Chapter 57: The Ball

"Akatsuki, Hanabusa, you shouldn't be in the girls' section of the dorm," Kaname's crisp voice addressed the two of them. "Please leave now." Both of them bowed their heads, apologising, before Akatsuki spoke again.

"Lord Kaname, it seems that Saki has gained aristocratic powers." Kaname barely raised an eyebrow.

"Perhaps," he replied calmly. "I shall deal with her myself, then. Ruka, please leave us." Ruka bowed feverently again.

"As you wish, my Lord," she replied, before walking off in the direction of the staircase.

"Saki, what did you do?" Kaname asked sternly, his eyes floating over the bed sheets at my feet and the singe stain on the mattress. "I hope your power didn't go astray. Why did you tell Akatsuki about your ability?"

I crossed my arms stiffly.

"It was an accident okay?" I defended myself. "The light just got out of control and Akatsuki noticed. Of course I had to explain it to him. You want me to tell him that I went crazy with a torch?" Kaname didn't look amused.

"If word of you having aristocrat powers gets out, you may be under inspection, to make sure that you haven't drunk the blood of any vampire with the ability of yours, and I too, will be affected." Oh now I get it. Kaname just didn't want me to pull him into trouble. Any gratefulness I might have felt towards him for saving my life was gone, disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"So, sorry," I retorted sarcastically. "Of course if I ended up getting you in trouble, you won't be able to protect your darling Yuki."

As soon as I mentioned Yuki, Kaname frowned.

"Saki, about Yuki. I want you to keep watch on her tonight at the ball. She will be in danger. You sensed the difference in Maria Kurenai didn't you?" Change of topic? I wasn't expecting that.

"Can't you watch over her yourself?" Kaname's reply was brief.

"It will only attract attention and I don't want the Day Class to notice."

Hmph. Well, I didn't know what to do to be honest. If I listened and obeyed Kaname, it would only seem like I was back under his control. At least he didn't force me this time. Maybe it's because he didn't force me this time that I felt relieved. And if I didn't obey, he might force me anyway. Guess I have no choice.

"Fine," I crossed my arms. "I'll watch over Yuki, but only because you saved my life." And almost killed me countless other times, I silently added.

"Thank you," Kaname nodded calmly, as though he knew I would say that all along.

That night was the night of the ball. Apparently the Day Class I had been in had to set up, since our average was the lowest out of all the classes. I thought I knew why. Yuki had fallen asleep in the middle of the test, after sitting there staring in thin air, no matter what Sayori or I did. We had to concentrate on our own paper as well.

I wasn't in the Day Class anymore, so it meant I didn't have to set up. I didn't mind setting up though. It was something useful to do and it would preoccupy me.

Heaving a silent sigh, I picked up the carry bag on the floor and took the dress out. It was a nice sheen of red, but the sight of it made me slightly sick. Blood. I would drink it, and now I would wear it.

Picking it up carefully, I went into the bathroom to change, in case Maria came in.

Putting the dress on was relatively easy, a simple matter of unzipping the side and stepping in. The sleeves were also easy, just pulling them on. The ribbon however, remained a problem. I stared at the ribbon in my hands and at my reflection in the mirror. I could do this.

Ten minutes later, I glanced in the mirror and almost sat down in defeat.

Part of my hair straggled up, held by the ribbon. Another part dangled down the other side of my face. In other words, I looked like an idiot. Tugging the ribbon out of my hair, I resorted to just tying part of it.

Scooping up the hair on the sides of my face, I tied it at the back of my head with the ribbon. There. I no longer looked like a hair disaster.

Soft, but cheerful music rang in my ears as the warm and bright lights of the room filled my senses. Conversations and the voices of people filled the room, as Day Class girls and guys dotted the room, Night Class students mingled amongst them.

Don't forget to watch Yuki, a voice reminded me. Yuki. Where was she?

Scanning the room, I looked for the familiar dark brown head of the Day Class prefect.

"Yuki!" Kaien's voice rang out over the other many sounds of the room. "My daughter has grown so much! Save daddy a dance for later okay?" The headmaster was behind me, so did that mean Yuki had only just arrived?

Giggles erupted from a girl who swung past me, being swept away by a flirtatious Hanabusa.

As they swept past, I saw Akatsuki and Ruka at the side of the room, not dancing. Eager to see how Akatsuki's relationship with Ruka turned out, I watched them keenly. I could see their mouths move as they talked, but couldn't hear them over the sounds of the ball. Someone came over to them, the class president. I had a feeling of what he was going to do.

With a bow, he held out a hand to Ruka, saying something. Ruka in turn, looked...well, let's just say she didn't look that happy. Akatsuki muttered something to her, but Ruka just crossed her arms and announced clearly, her voice carrying across the room.

"I am not going to dance with some stranger." The class president looked ready to jump off a cliff. I couldn't really blame him, I mean, all those times after class when he tries to talk to her, at least she could remember his face. Maybe Akatsuki still had a chance with Ruka.

A couple dancing almost crashed into me as they went past. I should probably move, and get to the side of the room to watch everyone. And Yuki. Where was she now? 

I wandered through the hall, scanning for the Day Class girl Kaname liked so much. I couldn't see her. Finally, I stopped and stared. Kaname and Yuki danced on the balcony outside, absorbed in their own world. I mean, they weren't even in time to the music.

Yuki wore a white, pale pink dress which ruffled from the front to the back. A suprisingly elaborate dress for a human girl. I wonder if Kaname had something to do with it.

Kaname himself wore the typical Night Class uniform. I shouldn't be surprised seeing as all the guys at the ball wore their uniform. I guess that says something about the difference in nature of different genders.

Then a thought stirred in the back of my mind. Where was Maria? And Ichiru? I would have expected to see them at the ball? 

Someone walked past me and I looked up, catching sight of white hair. Ichiru?

"Hey, wait!" I ran after him, grabbing hold of his arm. Lavender eyes stared down at me in digust and surprise as Zero tried to pull away.

"Oh," I released his hand. "I thought you were someone else." Zero didn't look very happy, and his words further proved that.

"I won't interact with Kaname's servants." The spite in his voice made me bristle. 

"I am not one of his servants," I began hotly, drawing myself up. "Do I look like an aristocrat to you? I have no respect for someone who will control me against my will." Zero barely grasped my meaning. He can be selectively deaf sometimes.

"Oh, so you're his puppet now?"  He retorted. "Get away unless you want me to put you out of your misery." He had his gun up at my head before I could react, the muzzle pressed up right against my forehead.

I glared at Zero from below the gun. I was not going to retreat. No way.

"Shoot me then," I challenged him. "You know yourself that I'm Kaname's puppet. So shoot me and put me out of my misery."

Zero barely blinked, and his finger tightened against the trigger. My heart sank. I had been hoping he was bluffing, but -


Someone yanked me to the side just as the bullet flew out of the gun, hitting one of the thick pillars. I landed on the floor, jarring my elbow hard and winced. That fall still hurt, since my body wasn't completely healed from last night.

"Not here," a voice hissed. Ichiru. "People are watching." It was true, some couples dancing nearby had turned to look for the source of the gunshot. Night students had noticed and some were trying to divert the attention by offering to dance with Day Class students and get them away from the noise. Others, like Ruka and Akatsuki were making their way towards us.

"How about we fight somewhere else?" Ichiru pulled me to my feet and yanked the two of us into a nearby corridor. The darker corridor was a big change to the brightly lit hall but it only heightened the uneasy atmosphere around us as we glanced at each other warily.
