soon as the lid of the pot was opened, steam and aromas poured out. Shen Mian slightly tilted his head to avoid the heat to his face and with a spoon, scooped a little bit and put it into a bowl to taste it. He felt the saltiness was just right, put the lid back on, turned off the heat and let it sit.

This soup was not pure broth to suit the taste of all the cubs, using stock brewed from a large bone as a base and adding fresh vegetables and water to simmer. The sweetness of the plants overshadowed the greasiness of the meat, but the richness of the meat was woven into the slight sweetness of the vegetables, making this a soup that even a vegetarian elven dragon could accept.

The audience, who had been making a lot of noise in the live room, gradually quieted down. They took a good whiff of the data in the live room and were suddenly overwhelmed by the pure aroma of the food.

This was not a romantic perfume with top, middle and base notes1, but the fragrance instantly awakened their hunger instincts.
Numerous spectators swallowed their saliva, their brains swept away by the aroma, leaving only the words, "I'm hungry".

When Shen Mian began to make the main course for the dragon cubs, the cubs had already washed up and from time to time, came to Shen Mian's side to clock in – since there were more and more cubs in the family, Shen Mian had to prepare several different recipes for each meal, so the corresponding cooking time was also extended, which was why Shen Mian must spend more money to recruit a nutritionist.

It was certainly fine to give the cubs nutrient solutions, but even busy adult dragons wanted a little something made from recipes at every meal, so the dragons will eat extra side dishes in addition to the nutrients.

It doesn't feel good to fill your stomach but not your palate.

[Golden Mint Roast: I drank a nutritional supplement without a side dish this morning in an attempt to save time and now my mouth feels so bland. I'm so tempted to wait for the anchor to finish the meal and then have a fake meal.]

[His Highness's Pendant: The anchor is so attentive, each dragon cub has a different recipe, no wonder he has to get up so early. I used to drink nutrients at home, I'm so miserable in comparison.]

[Death Rays: Daily indulgence in the warm breath of the dean. Ah, today I also want to be raised by the dean and be a ying ying en en dragon cub.]

[Does your throat hurt today?: I finished drinking the soup, it was delicious, extremely fragrant, but the little dragon cubs' palates are so light.]

[Xue Lulu: ??? Is your tongue made from pots and pans? You've finished one pot? Aren't you afraid of being burnt?]

Shen Mian was cutting a piece of fish when Lu Yuan suddenly rushed in.

As Shen Mian's cooking time lengthened, the dragon cubs who couldn't see Shen Mian would always come up with various reasons to go into the kitchen for a spin, get Shen Mian's attention and then leave in satisfaction.

Lu Yuan pulled out a handful of colourful milk candies. While his parents paid the centre his living expenses every month, they also sent a package of special milk candies from Lu Yuan's favourite brand. Lu Yuan moved a tall bench over by himself and stepped on a stool, barely reaching Shen Mian's shoulders. Afraid of falling down, he even deliberately held onto Shen Mian's shoulders.

Shen Mian stopped cutting with the knife and turned his face slightly to the side. Lu Yuan was familiar with this action – this was to feed him a small snack.

Lu Yuan was a crazy little fan of milk candy.
There was a three-litre jar next to his bed, which contained all kinds of milk candies. Due to the fact that Shen Mian strictly limited his sugar intake, the maximum number of candies in little Lu Yuan's pocket every day was only ten, which made his heart hurt when he eats one.

Lu Yuan peeled off the wrapper and carefully handed it to Shen Mian.

"This is the new flavour of milk candy that arrived today!"

[Thorns: Is this to feed the anchor? The baby is so good.]

[Seveth Legion Super God: He's come! Baby Lu Yuan's milk candy feeding!]

[Clear Minded: Ah- in the helmet, I couldn't help but follow and open my mouth and then I realised that there were no cubs feeding me.]

Lu Yuan raised his paws.

"Dean, eat candy!"

Shen Mian lowered his head and bit it.

"Thank you, Lu Yuan."

Successfully fed, the black and white fatty happily climbed off the stool and ran out.

A short while later, the green and gold reflective cub crept into the kitchen, opened the nutrient solution cabinet, took out all the nutrient solutions and tableware the cubs needed and placed them on the small table. He walked out with his tail tipped up, wagging around briskly as he walked out.

Gian was a particularly bothered little dragon cub. He knew he was too short to even reach the table and going to the stove would add to the chaos, so he would come quietly to set up the tableware so that his dean wouldn't have to prepare them after cooking.

He didn't need the dean to praise him for being good and he never felt that setting out tableware was any kind of praiseworthy act, but in the same way that Lu Yuan was always worried that the dean would be hungry when he cooked, he just wanted to help the dean out a little.

He wanted to grow up to be like the Dean- when he grew up, he also wanted to give the people and dragons around him a sense of security, so he started with the smallest of things.

Shen Mian looked back and the corners of his lips curled slightly as he lowered his head.

[South East: Baby Gian is clocking in today hahahaha]

[Antler Head: Ahhhh the anchor's dragon cubs are so cute! My family's cub only knows how to make trouble...]

[Strawberry Flavored Nutrient Solutions: Kiss my baby Gian, he's too gentle and cute.]

[Death Rays: Tail tip! Tail tip! Every time I see the tip of baby Gian's tail wagging, I feel his little tail wagging on my meng spot wu wu wu]

[Does your throat hurt today?: Cute? One tail can hit ten.]

The fish in Shen Mian's hands had been processed and fried to a delicious-looking golden brown and placed in an insulated lunch box, which also contained Gian's ore powder and roasted horned wurm meat.

The family's Lu Yuan and Rhein were both dragons whose staple food were vegetables. The cubs, who were mainly vegetarian, had no love for cooked food, preferring raw vegetables with sweet juice, so Shen Mian wouldn't deliberately cook them.

In addition to some fresh fruits, the nutrient solution side dishes Shen Mian prepared today also included cold dishes. Although the cold dishes were easy to handle, little Lu Yuan, being a vegetarian dragon, had a bigger appetite than Gian. If it weren't for the nutrient solutions, Shen Mian would only have enough time to make Lu Yuan's side dishes every morning.

When Shen Mian was mixing the cold soup, Xing Fei quietly walked through the door.

She was carrying a beautiful bunch of branches, leaves and flower buds- the backyard of the centre was an unoccupied area, always lush with plants because of its proximity to the wastelands and one of them, a swaying wild thorn, peeked through the fence into the centre. That was the only one that hadn't been pruned away by Shen Mian and was sometimes nourished with wood abilities, so it grew extraordinarily well.

This was the time of year when thorns were in bloom and the vines produced beautiful flowers that were pale red when unopened and a rich, fiery red when in full bloom. But if the flowers bloomed too much, they would not bear good fruit.

Xing Fei would cut off the extra branches, leaves and flower buds, gather them into a bunch and place them in a few of the places where Shen Mian worked most often.

Xing Fei gently sniffed the flowers, replacing the fading flowers in the vase by the window and adjusting the angle along the way so her dean could see them as soon as he turned his head.

The little girl left with the replaced bouquet in her arms, walking softly.

[Thorns: !!! I suddenly see my favourite flower! Wu wu wu the flowers and little girl are so well matched that when she smiles, she even compares to the flowers. The beautiful little girl, is she a hybrid?]

[A little fence: She's a hybrid, a cetacean dragon and human hybrid.]

[Crown Prince's Medal: Reminds me of a bunch of guys in the army fighting against thorns hahahaha... a strong confession to Xing Fei, I wish I had a daughter like that at home. Xing Fei matches her name so well.]

[Song of Rain: I love the way Xing Fei smiles so much. When she smiles, her eyes are like galaxies.]

Shen Mian also made the last of the side dishes and turned around just in time to see the bottle of thorns growing vigorously, with a vigorous silhouette in the morning light.

Shen Mian was about to bring the side dishes to the table when little Rhein, who always had a hard time waking up, was sent there by Lansin and flew straight to Shen Mian, drowsily plunging into his arms and holding tightly onto his wrist.

"Good morning dean."
He moved his hand out of his bag and took a small bag of desserts out of it.

"The dean has worked hard."

[Cold Duck Coldness: I understand, I'll go have a baby.]

[Galactic Landing: I'm dead, I'm dead. If I raise a bunch of dragon cubs like that, I can stay with them until the end of time, my God.]

[Snacks for sale in the front row: Oh Dragon God- I love the Dean and I love his family's cubs. I'm going to go crazy, how did I gain such a beautiful morning?]

[Xue Lulu: I remember the dean originally had a golden baby dragon, right? A very small one, the 'too pretty to breathe kind'. It was very fond of the dean and would jump right over like Rhein, but it would fall on the dean.]

[Lao Tzu is the cutest in the interstellar: That's right, where's that baby? The dean hardly mentions that cub.]

[Death Rays: I think something is wrong. First of all, we all know that the members of the centre are the Dean, Mr He and there are five dragon cubs. Baby Yan Tan seems to be on vacation and our centre officially only has four dragon cubs studying. So, who is the golden cub?]

[Does your throat hurt today?: First, we rule out the Dean as an option.]
