The Difference

The alter between you and me,

So wide, opposite of what it seems,

Your selfishness reached it's peak,

Deceived me and proved yourself bleak.

Among the thousand non entities,

You chose the me, your best friend,

To folly, bond and destroy beyond remedies.

You stole my life and left me to end.

You chose to steal  my life,

Rather than create your own in a while.

The only mistake I did was to trust you,

Now everything is taken away to sue.

All my dreams are took and possessed,

My love undermined in your fake valiance,

Suppressed me and then shamelessly progressed,

Jealous to ooze my last smile by stealing my salience.

Well I pray for you not to succeed,

Because you can pretty easily proceed.

My life's at you mercy, head on heart,

And am bound to commitments to choose death!

An still everyone's blind to worship you,

But me I despise the very thought of you, wish your end!

I am not cruel, I know you as the real shrew,

Your deed not to be justified even when done by and evil fiend.

Withdrawn for your joy and you back stabbed,

No forgiveness, I see no reason for me to be dragged.

No explanations, you are the evil under the mask of civil, 

Disclose to your heart to not be a devil.

The wicked hidden angel face-but why?

Weren't I there to drive you up?

Or is that why you wanted me?-to reach height.

And now I am pushed to doom in the blowup.

How my love turned to hate and angry words,

You'll know once and cry thinking us as mates,

Don't ever repeat the tale,not all stops at wrangle,

Not everyone's love would forget it all for the tangle.



"It was a mistake, you said, but the sad thing is I felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you."-David Levithan, The Lover's Dictionary

Written in hurt of the betrayal from my most trusted sister.

