Chapter 84: Mystery

As soon as I reached the Moon Dorm, a chill rose in my spine. Something didn't feel right. I don't know what, but it gave me the heavy feeling of dread.

"How was your visit to your mother?" Takuma's happy voice floated through the air. Turning, I saw him and Senri walking through the gate to the Moon Dorm.

"It was fine," Senri replied briefly. He saw me, and when his face turned, I bit back a gasp. His eyes. One was icy blue, but the other - it was the same deep red-brown of Kaname's eyes.

He's back.

"Hello, Saki," Senri's lips curved into a vindictive smile. "Long time no see."

"Rido," I hissed, backing away fearfully, only to hit the heavy wooden door of the Moon Dorm.

"Is everything alright?" Takuma broke in between the two of us. He shot me a glance, his green eyes relaying a message.

Don't get involved.

I nodded, my mouth dry. Instinct told me to trust Takuma.

"I have to go," I croaked out. Turning around, I tugged open the door, fleeing into the Moon Dorm.

"Aww, why did you scare her away?" I heard Senri ask Takuma as I shut the door behind me. Takuma said something in reply, but I couldn't hear it.

He was back. Rido was back. What should I do?

My mind was in panic as I ran up the stairs, trying to find my room. It didn't help. He could find me anywhere and I would be too weak to fight him off.

"Are you okay?" Roma's bored voice asked me. With a start, I stopped, realising that the golden-haired aristocrat was just across the corridor to me. No doubt she could she the fear in my eyes.

"It's nothing," I shook my head. Rima's face didn't change.

"Is Senri back?" No, Senri's not back. Someone else is.

"Yeah," I replied hesitantly. "I have to go to my room."

"Ok." Rima didn't seem to care as I wandered down the hallway to my room.

What was Rido doing in Senri's body? All he did was go and visit his mum- something wasn't right.

There was a knock at my door and immediately I jumped.

"Who is it?" I called out shakily. It wasn't helping that I was getting paranoid over everything. The door opened and I flinched slightly as light poured into the room, a shadow forming as someone stepped through.

"Saki." That wasn't Rido's voice, and when I looked up, Kaname stood there, his deep brown eyes staring at me.

"What is it?" I still held a grudge against Kaname for framing Ichiru. Who did he think he was?

A highly respected pureblood.

Apart from that.

Descendant of the Kuran family, basically royalty.

And that.

Vice-president of Cross Academy and president of the Moon Dorm.

I get the point already.

Yeah, you've probably figured out that you can't fight against him.

"Saki," Kaname repeated, breaking me out of my mental battle. "I take it you met Senri?"

"You mean Rido?" I surprised myself with how bitter my voice was. "Yeah."

"You'll have to be careful." Kaname leaned against the doorframe. "You can fight him, I'm sure."

"You sound pretty confident," I retorted. "Putting all the responsibility on me - you're the one that's the darn pureblood here!"

"I know you hate me for what I did," Kaname replied calmly. "But Ichiru understands why I did that."

"Don't say that!" I stood up. "He would probably be just as angry about you framing him."

"I came to give you advice." Kaname straightened up as well. "And l would have thought you had enough sense not to be blinded by emotions."

"Ichiru gave me those emotions," I glared at the pureblood, my hands balling up into fists. "I don't care if I'm blinded by them." Kaname paused, observing me carefully.

"Does he mean that much to you?"

"A hundred times more than you would ever mean to me."

"At least one of us feels that way."

"One of us?" I stared at him in disbelief. "I don't believe you."

"Are you scared?" Kaname walked forward until he stood right in front of me. He stared down at me, while I stared up in shock. "I won't betray Yuki though. She brought the meaning into my life and I won't forget that."

"And so did Ichiru," I stared up at Kaname defiantly. He seemed to accept that.

"I know you see me as an enemy, but I am trying to help you."

"You're not," I glared at him. "You have the look of someone who's already given up on everything."

"Not everything," Kaname corrected me. "I have a goal to achieve, and that is to protect Yuki, at all costs."

"Exactly," I turned away from him. "So go away, you're not trying to help me in the least."

It's all about your precious Yuki.

I kept facing the wall in the opposite direction until I heard footsteps fade away and the door closed with a click.

"Where are you, Ichiru?" I spoke to the thin air. "I miss you already."

A walk around the academy meant I was away from Senri and Kaname. I might even be able to find Ichiru. Where was he? I missed him already. The sun was already beginning to set. Soon it would be dark and I wouldn't be allowed around the academy anymore. I would have to be quick.

The sky was painted with streaks of gold, red and pink. It reminded me of those times in primary school when the teacher would try to teach us about mixing colours and using them to form a colour wheel. Stopping where I was, I tilted my face up to the sky, closing my eyes and letting the bright streaks seep through my eyelids, so I was lost in a golden daze.

Bushes rustled and immediately my eyes shot open and I whirled around. There was no-one in sight, but I knew the bushes had rustled and someone was there.

"Who's there?" I called out, glancing around me. A speck of white among the green of the bushes and brown of the trees caught my eye. Bending down, I picked up a small piece of paper, lying at the base of a bush.

141 Bural street. 5 o'clock.

I. K. Could that stand for - thinking about it, my heart skipped a beat. So Ichiru really was in hiding. I was certain that note had been meant for me, but if Ichiru had been here to deliver the note, couldn't he just talk to me himself? Why scare the life out of me and leave a note that could very well have been for someone else?

I couldn't do anything about it though, it was Ichiru's decision. I would go to the address at five o'clock.


Woohoo! I found wi-fi, so now I can update XD I wrote this on the car, and now I can publish this for you ^.^ Merry (early) Christmas guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter XD And I'll make sure I update more soon ^.^
