Chapter 78: Homecoming

"I don't know when I'll be seeing you next," Mum embraced me ruefully. "But until then, please, be careful and take care of yourself."

We stood outside the house. It was early in the morning, and I had my packed luggage standing in a small pile by my feet. I was about to leave for the academy.

"I will," I promised, hugging her back. "But you have to do the same thing, okay?"

"I will," Mum assured me, releasing me. "I guess you should go now. Yagari looks impatient." She added in a low tone. I turned to look at the other hunter, who stood, leaning against the van impatiently.

"He can wait," I replied with a sniff. "He's always impatient anyway."

"He's a good person," was all Mum said, as she ruffled my hair. "Now make sure you enjoy yourself at the academy. Don't be afraid of the other vampires."

"I won't," I promised again picking up my bags and walking to the van, knowing full well that I was still afraid, and would probably always be afraid. "Stay happy okay?"

"Of course." Mum looked amused as she waved to me. Maybe she was waving to Yagari as well.

"You two spent a full 15 minutes with your goodbyes," Yagari sounded resigned as he backed out of the driveway. "I might as well have just gone in and had a cup of tea while you were at it."

"Of course," I replied absently, staring out the window. "Maybe you should."

"I was joking," Yagari shot back. "Of course I wouldn't have. Can't you tell a joke when you hear one?"

"Your voice doesn't really have many differences," I replied. "Even if you were singing I wouldn't be able to hear any changes."

Yagari shot me a mutinous glare, while I smiled back sweetly. Arguing with Yagari really improves my mood sometimes. Sometimes.

"Are you okay about the whole, Level D situation?" Yagari's change in topic surprised me. Since when did he try counselling?

"I guess," I shrugged, feeling my happy mood drift away. "There's not much I can do about it is there?"

"There is a way you can stop falling into a Level E." It was almost as though he read my mind and worries, about going mad.

"I know," I interrupted him. "If I drink Shizuka's blood, I won't become a Level E."


That's not it, Yagari. That's just not it. Now that I had a chance to keep my humanity, knowing I wasn't a monster, I didn't want to lose it. I wouldn't lose it. I can't. I want to stay human. That night, when I was six, I didn't have a choice. Now I do. I won't become a vampire.

"You don't necessarily have to drink Shizuka's blood from her," Yagari continued. "There's another way?"

"How?" I replied confused. I wasn't interested in becoming a vampire, but I did want to know 'the other way'.

"Listen carefully," Yagari leaned over to whisper in my ear. What he said made my inwards twist.

"It's the only other way," he turned his gaze back to the road. "It seems easier as well."

"No," I replied bluntly. "I won't."

The rest of the trip was spent in silence, until we arrived at the academy. It read 9:35 on the van clock.

"Yagari," I broke the silence as I pulled one of my bags out of the back of the van. "Can I ask you a favour?"

"Like?" He sounded suspicious. I kind of didn't blame him.

"Take care of Mum for me will you?" I could have sworn I saw Yagari hide a smile. "What is it?"

"Nothing," Yagari replied casually. "I'll keep an eye on her don't worry."

"Thanks." I didn't have time to ponder over what Yagari was thinking. Turning to face the academy, I felt my heart sink as I realised that I was back under his control again. Would Seiren tell him I was back?

"Bye," I waved dully as the hunter backed down the driveaway. With a final nod, he turned around the corner to leave me alone at the entrance of the academy.

"Saki, you're back early," Yuki appeared, looking surprised. "Is something wrong?" She was dressed in a dark green skirt and black shirt. I don't know why, but I half-expected to see her in her uniform.

"Oh, just, some people wanted me to come back early," I tried to shrug it off. "Is it okay if I sty here for the rest of the holidays?" Despite not receiving an answer, I still picked up my luggage, beginning to head in the direction of the Moon Dorm.

"Of course it is," Yuki ran to catch up with me. "Hanabusa is at the academy, so I'm sure he would like the company." The words hit me like a strike of lightning. Hanabusa was here?

Immediately I considered trying to chase down Yagari, who was probably driving along the highway right now, at about 100km per hour. Somehow, I doubted I could catch up, even with vampire speed. Nevermind.

"Yeah, I might go see him," I responded weakly. "I have to put my bags back though, so I'll be seeing you."

"Okay, if you want, you can have lunch and dinner with us," Yuki offered, beginning to walk in another direction. "I don't think you have any other options anyway. I'll see you later." She ran off without waiting for a reply.

"Yeah, see you later," I muttered, speeding up to get to the Moon Dorm.

The room was still the same when I opened the door to my room. A breeze rustled across the room into my face from the open window. Someone had definitely been taking care of this place. The bed was made and the sheets were well ironed and crisp. Any musty or stale smells in the room no longer existed.

For the first time, I wondered if someone had known I would be coming. Maybe it was Seiren. Maybe. She didn't seem like the kind to play the maid though.

Taking my bags and other luggage, I deposited them neatly by the wardrobe, debating on whether or not to unpack. In the end, I decided to unpack one bag. Just one. I mean, I would need pajamas and all, so why not just unpack the whole bag at once? 

Reaching down, I pulled the zip of the bag, hearing the small screech as the zip opened. Black and blue peeked through the opening, which soon expanded to become a mottled assortment of colours as I pulled the bag open.


"Yuki told me you would be joining us for lunch," Kaien said to me over the table. The two of us, along with Zero, Yuki and Hanabusa sat around the dining table, slightly cramped, eating lunch. Apparently Zero cooked the meal, so I'm a little less than comfortable with eating the food prepared. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to poison me.

"Yeah," I forced a piece of cauliflower into my mouth. If he poisoned me, it might just as well have been for the better. "Thanks for inviting me."

"It's no problem," Kaien's headmaster pose suddenly turned into one of an over-obsessive father. "I feel as though every student in the academy is my son or daughter. I must take care of them all!" He ended the statement by passionately striking a fist down on the table. Everyone jumped, including the food laid out on the table.

"We get it," Zero growled from across the table. He looked as though he was in a bad mood today. No surprise there, I mean, he was expecting Hanabusa, and now, I was coming.

"But, Zero," Kaien pouted, his image turning, once again, into a three-year-old. Zero only went back to his food, chewing it stubbornly. The routine seemed like a well-rehearsed one, as Kaien went back to eating, his face in an expression of childish scowling.

"So," Yuki tried to break the awkward tension in the room. "How is your mother, Saki?"

"Oh yes," Kaien brightened up immediately. "How is Shina?"

"Shi - Mum's okay," I replied, trying to blank out the image of her wailing in desperation and tears. "She was glad to see me and all, even though I had to come back so early." In my brief moment of distraction, the sight of her crying in Yagari's arms flashed back into my mind.

"I've always wondered how the relationship between you and your mother had been," Hanabusa finally spoke up petulantly. He'd been silent throughout the whole lunch, and at the mention of my mother, had perked up. "A hunter whose daughter is a vampire. It must be hard." 

I glowered at the egotistic aristocrat.

"She's fine with it and so am I," I grated out between gritted teeth. "There's nothing to wonder about."

"Perhaps," he didn't sound convinced as he continued eating. Moron.
