The Midnight Ring

Amused I was ,when I heard my phone ring,

Seeing the name my heart did wing.

Swiftly enough a smile you bring,

Across my lips,I am in a happy string.

Yes a string,I can fall down in a ding,

To a  place full of dangers,my heart wring.

Still when I heard the midnight call,

I pictured our senior Ball;

Where you hold my waist and I place a kiss;

Not knowing if I  am ever  enough to be your Miss.

Still when you spoke your deepest woes,

Your dreams, mistakes and vows;

Somewhere in my deepest heart,

I thought your life made me a part.

So, that is why I shared with you,

My fear, blemish and view!

And it was worth it all, yes I am your love,

Because sleep captivates,unless and until love is all above. 

It was special too, yes he is my love,

He made my fears blow and my rage a dove.

How can I ask  love,

Anything more than I have now?

My sleep was not peeved, I couldn't even conceive,

The thing that happened now, or the thing before his leave,

Yes it is our first day,

But we waited long for this say.

So it is the  final pray,

When our love finally made a way.

And God,It is a fairy tale, when I met the prince of my spiel,

And it is  a happy end when I get to wear his veal.


"How can I be in love with someone else when I am so in love with you?How can I ask anything more than what I have now?"

Said once, a great man and 'me', the fortunate listener in that midnight conversation.

In remembrance of happy memories.

