The Voice Of Silence

This is the last poem of this book. the 100th. 

Silence so powerful than the loudest bass,

With such a strong say that you can;t make it pass,

The voice so silent yet so loud it can shake, 

The force that can break all those fakes for your sake.

A silence that demands answers yet remain meek,

A stillness that irritates so much you are forced to speak,

However it goes, it never surprises to make you weak,

To torment you down to the position to help seek.

The voice of my silence that appeared in the wrong time,

The noise that now prevents my escapes and force me to mime.


"Not being in love with him is like making the plasma holder for nuclear fusion out of your heart's membrane."-me.

Written to end this beautiful journey.

This book is done guys. I am debating of the chance of another.

I have decided to make a short verse book called "The Darkest Shade of Black", however I still am debating whether to publish "Khwayishein" (Desires) (link in media)

