Chapter 5: The Night Class

That night, I followed the rest of the vampires to the classroom. The classroom was dimly lit, almost pitch black, but the only thing that gave it some light was the moon shining through the window. The vampires all stood in their little groups or pairs around the classroom, chatting quietly. I noticed Kaname and the rest by the window, along with a quiet-looking girl with silver-purple hair. Something in me considered joining them, but the way they were ignoring, or at least, not noticing me, made me change my mind. Unwanted again.

Suddenly, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I needed some air, some space, away from these vampires. Going out of the classroom quickly, I headed to the forest outside the classroom.

I suddenly heard giggling and the quiet chatter of some girls. Looking out from behind a tree, I saw two Day Class girls with cameras, taking photos of night class students in the classroom. I stood still, behind the tree, unsure what to do, should I go up to them? Or just leave them alone? Something told me that they weren't following the rules, but would they listen to me? My problem was solved, when a split second later, Yuki came swinging down a tree, landing in front of the two girls.

"Stop, return to your dorms immediately!" She cried out authoritatively. The two day class girls sighed and got up, when one of them stumbled. She winced and cried out in pain.

"She's hurt her ankle." One of them said, looking at her friend's ankle. Yuki was immediately worried.

"Is there any blood? Quick, get back to your dorms immediately!" Suddenly there was the snap of a twig.

"Hello, ladies." Hanabusa came out, looking pleasant and smiley-faced.

"Aido!" One of the day class girls gasped. Yuki wasn't fooled though. Suddenly drawing out a long pole, she held it in front of her, with the air of someone who knew how to wield the rod, blocking Hanabusa's path. I could tell it was an anti-vampire weapon. It repelled me and scared me slightly, the way it yearned for vampire - I can smell blood.

"Stay away from those Day Class girls!" Yuki cried defensively. Hanabusa only smiled.

Grabbing the pole, he held it tightly as it crackled and sizzled, making me wince slightly. How could he stand it? No matter, he didn't show any outward signs of pain. Yuki dropped the pole, wincing. Taking advantage of her weaponless condition, Hanabusa bared his fangs and sank them into the graze on Yuki's palm. Yuki looked away, helpless.

"Fangs?!" The two day class girls gasped. I'd forgotten about them. A small thud resounded as they fainted, collapsing in a heap at the base of a tree.

"Hanabusa." The orange headed boy's lazy voice warned. There was the snap of a twig as someone stepped into the scene. Kaname. Hanabusa immediately dropped Yuki's hand and knelt. A silver-purple headed girl dropped down from the trees beside the day class girls. Placing her hand on the unconscious girls' heads, a purple orb surrounded her hand, swirling with some kind of power. What was she doing to them?

"Lord Kaname!" Hanabusa gasped. "Forgive me. I-I was out of line." Kaname looked at him with emotionless eyes.

"I want you to go back to the dorm. Now. I will deal with you later." He turned to the orange-haired boy.

"You as well, Akatsuki," Akatsuki looked bewildered, "You did nothing to stop Hanabusa, so you are also responsible." Akatsuki looked annoyed, like he wanted to hit someone. I get the feeling Hanabusa would be the victim. Both of the vampires turned around to head back to their dorms, their heads bowed in shame.

"Yuki, are you okay?" Kaname's eyes were tender as he looked at Yuki and examined her palm. More tender than the way anyone has ever looked at me. Yuki blushed, shy now.

"Go see the school nurse," Kaname instructed, "I'll be with you soon." Yuki nodded and headed to the main building. Kaname stood still, his back facing me. I felt myself tense up. He knew I was here.

"Saki," his voice was harsh, "Why did you not stop Hanabusa?" he turned around to face me (or rather, the tree).

"Come out from the tree." Slowly, I stepped out, feeling a tremble in my knees. Is this what it's like to have an angry pureblood mad at you? He faced me again, his face expressionless, but his eyes and voice were stern.

"You could have stopped Hanabusa, why didn't you?" Did I just hear him right? Stop Hanabusa? He nearly froze my leg off the first time I met him! I couldn't voice this thought though, no matter how much I tried. More of Kaname's powers? Kaname glared at me.

"I let you into the dorm, because I believed you would be of some use. As a pureblood, you will obey my commands." I felt something seize me, like another mind on my own, forcing me into submission. Slowly, words came out of my mouth.

"Yes, my lord."

NB: So how was it? Was it good? Sorry about being so slow with writing the whole thing up. I still need to figure out a decent plot. Please comment, and tell me your thoughts.
